Do devs love tunneling and camping? if not why are they balancing the game around it?

kaskader Member Posts: 283

I have no clue how many years it still needs to pass until the devs understand that giving killer a purpose to not stay under the hook and not to tunnel is a good idea? As it is right now they are only nerfing those incentives thus FORCING killer to camp and tunnel. Lets explain it by examples:

POP: pop goes the weasel is probably the healthiest and the most balanced perk in the game. It rewards killer for hooking a survivor (thus for winning chases, thus for the killer's skill) and its strong effect is appealing enough to give killer a purpose to leave the hook, Its a win-win situation, killer is rewarded for getting hooks and actually feels like he achieved something and hooked survivor is ''Happy'' that killer not eating marshmallows in front of him. After the nerf pop will be so incredibly bad (if the gen is on 50% it will only remove 10%) that killers no longer gonna feel like its worth to leave the hook and kick the gen. So nerfing pop is a lose-lose situation, killer it forced to camp because there is no logical reason to go and kick the gen and survivor is pissed off that killer is camping. ALL THANKS TO THE DEVS. Pop should be base kit if anything.

Ruin: Another healthy perk that rewards the killer for applying the pressure and not staying under the hook. I don't really know what to say. Nerfing a perk that already is getting destroyed in 30 seconds is just a cringe. Hexes are DEAD. I would be okay with the nerf if the perk wasn't a hex or at least we could see some buffs to undying.

Corrupt: That change is really good. Tho i was expecting corrupt to be made a base kit. still good for killers that need it the most. Good change.

Pain res: I can believe the change is motivated only to remove pain res and DMS combo. What's going to happen after the nerf is that killers will just simply stay under the hook and camp the survivor because there will be no information to work with. Remove the scream so it no longer works with DMS and let the information stay. ITS ONLY HEALTHY FOR THE GAME DEVS.

So that's my take on those perk changes i really wanna believe that someday devs will realize the obvious fact that the killer needs to rewarded for not camping. If NOT tunneling and camping meta is here to stay :) making the game unfun for both sides.


  • Crimson_Lockhart
    Crimson_Lockhart Member Posts: 188
    edited June 2022

    Borrowed Time is getting added (Free 5th perk slot) by this logic they should add more free perks Kindred and Kinship.

  • Posh_xp
    Posh_xp Member Posts: 18

    Last I've heard, the dev's justification for enabling such controversial gameplay is because they believe it adds variety to the game, therefore making the game more fun. Aswell as the idea that these experiences are deliberately unfun (for the victims) which is good because such situations will subsequently breed frustration, thus influencing the affected players to play more in order to improve at the game. Conclusion: They do love tunneling and camping.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434

    I don't think they themselves play the game enough to get camped and tunneled to the extent that people know, so at this point I don't know what they are doing anymore.

    They keep saying that they value new players, yet Camping and Tunneling occurs from the BEGINNING. Meaning that someone who just bought the game who has no clue how to attempt to run a loop is screwed because they have no BT or DS perks. Yet the killer has accessibility to those playstyles from the start.

    I truly don't believe they know how easy it is to camp. Meaning it requires 0 skill.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,972

    They already camp and tunnel, even when there are no gens completed. Some even camp with Hex: Devour Hope or Make Your Choice. Besides many will Pop a gen and immediately return to the Hook to tunnel anyway.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,699

    Ruin: Another healthy perk that rewards the killer for applying the pressure and not staying under the hook. I don't really know what to say. Nerfing a perk that already is getting destroyed in 30 seconds is just a cringe. Hexes are DEAD. I would be okay with the nerf if the perk wasn't a hex or at least we could see some buffs to undying.

    The only part of the Ruin nerf I can agree with is the 'disables upon first death'. Honestly, if the killer gets their first hook in before Ruin is found, it's pretty easy to snowball that into a victory. So getting a full on kill before it's found would just guarantee death for the other three. This gives them at least a fighting chance.

    But halving the regression rate!? What the heck is up with that!?

    The lack of information adds nothing fun in 2022.

    I think it still add something fun. A bit of uncertainty. Not having that info changes your decision-making process and not having full knowledge of the killer is good for tension.

    The problem is just that Swiffer vs. Solo creates two massively distinct balancing plateaus that make balancing impossible, and it just has to go.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167
    edited June 2022

    What if the developers themselves are the ones who rely on camping when playing Killer? because thats the conclusion Ive reached yesterday.