You realize there's no counter for a spirit if they can hear you injured right?
Spirit used to be the 2nd best killer in the game (of course only behind the unbeatable nurse) because she could run stridor and she could still hear you grunt if you ran iron will. With the new iron will nerf, not only can spirit hear you with stridor, they dont even need to run stridor because nobody will run iron will. We are back to if spirit gets 1 hit on you the chase is over.
Ehm, no it's not actually. Because before in chase you had no idea where she was in the chase as the phase was omnidirectional whereas now you know exactly where she is mid chase. Over half her add-ons were nerfed. And you can tell that she's in phase whereas before she had the standstill mindgame.
The survivors actually took over the standstill mindgame from spirit with her nerf due to iron will. Unless she was running cherry blossom.
She's had a huge nerf and there's tons of counter play. This will help spirit that is true. But now's it's an even playing of hearing each other, not one side not having a clue where the other is at all.
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theres an audible cue & its pretty easy to track where she is when phasing.
looping spirit is not hard after her nerfs.
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Thank you for realizing. And here I thought she got nerfed and I can pinpoint her exact location in chase ever since. Silly me
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I'm not sure
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I'm not sure if you are asking for spirit nerfs or iron will to not be nerfed.
Iron will nerf is deserved. Survivors shouldn't have access to unconditional "make no sound". It's existence makes it harder for killers that benefit greatly from hearing survivor sound harder to actually balance. If Spirit ends up being a problem because survivors no longer have access to live iron will then she should get nerfed. But at least for the meantime we should at least see what happens as a result of the nerf instead of pre-emptively nerfing a killer due to a single perk change.
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Yeah no counter.
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One game of you escaping against a spirit means nothing.
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Spirit is fine now.
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I am not sure why are people mentioning that you can hear her, it actually does not matter if you are not close to a safe pallet to drop it she will down you regardless because she hears you. That's why IW was the only reliable counterplay because if she does not know where you are you can escape her. Not anymore.
Actually what I would consider a good Spirit (since her power is super easy to use in comparison to Nurse and Blight where you obviously can see if someone knows how to play them or no) is someone who can mind game you at loops using phasing and the only reason why that was even needed to do was because of Iron Will existence, that single perk actually made playing Spirit somewhat challenging because you have to use your game sense and try to outplay the other player.
Now you just hold m2 and follow the scratch marks, if they do not have a pallet they are dead, if they do you break it and phase again until you eventually hit them.
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Funny, you can use IW, yeah yeah it got nerfed blah blah but you can still use it to make yourself difficult to find, do you really think the spirit will be using stridor?
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Tell that to the cherry blossom spirit i went against the other day with no IW on Jake.
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I mean you can hear her phasing so if your at a pallet there shouldn't be a problem.
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I mean you can hear her phasing mid-chase so there is counterplay now even without Iron Will.
She still has some stupid busted add-ons like MDR or DCB that makes her really hard to play against if you do not have Iron will,DCB doesn't care about IW anyways but at least iron will made it harder for the spirit player to locate you.
She was always a boring killer to go against but saying that she has no counterplay is simply not true,sure the counterplay is not exciting/fun but that's another topic.
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Rember there was no counter to iron will before this updated
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Use your ears.
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Iron Will was over nerfed regardless of how it affects Spirit.
With Cherry Blossom she don’t need to hear you.
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Sure it does. Just like a screenshot of someone escaping vs nurse counts when the OP says "Nurse is unbeatable." When someone takes an extreme position, such that they leave themselves no room for an out, they also leave themselves open to be easily refuted by one off scenarios.
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Also, where talking about someone using a screenshot of them escaping against a spirit. Not whatever random made-up scenario you're babbling about.
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The "Random made-up scenario" you're alluding too, is literally an idea thrown out in OP's first post on this thread.
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Use your headphones in stereo mode.
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This just in killer can hit you if you a re in a dead zone! You have zero audio to read against iron will. You are heavilly dependant on scratch marks which has never been reliable. Now its an even playing fileds she hears you, you hear her. Shes faster you have pallets and vaults.
You entire ending paragraph descrbes every killer. Do you have a pallet or vault no then get hit. These really good spirits must be really exclusive because since a month the nerf i have seen 2. Both of which lost me multippes times because guess what i never leave the fog without my iron will.
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Me and many others have many clips or experiences of us doing well against spirit before all her nerfs and nerfs to killer perks.
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A good headset will do the trick
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Changes still not live and people cry already 😂Time for spirit chan to shine after her unreasonable nerfs,, the directional sound was a huge mistake and hopefully we get to see more of her now
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i don't think so... now she has too many clues about her direction when phasing... she is a shadow of herself... even with the IW nerf she's still weak
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Otz showed that nerfed IW is still amazing against Spirit.
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Mother Daughter ring and Dried Cherry blossom is what makes her OP, she's just borderline balance now.
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if you think there's no counter to IW you never played as a killer... and if you did you're bad at it
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Wait, sound occlusion doesnt swallow all survivor sounds behind a single wall anymore?
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Circumventing it by using different mechanics is not exactly a counter, because it just means that perk is 100% working.
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Yep. And for anyone mindlessly repeating that you can now hear her phasing so what? She'll still beat you to the loop with her speed advantage.
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as a spirit player, people with level 1 and 2 iron will messed me up more than people with level 3 so honestly i think nerfed iron will will be fine.
its the same reason i never liked using stridor cos it made me think people were right next to me that were 2 tiles away lol
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Isn’t killer supposed to have an advantage in a 1 vs 1 situation.
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I think that's probably because you are used to tier 3 where as tier 1 and 2 are very rarely used. You'll get used to the new tier 3 I'm pretty sure.
In any case yeah, the Otz vid for testing seems to be that Iron Will is still solid but if you really want Iron will back just use bite the bullet and a med kit and/or self care if you are paranoid of franklin's. That'll shut you up ;).
I do think though that crouching still should still be 100%/no sound as though focusing on suppressing it.
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100% would be too much, that's just basekit old Iron Will. But it would be nice to know what the noise reduction of crouching actually is.
Is it 25%? if so is it additive or multiplicative? Additive would make crouching with Iron Will silent again.
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Such an effect would only be 'old' Iron Will when crouching and being still and would not work under exhaustion. Hardly an optimal strategy and a killer would know to look for a stationary target if they suspected Iron Will was in play. Though admittedly the noise is pretty minimal anyway at 75% reduction with crouching.
The only issue I ever had with 100% Iron Will was that Stridor was basically useless because of it's existence. Not sure how it'll work now but I guess we'll find out.
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Actually someone on this Screenshot HAS iron will. Maybe everyone escaped because she chased the one with Iron Will the whole match?
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No she chased me a fair amount, and I duped her on several occasions, even when injured.
Like all killers, you still need to play the Spirit well, it's not as easy as just "wearing headphones = win".
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The perk doesn't make you disappear... you still leave marks and blood pools
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I was about to make an huge answer for that guy regarding how wrong he was and how IW essentially makes Spirit unplayable but you pretty much gave the best answer with one word. Well done.
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Then don't get hit.
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- she will down you regardless because she hears you.
Did you know that every other killer can also hear survivors? Also did you know that survivors can also hear Spirit? If you didn’t know, I’m glad to inform you of it. If you did know, what on earth was the point you were trying to make there?
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Did you know the spirit can move much much faster than the survivors? If the survivors could move much much faster than spirit I would say spirit would be in trouble if the survivors could hear her coming!
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So you’re saying the survivors should move faster than the killer?
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I suggest you play Spirit and see for yourself how ridiculous your statement sounds.
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Killers should start on hook and they can not move for 5 gens. This will be fair i guess.
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Lmao you post this like it proves something.
Skill issue.