Bubba vs Billy

FridayNightPizza Member Posts: 613
edited June 2022 in Polls

This isn't a question of who's stronger but rather who you enjoy playing as more, before I would have said bubba in a heartbeat but since I've been getting better at billy I'm finding him much more enjoyable. Bubba's chainsaw is simply unsatisfying to use because of how easy it is to use whereas with billy I feel like I've earned every chainsaw hit I land, plus zooming round the map directly into someone's dome will never not be fun.

Bubba vs Billy 46 votes

LaMupfelSacrilegeGGLx_malicePlantCollectorbm33BwstedSlowLorisAyamirFridayNightPizzaSlanKotelettphantomjohnlikesguns2TheMetalBillyTrash_MNStliff 15 votes
Hail_to_the_KingMiriamGHellraisingPredatorSebaOutbreakGlamourousLeviathan[Deleted User]FobboGannTMkatapadViktor1853N8dogPSPAurelleINoLuvspliffysandsSlingshot47JudithMorelGamerGumball96AReallyBoredHuman 19 votes
I hate both!
brokedownpalaceteaThatOneDemoPlayerK139K05 4 votes
I love both!
toxik_survivorWampiritaGhouled_MojoHeaderBennett_They1ThemAlex_BothSidesEnjoyerBusbee 8 votes


  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513
    I love both!

    I like going against both unless they camp.

    I'm not that great at either, but I still like playing both.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Bubba is easier to use and less frustrating to play as.

  • SebaOutbreak
    SebaOutbreak Member Posts: 399

    If we're talking about who I enjoy playing as more, I'd say Bubba. Not a big fan of him, but I've never really liked using Hillbilly, even back then when he was one of the best Killers in the game.

    That being said, in terms of going against, I enjoy playing against Hillbilly a lot more.

  • johnlikesguns2
    johnlikesguns2 Member Posts: 82
    edited July 2022

    Billy definitely. When you are good with him, it's so fun to use him. Snipe people. curve, traverse the whole map in seconds. Bubba will never achieve what Billy is. But of course, Billy takes skill, unlike Bubba. That's why the majority vote for Bubba rather then actually learn Billy boy.

  • TheMetalBilly
    TheMetalBilly Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2022

    Billy. When you learn how to curve and perform techniques it is incredibly satisfying to down a survivor, as it feels you have genuinely outplayed them. Bubba can be fun too however I find him to be a little underwhelming. There isn't much like doing an amazing Billy curve, landing it and knowing the survivor is probably impressed too. On the flip side though, there are many counters to Billy. A little too many. Billy is the one of the only killers that can be countered fully by little things like z walls and stairs. If I was going against a comp team I'd probably have a more relaxing match as Bubba, but there's something about the pure fast paced action that makes me enjoy Billy more.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,853

    You can argue a really good Billy is better than a really good Bubba but overall Bubba just feels better to play.

  • Ayamir
    Ayamir Member Posts: 291

    Definitely Billy he can be really frustrating to play as sometimes but hitting those spicy car curves with double engravings is always so satisfying even tho it rarely happens since most survivors know to never hug loops against a Billyboi.

    there are just alot of tricks and fun things you can do while playing Billy,I feel like Bubba is just too simple too "basic" yeah moonsaws exists etc but its not as satisfying as Billy curves.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623
    I hate both!

    I can't get the hang of either chainsaw

  • Slingshot47
    Slingshot47 Member Posts: 155

    Billy would be more fun if so many maps weren't cluttered with stuff for him to bump into (Garden of Joy and RPD especially).