Matchmaking is ATROCIOUS & has ruined this anniversary event
Enough is enough. Something has to be done about this horrible matchmaking/MMR system. Give me longer ques for quality matches- what we currently have is RIDICULOUS. This is VERY frustrating. A lot of us paid WAAAAAY too much money on this game’s DLC’s & Auric Cells for us to be ignored. I personally have invested north of $400 over 4 years.
I’m constantly getting new players who are not familiar with the game/inexperienced as teammates. As a result, whenever I see their auras via being hooked or via perks, they’re doing absolutely NOTHING. The killer & its terror radius can be far from them, but they’re too scared to go for a rescue, do an objective like Pinhead’s lament box, or even get on a gen. They’re either standing still, pacing back and forth, hiding in a locker, or crouched behind a bush. AGAIN- NO TERROR RADIUS, nor a stealth/teleporting killer in play. Then to add injury to insult, the killer is not only more experienced than them, but me as well! I can’t carry a team of newbies- I’m not that good at the game. I belong in mid MMR, and it feels like I’m getting low MMR teammates to go against HIGH MMR killers. What the hell is that, BHVR?? THIS IS NOT FUN. THIS IS IRRITATING!! Then you have a lot of them killing themselves on hook or DC’ing out of frustration because the team is getting stomped. Every 5 games now I get at least one teammate who DC’s, and every 3 games I get one person who lets go on hook- even when they see someone running to come save them.
Then when I turn around to play killer, I get the sweatiest of survivors (mostly SWF’s), yet as killer I should be in low MMR. WHERE ARE THE SURVIVORS I GET TEAMED UP WITH AS SURVIVOR, WHEN I PLAY KILLER?? WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL IS THIS MATCHMAKING??? All this to say, this has made the current Tome & Masquerade Tome VERY challenging. This might be the first time I may not complete a Tome. I have less than 16 hours left for Masquerade and I’m barely halfway through, due to all the shenanigans I’ve been dealing with since the anniversary event began.
Yea it’s nice to get into games almost instantly, but it defeats the purpose if 7/8 of those games in a row are bad quality. I just want more consistency with my teammates & opponents. At the very least, give me a potato killer to go with my potato teammates, or give me my fellow mid MMR players to go against a High MMR Nurse. And as killer, give me my fellow low mmr survivors to vs., or even mid- instead of the High MMR SWF’s with 8K plus hours who know every loop, nook, and cranny of every map and every trick in the “tech” book. This is obscene.
The sad truth is BHVR doesn't care about OUR money because they already have it. They care about getting more money by drawing in new players.
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The issue wasn't matchmaking that ruined this event...what ruined it was....
1. Both Survivors and Killers didn't care about the other side and either Rushed Gens to leave asap or tunneled and camped people out.
2. How to find the Invites was not thought out fully and was horrible in itself as well. No audio que when you were close and a 4m aura is not easy to find especially on Killers with their limited vision.
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Honestly as someone who has thousands of hours on the game, it isn't as enjoyable as it used to be. Back when the Rank was what what making the matches. I still play a bunch, I hit iri every month, but its a pain to get there. As OP stated, Almost every other game I'm getting teammates that aren't doing anything, they just sit in corners, or hide in lockers. Ive even found that I'm facing a 3v1 more matches as well, People are getting bored and they are turning to their teammates and being bullies to them. I've gotten trapped in a corner (doing a totem) by a teammate more times than I can count and then I'm left on hook to die on my first hook. At least give us something to go on, This up down up down roller coaster that has been "MMR" is just a load of bs. Just like OP I get the not so well teammates as a survivor, but As a ash 3 killer I get the hardcore bully flashlight swf groups that can run for 20 mins. I know I need to "get good" but its hard to want to learn to play killer when this is your game all the time. There is no middle ground, you either get stomped or you get complete new people that don't know what there are doing and you kill them in 2 mins. Rank needs to be addressed again.
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Ranks system was better.
DBD devs are just too narc to admit they failed :/
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They want the MMR system to work so bad, but its not working at all tbh. Can't tell me as a ash 3 killer I should be going up against when Im guessing is a full iri squad that can run like forrest gump. I know Im a trash killer, But I don't want to "get good" when the system is like this. Theres no point..Its all over the place..A mess.
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Rank based was what I started with and it was so much fun, when sbmm came out i quit killer and now rarely play the game anymore cuz of unfun sweaty games.
I feel you, sadly their ego is too strong to admit that wasn't a good idea.
I guess we just don't understand hockey
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Thank you, Mrs. Malicious- you get it. It truly is a mess, & all over the place.
I agree with both points.
Same. I started with it as well at it was much better. It wasn’t perfect, and it had its flaws that I complained about as well- but dear Lawd this SBMM ish is 10x worse. WOW.
Lmao at “hockey.” I truly believe “he” is the reason why SBMM stays in place. I think ultimately it’s his call, but it really should be US- the paying consumer and players playing who should have that decision. I get it- they invested a lot of time, research, and man hours into SBMM- but what good is it if the majority of your player base dislike it??