Do you think they will nerf OTR ?

When they look at the PTB and decide to throw some changes at Off the record. do you think they will be nerfs ?

I think they'll buff OTR again , because current devs is a survivor sided.


  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    Down to 60 sec, probably.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    Parental Guidance was "nerfed" (I dont consider it a Nerf before it went live) from the PTB to Live. From bad to even worse.

  • Ayamir
    Ayamir Member Posts: 291

    they better do it's broken in it's current state rn.

    Just make it a better stealth perk nobody used OTR beceause it was only 80 seconds of 100% grunts of pains reduction and you needed to get hooked so it did not help you in your first chase,iron will is not temporary and 100% at all time,did not need to get hooked to make the perk useful.

    but now with the Iron will nerf to 75% and OTR staying at 100% reduction this perk might actually be a better IW,don't need to stack another endurance effect on it...

    This endurance meta is looking to be very boring.

    but dw OTR is getting nerfed for sure.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Parental guidance can be great with head on or smash hit. It didn't need the reduction though.

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,239

    Honestly I hate this perk both as survivor and killer.

    I hate when survivors have that crutch perk that will make them lazy and never learn to play the game without crutching on perks.

    Just remove the endurance overall,making it 60 seconds will mean nothing.

    This perk is op even if it was just 15 seconds because its literally a self bt in case the survivor who unhooks you doesn't have bt.

    Very bad change and I hope they remove the endurance ffect and give it something else.

    This was supposed to be a stealth perk not make you godlike for 80 seconds unless the killer hits you.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611
    edited June 2022

    I think they'll make it desactivate in end-game like DS, bc it's stupid to make one desactivate but not the other (and they're not going to revert DS nerf)

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    This perk is 10 times stronger than DS ,,,if this gets to live expect even more killers face camping every single hook with stbfl,,i wouldn't blame them with hoe stupid OTR is ,,,

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    about 4/6 for nerf/no nerf, they are famous for somehow manages to release plenty of literal broken perks to live server.

  • RisingTron
    RisingTron Member Posts: 508

    I finally got the perk I've been wanting for months, if not years. "Borrowed Time, but for myself instead of having to rely on other survivors not to farm me." and now y'all already want it straight up gone? 15 seconds OP? My god bruh just don't tunnel lmao.

    Just lower the numbers for crying out loud. Or buff BT and give me the perk I need. I'm sick of getting farmed and the 5 second endurance is not enough.

    For so long I've been saying "BT is great and all, but I really wish the endurance applied to me as well so I wouldn't get farmed." and now I finally got it. But now a 15 second endurance off hook is OP. Just shoot me dead.

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,239

    Yeah,I was reffering about OTR how it makes bt useless.

  • RisingTron
    RisingTron Member Posts: 508

    Off the Record is literally the perk I'm talking about. It's BT but it applies to yourself rather than relying on another survivor to have BT. Yeah 80 seconds or whatever is too long, but I don't think the endurance should be shafted altogether. I've been wanting "BT for myself" for months. I like running BT myself, but in solo queue you can't rely on other survivors to not just farm you off hook.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    If I were to bet, I would say its going LIVE as is, they maybe change it to 60 secs in future

  • lav3
    lav3 Member Posts: 758

    I think so. Lucky Break was also nerfed. Then buffed again, very powerful but not the type of meta perk.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,211

    Which will do nothing to solve the problem.

    They need to add "recovering a full health state" to conspicious actions.

    They also need to make it so endurance effects of DH and MoM cannot be used while in deep wound.

    DH causes deepwound itself anyway so it already shouldn't be exempt.

    MoM doesnt inflict deepwound because its seen as a niche perk with a high cost. This is not the case anymore, now that various endurance effects make it incredibly easy to score 3 protection hits in rapid succession.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    I didn't say it was going to solve anything. I said what I think they're gonna do, given precedents.

    And they already said they're not adding recovering a health state to conspicuous actions. Which lead me to believe I'm reading their intentions correctly.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,211
    edited June 2022

    @MandyTalk said they're not adding "being healed" to conspicious actions, because as a survivor you have no control over if another survivors taps the heal button. But you absolutely have control over sitting there for 16 seconds while they heal you to healthy.

    "But For The People..."

    Doesn't matter, you've still gained an extra health state, which is the point of OtR, it's no longer needed.

    This is like running Unbreakable, and then complaining that it's not fair you don't get to use Unbreakable as an extra health state when another survivor picks you up instead. You've acheived the same result either way.

    Survivors now have a very easy way of getting 3-5 additional health states, that are in no way niche scenarios, but a very common occurence when survivors decide to bodyblock off the hook, which is every damn game.

    They always said they didn't want to make it impossible for killers to camp, as it's a legitimate tactic. Well that's exactly what they've accomplished. Killers can no longer come within 32m of a freshly unhooked survivor for up to 80s as they wil be completely invulnerable and will not hesitate to harass the killer and take repeated bodyblock hits.

    The killer now has to actively avoid 2 of the 4 survivors.

    Literally running away from the scary survivors.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    It'll go live the way it is just like Boil Over did. The devs don't even play killer at anywhere close to a level where they'd see the endurance bodyblocking as a problem

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    They nerfed lucky break though. And parental guidance.

    When lucky break was buffed it was to strong in ptb so it was nerfed. I love how everyone loves to spew bullshit but they actually DO nerf survivor perks from ptb.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869
    edited June 2022

    If endurance didn't stack all of these perks wouldn't be as good as they are now. People need to focus on that instead of just nerfing single perks. Address the real issue. Multiple health states being possible.

    The thing I don't understand is why they destroyed ds and made otr better in the end game. They even made stun shorter for whatever reason making ds not worth running.

    But they did that with other perks as well, they just turned weak into strong and vice versa.

    I also don't understand why calm spirit has the debuff or why I have to play ace if I decide to run iw now.

    But game was always like this in a way, we should just embrace it and adapt lol. I will use strong stuff on both sides if I feel like it idc. If endurance stays as it is I'm stacking it. If not I will still use otr because it is a good perk to run unless they make it weak. Whatever.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    It'll probably get nerfed before release

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,228

    They should, but I doubt it. It would be too long at 20 seconds. There are a lot of genuinely frustrating perks on both sides in this PTB. You're making gens 90 seconds. We don't need Call Of Brine+Overcharge with these numbers. You're adding base BT. We don't need stacking endurance with an 80 second window.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 905

    I think they will add the full healing deactivation by teammates.

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    My guess is that they will lower the seconds to 60 and that's it. After a few months of having that they will nerf it on a next update.

    My wish thought is that its also deactivated on endgame or after being fully healed.

  • Cameragosha
    Cameragosha Member Posts: 630
    edited June 2022
  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    With how much killers are crying about it, most definitely.

  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464

    They will, is not balanced, they balanced the game for the killer and unbalanced at the same time, if they do it will be a perfect patch, ds needed the nerf

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited June 2022

    oh its not just killers, twitter has enough survivor mains making vids showing it OP devs will see those way long before some killer gripe on a forum.

    Survivors are showcasing it as well just not in same way, more like "look ma I can take 6 hits now stupid baby killers" devs have shown us time and time again, survs will abuse anything and everything, and in the end devs have to address it. Not because of killers, because of survs own actions

  • deKlaw_04
    deKlaw_04 Member Posts: 3,660

    lmao the endurance stalking is a problem. And tbh dead hard is still really strong unfortunately

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    But they want higher kill rate they said, and this perk will make kill rate lower probably so they have to nerf it a lot. It's a lot better than old DS since you can use it more than once also.

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    Given their history of releasing OP stuff live despite overwhelming feedback against it, I would say probably not

  • JudithMorel
    JudithMorel Member Posts: 562

    Yes, they will change OTR and leave Overcharge alone, knowing the devs.

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    OTR as it currently stands in the PTB is better BT, better DS and better Iron Will for 80 seconds. It's absolutely insane and will become the absolute top meta perk across the board.

    And for all that claim "But you can't progress the game if you have OTR active!" you can easily get healed by your team-mates and become the Designated BodyBlocker, plus of course it's a guaranteed escape if activated in the endgame.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    It's not the live environment is their testing ground, but they need time to make changes.

    They have to actually gather feedback, look at the data, and decide what needs to be done and changed. Then they have to actually make those changes and send them through whatever their internal version control process is. Then they have to send that build to consoles and unlike on PC, on console every update has to be certified by the respective company (Microsoft/Sony/etc.)

    The certification process alone can take a whole week. So that basically allows them 2 weeks to decide what needs to change and actually change it for live. This leaves them with a small window to actually make changes.

    That approval process is not necessary for PC. In fact, once upon a time PC always got updates earlier than console versions of the game because of this, but people didn't like that and so now they slow down the PC updates for console players.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    Lucky break

    Hangmans Trick

    When was the last time they actually let a problematic perk hit live unchanged? Can only think of Mettle of Man, and thats ages ago. Or you could say Boil Over, but that was only busted on certain maps, and could be countered by just slugging. So not universally broken like mettle was.

    So an alternate explanation for your claim would be, that there are just not many perks that need to be changed between PTB and live for being too strong. As they often say, they usually bring new perks with rather safe numbers, and buff them later. You can critiize that. But a really problematic perk usually gets addressed after PTB, and I excpect OTR to get some change as well (maybe disable it in end game like DS).

    About the PTB meant for promoting content and finding crashes: YES, THATS ITS PURPOSE! For one, the new features are the main reason for many players playing on PTB. If there's nothgin new, why should they bother to download the PTB? For two, BHVR won't have the manpower to find all the crashes themselves, so the PTB is important in that regard, since there will be much more players testing things out.

    And don't we have some major gameplay changes this PTB?

  • Ricardo170373
    Ricardo170373 Member Posts: 686

    OTR doesnt need a nerf, but, the Endurance status effect should be not stackable, and any endurance should be gone if you be healthy

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,159

    I hope they send both OTR and Overcharge into live as is. As a console player I want to see how both are in a regular live match.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,371

    Maybe I have too much hope for the devs, but I would hope after release MoM issue years ago the devs will nerf OTR (or endurance) in some manner before sending it live. Will it be enough? probably not. But I doubt the devs will do absolutely nothing before sending it live.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    It will either not stack with other endurance effects (my preference) or it will disable in endgame (which would just make it pointless to try saving someone from the hook after the last gen is popped, since the killer can just immediately tunnel them).

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    They probably should. 80 seconds is a long time. Even DS is only 60.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Probably in a year or so.

    But don't worry, that whole time they'll be "mOnItOrInG iT!"

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    The only nerfs I want to see are not activating after the fifth gen is popped, and possibly deactivating upon being fully healed by another survivor. Otherwise, it’s good.

    Also, L-E-L at current devs being “survivor-sided”. Get real.

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    Make BT 7% speed boost and15 sevs endurance each time u get unhooked.

  • socalfusions
    socalfusions Member Posts: 123

    In light of the recent killer buffs across the board OTR is trivial when factoring in the abysmal survival rate of solo que players, in that regard OTR could only use buffs because players with zero tools to communicate are bound to fail and that's exactly what happens in solo que lobbies. OTR at best is just going to give dogshit players a buffer to not get dunked on right after the hook, no solo que player is going to effectively body block for 80 seconds despite how bad killers want to believe it. Solo que is doomed after these changes and the chances of winning are much slimmer when the killer does everything 10% faster and every gen takes 10 seconds longer, you can't even expect solo que players to perform on live so the update will just end whatever chances they may have had.