New Meta Builds on ALL Killers 6.1.0 PTB Patch

zeplore Member Posts: 95

For those not wanting to watch, i will put the builds here below, let me know what you guys think!

Trapper: Deadlock // Corrupt // STBFL // Jolt

Wraith: Deadlock // Sloppy // Thana // Jolt

Billy: Deadlock // Infectious // Bamboozle // Thrilling Tremors

Nurse: Deadlock // Starstruck // Infectious // Thrilling Tremors

Huntress: Deadlock // Lethal Pursuer // Bitter Murur // Darkness Revealed (for the record i LOVE this build)

Myers: Deadlock // Infectious // Bamboozle // Jolt

Hag: Corrupt // Devour // Undying // Pentamento

Doctor: Deadlock // Jolt // STBFL // Overcharge

Bubba: Deadlock // Bamboozle // Monitor // Infectious

Freddy: Deadlock // Overcharge // Call of Brine // Thrilling Tremors

Pig: Deadlock // Monitor // Whispers // Jolt

Clown: Deadlock // Jolt // STBFL // Sloppy Butcher

Spirit: Deadlock // Jolt // Fearmonger // Sloppy Butcher

Legion: Deadlock // Thana // Jolt // Monitor

Plague: Deadlock // Thana // Plaything // Pentimento

Ghostface: Deadlock // Jolt // Whispers // Sloppy Butcher

Demo: Deadlock // STBFL // Enduring // Spirit Furry

Oni: Deadlock // Infectious // Monitor // Scourge Hook: Floods of Rage

Deathslinger: Deadlock // Jolt // STBFL // Starstruck

Pyramid Head: Deadlock // Im All Ears // Nurse's Calling // Monitor

Blight: Lethal Pursuer (/w compound-21 add-on) // Deadlock // Thrilling Tremors // Fearmonger

Twins: Sloppy Butcher // Call of Brine // Overcharge // Dragons Grip

Trickster: Deadlock // Lethal Pursuer // Iron Maiden // Darkness Revealed

Nemesis: Deadlock // Dead Mans Switch // Plaything // Pentimento

Pinhead: Deadlock // Franklin's // Hoarder // Dead Mans Switch

Artist: Deadlock // Deadmans Switch // Thrilling Tremors // Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance

Onyro: Deadlock // Make Your Choice // Call of Brine // Overcharge

Dredge: Deadlock // Sloppy // Thana // Jolt

**Lethal Pursuer synergies on Huntress/Trickster reloading is amazing when combined with Darkness Revealed, it also synergizes very well on Blight w/ compound 21.

**Deadmans Switch is great on Artist/Pinhead/Nemesis as Bird Shots/Chain Hunt/Zombies can force survivors off gens naturally without walking all the way over to a gen.

**Deadlock is going to be the #1 anti-gen rush killer perk, usually preventing any 2 gens from popping within 30 seconds of eachother, unless there is a 3rd survivor on a 3rd gen elsewhere.

**Jolt not having a cooldown is huge for when you encounter two injured survivors around a gen that is near completion, especially w/ STBFL, can easily get 2 procs on the gen with 2 downs and regress the gen by 16%. I think this will be the #2 best killer perk in general for slowing the game down in your favor. In my spirit game i was able to jolt a gen 3 times in 20 seconds w/ 3 downs, I think the potential is quite large.

**Fearmonger on Blight to not have to worry about sprint burst or dead hard endurance is quite nice, it is even nicer on Spirit to negate any Iron-Will users for the sake of consistency when it comes to the volume of the survivors grunts of pain when injured. Not that many people will use Iron Will, but its primary effect alone is enough to warrants its use on Spirit/Blight (As well as any other mobile M1 killers, Nurse comes to mind).

**Thrilling Tremors serves as a nice BBQ alternative as you can know which gens the survivors are on, while blocking other gens for a short period of time.

What do you guys think of the new meta, do you have any other builds? I think these builds will generally be the best following patch 6.1.0 for the 28 killers currently in Dead by Daylight.


  • zeplore
    zeplore Member Posts: 95

    Dying Light could definitely work, only downside being that -% to healing speed isnt really beneficial, but ofc the -% to gen repair is. Obviously the 33% faster healing the obsession gets is rendered useless, so overall a fair trade imo. I like the idea of the iri add-on Black Insense with Lethal Pursuer so that it gives an additional 2 seconds of information every time a survivor pukes, PLUS you can get a survivor or two infected very quickly while noting the direction the others are headed from the start (know where to infect next). Shame Dying Light does not effect totem cleansing speed, then it would be a absolute menace with this build.

    Deadlock is just a very comfy perk, nobody likes the hear the ding of a completed gen back to back. If running the Iri Seal add-on that gives you her corrupt purge after each gen is done, deadlock can guarantee you don't get a double dose of the power, potentially "missing out" on a later instance of getting your power mid chase when you need it most.

    With a gen taking 90 seconds base kit...

    30% pentimento = +27 seconds

    4 Thana = 22% = +20 seconds

    3 Dying Light stacks = 9% = +8 seonds

    So with all 4 injured, a Pentimento hex up, and after hooking 3 non-obsession survivors you would get an additional 55 seconds, adding to 90, being 145 seconds total. Curious how you got to the 230 seconds, at max stacks of Dying light (33%) with 4 stacks thana (22%) plus pentimento (30%) that would be 90 seconds + 30 seconds + 20 seconds + 27 seconds = 167 seconds

    --> but this is honestly irrelevant since at this point you have 11 hooks and have basically won.

  • Exor
    Exor Member Posts: 256

    The thing is the math works different as far as I remember and also from what I saw during my tests. You don't increase the time gens take directly, you lower the charges per survivor. Since you need 90 charges to finish a gen now, reducing the charges from 1c/s to less than 0.25c/s at max stacks (76% slowdown), results in multiplying the time it takes to finish a gen by more than 4 since you need more than 4 times the charges, so gens go from 90s to 375s. Funny enough if you stack absolutely everything perfectly and have one survivor affected with gift of pain, that one survivor can end up doing a gen for I kid you not 666.66666....7 seconds.

    I agree though, Deadlocked is a very nice perk to reduce the situations where multiple gens pop and it does indeed synergize well with her ultra rare.

    The reason I recommend Dying Light over that though is because having slowdown over 50% exponentially increases the value of each % of slowdown you have past it, since for example 5.5% of thana by itself is not the same increase as 5.5% when you already have 50% slowdown.

  • zeplore
    zeplore Member Posts: 95

    I thought all of the %'s are relative to the base value, so you're saying each additional effect decreasing the %, is based on the newly decreased value?

    Example: 4 thana stacks are 22%, so the gens take 110 seconds instead of 90. If you Pentamento a hex, its 30% of 110 and not 90, so it adds 33 seconds (0.3 x 110), NOT 27 seconds (0.3 x 90).

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623
    edited June 2022

    Hard disagree with that Demogorgon build.

    First Save The Best For Last never has been and never will be meta on Demogorgon, not as long as Black Heart exists.

    Second of all, Lethal Pursuer with Enduring is better than Endfury.

    Lethal Pursuer will synergize extremely well with Demogorgon's best Add-On, that being Leprose Lichen, increasing its effect by 2 seconds (from 3 up to 5 seconds). That's extremely powerful, better than any other Aura reading Perk in the game.

    Deadlock, I'm iffy on. It can work, but it depends on how you like to play Demogorgon. As someone who enjoys controlling the Map more than chases (as Shred is already an amazing chase tool), Call Of Brine or Overcharge would be better, or maybe both if you don't want to use Enduring.

    A "meta" Demogorgon build would probably be something along the lines of:

    Lethal Pursuer/No Way Out/Enduring/Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance

    Post edited by ThatOneDemoPlayer on
  • Exor
    Exor Member Posts: 256

    All of it is additive but it doesn't affect the generator directly but instead the Charges per second of Survivors. Adding 75% to gens would make them last 157.5 seconds, but reducing the charges of Survivors by 75% instead quadruples the time it takes for survivors to fix gens since instead of restoring 1 charge per second they restore 0.25, which means that they will need 360s to finish a gen. Thats why everything past 50% gets more value, 50% charge reduction means you need 180s to do a gen, but only 25% more DOUBLES that again to 360.

  • zeplore
    zeplore Member Posts: 95

    I forgot that demo also had an add-on which synergizes with Lethal Pursuer, albeit it is an Iri.

    STBFL /w 8 stacks on demo along w/ the 10% weapon recovery, you can now shred a survivor thru their speed boost, so it does have a place on Demo imo, being able to 2-tap a survivor thru their speed boost is a nice potential that wasn't exactly feasible prior, you cant 2 tap shred w/ Black Heart alone.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    Starstruck without Agitation? That's a passarino for me.

  • zeplore
    zeplore Member Posts: 95

    Happy to hear what you disagree with, and what perks should be replaced with what on each killer, this is an open discussion forum 😀

    I'm not the best Nurse so i personally favor a Slowdown over an additional 12 meters on my exposed AOE when carrying, could totally see where a good Nurse would prefer Agi tho!

  • KnotEnthusiast
    KnotEnthusiast Member Posts: 464

    With all due respect, Demo is literally a STBFL machine, with Nemesis being the only other killer that even comes close to the value he gets out of it. 8 stacks of STBFL can turn a game moreso than any perk that isn't DHope IMO, as Demo can use it to get downs stupid fast. Black Heart doesn't invalidate this, it just means you can keep stacks by shredding the obsession even easier. And if the successful shred attack cooldown doesn't decrease to 2.7 seconds like basic attacks do (I assume it will, but if not) then Black Heart is even less impactful.

    If I had to choose a "meta" Demo build, at the moment it would be BBQ Pain Resonance Dead Man's Switch STBFL, but on the new patch it would likely be something like STBFL, Jolt, Scourge:PR and some fourth perk of your choice (I'd prob still go BBQ cuz knowing which portal to tp to after a hook is nice). Or if you are a Barb's Glasses enthusiast, something like STBFL, Jolt and EndFury would also be good.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209
    edited June 2022

    I know for a fact that 4 slowdown is stronger then Starstruck or Starstruck + Agi, CURRENTLY. I am not sure how that will play out post patch, but I definitely feel that if you're gonna run starstruck at all, you should be putting on Agi. It makes the build. I would just recommend not playing around Starstruck if you can't find the room for Agi.

    Edit: For Deathslinger as well, as I looked at your recommendation for him as well and he's a piss-poor slowboy too.

  • Sadako_Best_Girl
    Sadako_Best_Girl Member Posts: 662
    • Onyro: Deadlock // Make Your Choice // Call of Brine // Overcharge

    This... Doesn't really work. With no info perks Sadako really struggles, you REALLY need to calculate the TVs you are going to teleport to or you will lose both map pressure and potential slowdown. I love gen kicking builds with baby girl Sadako but TWO perks dedicated to it may be too much, I have found call of brine to be more than enough, sacrificing your info for more slowdown isn't really worth it. Make your choice is pretty ass since she has no way of reaching hooks quickly, you don't have tv's near hooks most of the time (but don't get me wrong, it's really nice when you do). And deadlock? Why? Sure, she can use the time but so does literally every other killer in the game, I would even go as far as to say that it is detrimental as most of the time you want survivors sticking their noses to their precious gens so you can build condemned with the TVs near them.

    I would say that she is possibly the killer that benefits the most from the increased generator repairing speeds because it will allow her to build condemned more effectively, the amount of times survivors have repaired a gen in my face just as I am about to exit a TV is horrendous. So she will most likely benefit from the thana buff.

    A couple of better builds I can think of:

    • Thana/Sloppy/STBFL/(info perk of your liking, preferably BBQ or floods of rage)
    • Overcharge/Dragon's grip/(info perk)/Pop
    • Gift of pain/Floods of rage/agitation/starstruck (god tier on indoor maps)

  • zeplore
    zeplore Member Posts: 95

    I am very much a barb glasses enjoyer 😎 end/fury seems best on Demo for sure, that last build listed is the one I had suggested.

    Seems like BBQ would have been the best info perk to tell when to teleport to a TV, do you think Floods of Rage is now the best?

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    That requires you to even get 8 Stacks, which you shouldn't aim for when Shred exists.

    As stated above, going for 8 Stacks of STBFL is a waste of time when Shred exists.

    Barbecue isn't meta, it grants you info you can get by using Leprose Lichen or just PR.

    PR is meta on Demogorgon, but DMS isn't. DMS is one of the most overrated Perks imo.

    Like I said, I don't think STBFL is meta on Demogorgon, or any Killer for that matter.

    Jolt won't be meta on Demogorgon, just because Shred exists and you there's realistically no reason to use your M1.

    Endfury is fine but Enduring on its own is g ood enough

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,779

    Otz tested the combo a bunch on his PTB stream.

    It's actually super underwhelming due to the period/timing during emergence that the add-on kicks in.

    Maybe it wasn't working properly....he thought it wasn't for a good portion of the test.

  • Sadako_Best_Girl
    Sadako_Best_Girl Member Posts: 662

    BBQ is far more consistent because it works on most maps and you have greater control of when you want it to proc, but floods of rage is absolutely devastating given the right circumstances and really elevates Sadako on indoor maps, one of it's biggest upsides is that most of the time survivors don't even expect it. Floods of rage saved 3 of my games by telling me where a survivor was going put their tape.

  • zeplore
    zeplore Member Posts: 95
    edited June 2022

    I saw Scott do it just fine last night, 8 stacks STBFL into shred while survivor was running forward, that is.

    Using BBQ after they removed the double blood points feels sad not gonna lie lol, I might just start using Floods on her and see how it goes

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093
    edited June 2022

    -- Pig: Deadlock // Monitor // Whispers // Jolt

    I've never been a fan of either Monitor or Whispers on Pig. Even with the change to Spine Chill, she's just not a stealth killer along the lines of Myers, Wraith, or GF due to extremely slow crouch speed. Gen grabs are too fickle to go for, and most maps are too big for her to go stealthing around for too long at any point in the match, IMO. Whispers is really only best at the very beginning or very end of the match, and Monitor doesn't reduce her TR enough to warrant the slot with her slow crouch speed.

    I'm not a fan of Deadlock either on her -- especially since the RNG on her traps was changed -- you WANT survivors to get at least a couple of gens done. Active traps = survivors who won't all be getting them off on first Jigsaw Box anymore, and that's usually the slowdown I need to bring gen progress screeching to halt once the party hats start going on.

    I still think Corrupt should still work fine with her (which I run currently), since if I'm getting a down early, I don't care if it deactivates (since someone is getting a trap on their head very early in that case). I've run Plaything for a while on her now (paired with the Face Mask add-on -- the aura blindness means they're not seeing their totem until their hat comes off) -- it's nasty already, and the change to Spine Chill will only mean it causes more havok.

    I could see Jolt as a gen slowdown perk (Pig still needs one -- I'd rather something that I can repeatedly get use from, whether it be Pop/Overcharge/Call of Brine/Scourge Hook or Jolt over the one-time use per gen that Deadlock gives). While Deadlock can work with some killers, I think it's somewhat of an overrated perk and not woth an automatic slot, especially with the options for actual regression that are available.

    I still plan on running Corrupt/Plaything to go with a gen slowdown. STBFL is good on almost every killer now I feel like, and even with Pig's Ambush being inconsistent depending on how good the survivors play around it, it might be the 4th perk for me going forward. I am looking forward to seeing how the new changes work with all of the killers.

    As someone who can hit Shreds, but not as consistently as I'd like to, I've always gotten great value out of STBFL, but I can see your point on the perk. What I 100% agree with you on is the effectiveness of Lepose Lichen as an add-on. Not only is it Demo's best add-on, it's straight-up arguably the best add-on in the game for ANY killer. An on-command (literally) aura reading on all survivors, regardless of situation or distance, is insanely good. i'll probably try LP with it, but I even think that's overkill -- the 3 seconds alone after a port is usually enough for me to get all of the info I need when I'm taking advantage of it.

  • CrowVortex
    CrowVortex Member Posts: 968

    As an Artist main, my current build was DMS / Pain Ress / Agitation / Deadlock, But with the upcoming changes i will no longer run these perks as they no longer go hand in hand in my opinion.

    Come patch day i'll be switching to Eruption / Overcharge or Brine / Plaything and Pentimento. - Theory being downing anyone while eruption is active and someone is on the gen will act like DMS for that person but still regress until someone else taps it for 25 seconds. Overcharge still has the skillcheck afaik with the new regression, Brine feels like it would go better with eruption though. Plaything and Pentimento for the slowdowns, with mangled addon and severed hands, to possibly prevent the off the record play if they try and heal under hook.

    As Dredge, i would opt for Make your choice / Dragon's Grip / Overcharge / Some aura perk. Absolutely best user of exposed perks in my opinion, and will make up for the upcoming bodyblock meta.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    I haven't gotten consistent value from STBFL in a long time, whenever I run it, I only get 3-4 Stacks just because of how often I hit Survivors with my Shred

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,606

    I kinda disagree with the Pig build...

    I personally don't like M&A... I can't explain it though

    I half was thinking I'd see a lot more Overcharge and Call Of Brine... but luckily not

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    I'm immediately put off by any list that looks like: "I like this perk so it goes on everything."

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    I've always felt if you're getting value out of STBFL on Demo, it's because you're neglecting to use his power which does basically the same thing but better; shorten chases.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,919

    I don’t really agree with Whispers and Sloppy on Ghostface. While they are useful, I personally think Corrupt and Discordance are more useful. Corrupt really helps in the early game and can allow you to 99 multiple survivors. Discordance is far more useful than Whispers as it lets you know when to break chase and go try and find a good angle to stalk at least two survivors. Whispers only really helps Ghostface find someone in the early game, but most games Discordance does that too and helps more in the mid-late game.

    I also would personally run Enduring, STBFL, or PWYF over Deadlock to help in chase but that’s probably just personal preference :p

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,672

    So, for the majority - the same 4 Slowdown-Perks on every Killer.

    Glad that the Meta got shaken up so much.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,606

    Yea... pretty much

    Same build, different perks... Slowdown and second chance

  • zeplore
    zeplore Member Posts: 95

    I feel like Deadlock is by far the best perk in the game for Pig, no? Yea you want a gen to get done (typically right after your first down+party hat) but if two get done back to back you lose out on one of your five "activation switches" (a gen getting done = a hat activation switch). I really want to use STBFL on her, but forcing ambush hits on a semi-competent Obsession that knows ######### you're doing often doesn't work too well in reality, plus no jolt proc if downed w/ ambush hit anyway.

    I think DMS is the best perk in the game for The Artist, since right after a hook you can just send birds to 3 different gens and force survivors off since they will have to repel birds. Instantly blocked for 40-43 seconds, she really does not need Pain Resonance to capitalize off it w/ her cross map snipes. Thrilling Tremors tells you exactly what gen they are on too, even if its within 40m, unlike BBQ.

  • CrowVortex
    CrowVortex Member Posts: 968

    Trouble with that is you can only keep it going for so long, no regression meaning that they'll eventually power through it. And anyone that's smart enough knows that if she sends out 3 birds in 3 directions, that buys you time before she can snipe you with a follow up bird once you're swarmed. All the while when that's going on, you wont get the full 45 second block duration. 30 seconds if you're lucky if you do the above. Pain ress was only good for her because you got the full 45 second block and the 15% regression on top.

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    STBFL is awesome on Demogorgon though? I don't understand your reasoning on that

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    It's not.

    You never want to go for M1s on Survivors as Demogorgon, it's a waste of time for almost no reward, since Black Heart applies 3 Stacks of STBFL on your Shred, your antiloop Power that you should be using at every loop

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,731

    I like how there are 2 people arguing about generator speeds with stacking slowdowns and both of them are wrong

    Things change the speed at which survivors complete the action, base 1 c/s.

    Positive benefits add together before being multiplied onto the base value.

    Negative stuff is just multiplied separately, with no addition.

    This means with pentimento, max thana, and 3 dying stacks your repair speed would be .7 * .78 * .91 = .49686 c/s.

    A full gen at this speed is 90 / .49686 = 181.14 seconds.

    You take away dying light and the speed is .7 * .78=.546

    90/.546= 164.84 seconds.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    BBQ > TT

    BBQ aura always was and is more consistent than TT.

  • zeplore
    zeplore Member Posts: 95

    Tremors gives you info within 40m, while blocking idle gens for a few seconds from roaming survivors, BBQ does neither.

    Do you think with the new +10% weapon recovery it will be more worth to run STBFL, as Black Heart is only equivalent to 1 stack of STBFL now? It'd only take 2 stacks to recover faster than black heart shred as opposed to the 4 required rn.

    Thanks for the clarification, that's still pretty damn good!

  • PleassBuiltInNoed
    PleassBuiltInNoed Member Posts: 618

    that's just because devs failed, ofc people are going to use the best possible build they can, people want to win

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    I tried out this and I really enjoyed it. What would you change pain resonance to once the perk update drops tho?

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Either keep it, since 15% of 90 is 13.5 seconds worth of progress, or change it for Eruption, tho I'd have to experiment with it

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147

    Shhhhhh dont get Deadlock nerfed

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    I've had very little luck with No Way Out, shocked everyone seems to swear by it so much