Dissolution just doesn't work

I mean, I guess it does what it's supposed to, but what it does is useless. You hit somebody, then 3 seconds AFTER that if they vault a pallet in your terror radius it breaks the pallet? For what killer and in what situation is that possibly a big help?
Maybe Huntress during a long chase? (meaning that 2 of Dredge's 3 perks are only good for Huntress?)
If they just removed the notification that survivors get it'd be better. Still wouldn't be extremely powerful, but it'd have it's uses. Right now as soon as you hit a survivor they see that you have it and they just don't do it then, so it never activates. Another case of great on paper, bad in practice
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seriously?? Survivors get a notification??
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Clown is probably the best user of it imo.
Pallets are one of his biggest weaknesses
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Clown's power also makes it harder for survivors to make it to another tile which at least allows him to force survivors to play around a pallet with dissolution up. The only way you can get dissolution to be useful if you can force survivors to stay at the tile, otherwise it does nothing.
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tbh this chapter has a huge flop because survivor and killer perks are totally useless, the only decent thing of this chapter was the map, the killer imo is boring to play with and boring to play against
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Spirit might also be able to do this
Not seen anyone try it though
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Yup. It feels like it's a perk made for a different version of the game, one where map tiles are actually balanced. Most tiles right now are built in a way to where they're really strong while the pallet is up but weak once it's broken, with almost no mind game potential. So your options as killer are to either break it immediately or bloodlust until you hit them, at which point they're down and you can just break the pallet anyways. So it makes the perk have 0 value.
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The fun part is that it's a dredge perk, but during nightfall dredge lose his TR, so I guess he can't use dissolution ?
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yup. See also Dredge's other perk that is about searching lockers, for the one killer who would never search a locker.
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I just realised that it's the same problem with Septic touch.
basically the dredge have 2 perk he can't use half of the time, and one he can use if he change his playstyle to use it.
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It requires a very specific playstyle. Hit and run goes very well with it, injure survivors, force them to drop a pallet and then go away. Next time you injure them they will find themselves in a bottleneck.
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Damn. I was not aware of this, either. I thought it might be good on Legion, but it's not even usable if survivors get notified.
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It has these 3 seconds so the killer will take full advantage of it. May I remind u theres a cooldown between each M1 atk, lasting roughly 2 secs.
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Keep in mind the perk gets you value if it puts survivors in a situation where they have a no-win choice of vaulting a pallet and getting hit anyway or leaving a pallet and getting hit because they're in an open area. Actually breaking the pallet itself is just a cherry on top when it happens, the real benefit is the survivor being unable to take advantage of a nearby pre-dropped pallet.
Ironically since it's tied to terror radius, and Dredge is Undetectable a good chunk of the game, he gets less use out of his own perk than some other killers do. Personally my guess is the best killers for Dissolution are the ones who survivors like to pre-drop pallets and who they like to heal to full against. For instance, Clown with Save the Best For Last and Dissolution seems like a decent combo, they hit a healthy survivor, the survivor tries to run but doesn't get much distance, and a pallet early in this situation can lead to the Clown just getting a really easy hit unless it's a particularly safe one and wasn't dropped already.
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Since u mentioned Clown, may I add some also decent killers who can take advantage of Dissolution: infinite tier 3 Myers, Oni, Deathslinger, Doc are very nice picks to add dissolution to their loadout since survs tend to pre drop pallets around them
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But can you pass when the entity breaks the pallet? I think you cant so indeed its worthless.
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It gives the survivor a notification when you use it, so they just leave and run to the next loop.
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I still don't know why it gives a notification, the goal of those perk should be to surprise the other side by them not knowing you have it until it gets them.
it's like having a notification before picking someone up as killer that they have DS.
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It’s a bright red symbol too. I’m very bad survivor who barely concentrates on hud but the first time I seen that red symbol I knew exactly what was going on. Most obvious perk use I’ve ever seen.
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Just because the perk doesnt activate does not mean it has no value. The survivor is still forced to leave a probably safe loop.
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darkness revealed works very well on dredge, you get so much value by any aura perk on him and darkness revealed is one of his best. yes you have to search a locker for it but that's little effort for the value it gives to a killer that can cross a map in seconds and it can occasionally give you some locker grabs.
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Honestly, I like the killer, I really really hate the new map. Survivor playground with multiple windows in the main building. It creates some garbage situations where I almost always leave a chase if the survivor runs into the house. Massive waste of time to try and close the gap in that house unless the survivors play it wrong.
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Honestly, I got a LOT of great value from it on Legion.
What I tend to do is force a pallet drop (works best on god pallets since survivors feel super safe), then vault over it, stab them and act as if I go for someone else. They usually start mending on the spot at which point I cancel my power and Dissolution activates. They usually react a bit late and I am almost on them by the time they vault and with the pallet now broken I usually get a down soon after.
If the pallet can be outplayed anyways you can also just use it as a timesaver, since you can just force them to break the pallet and then down them and pick them up, which shaves off the time it would take to kick the pallet.
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If the killer has a terror radius.....
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Yes I'm pretty sure you can, it's basically the same as when a survivor drops a freddy fake pallet, you can walk straight through it uninterrupted
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It breaks after they FINISH vaulting over it, so if you're pretty close to them you still get stuck on the pallet while they finish vaulting and it finishes breaking. Unlike Freddy pallet where you actually gain on them because they took time to drop the pallet but you don't lose any momentum walking through it.
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The perk is kind of cool but it really just needs a few minor tweaks and it'll be good for specific builds.
- Increase the time it's active. If you use this perk at anything other than tier 3, it's basically impossible to use. At tier 3, it's also difficult to use but at least possible.
- If you get a hit while the perk is active, it should refresh. At the moment, you can get a hit while the perk is active. Then an opportunity arises for it to be useful but the timer ran out.
- Remove the terror radius thing. Fast vault a pallet anywhere and it breaks. I can't really see a reason why it matters considering the perk tells the survivor that the killer has the perk.
The problem is that the perk is just never active at a time when you're both in a chase and there's a pallet that's down and that it's loopable. With the above changes, it would still be not the most useful or best perk but at least it would be active sometimes and force survivors into the situation that the perk is seemingly designed for.
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The limitations of this perk honestly feel like a miscommunication. Like, the original idea was "if you injure a survivor, and they vault a pallet within X seconds, the pallet automatically breaks". And then they said "that's too strong. Let's limit it to terror radius, or make it have a 3-second warm up, or notify the survivor that it's active" and someone was writing those limitations down and accidentally wrote them down as an "and" instead of an "or".
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I remember when the perk's info first came out, Me and quite a lot of people thought it was gonna be OP but in reality, it really never comes into play. Reason being is the don't vault the pallet again or cause by the time they vault the pallet, the perks timer is already up. So maybe if behaviour wanted to buff it, they could either increase the timer, hide the notification, make it to where it break pallets that are pulled down instead or make it activate on injured survivors but has a huge cool down.
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It gives a notification because its a low risk high reward perk. I mean, to get the same effect from Spirit Fury u need to break at least 2 other pallets beforehand. If Dissolution didn’t notify it wouldn’t have any counterplay AND it would be super strong with very few, if any, downsides