No Base Kit Of A Killer Needs A Nerf

Just base kit. Not addons. If it was addons included then blight and nurse, but overall no killers base kit needs a nerf, just buffs. I don't get it lmao. Bhvr just comes out with the most random non asked for nerfs to killers.
It's because they have objective statistics tm there
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Agreed, majority of Killer base-kits need buffs
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But devs thought basekit Billy and Freddy was op.
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I guess if they actually fixed Blight's unintended techs then yeah, he would be balanced basekit wise. Nurse however is just broken full stop.
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Somehow I prefer their basekit nerfed, but buff-up their addon. So they will be strong at an aspect, but weak to others where survivors can play around.
I can live with Trapper carry 1 trap. But I would like a Brown bag increase it to 3 traps, Honing stone down from Purple to Green rarity, Bloody coil & Iri stone from Red to Purple. And make Red addon even stronger.
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Evil Dead is really fun, but Demon (especially Puppeteer) can be so life draining
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Basekit nurse is perfectly fine
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I don't like Necromancer that much, the Basic Units feel a bit sluggish, so do his Elite Units. Evil Ash is fun, but since he is a Boss Unit I don't get to play with him that much.
Puppeteer is the opposite imo.
Deadite Berserkers are fast and can dish out plenty of damage while Power Possesed. Their only problem is having to stick to a single combo (Light, Light, Light, Heavy) if you want to avoid their multiple taunt animations.
Demi-Eligos deal a lot of damage and can wreak havoc when Survivors are crowded, and can force crowds by splitting, as weak as the clone can be sometimes.
Eligos is fun, and his low Infernal Energy cost makes him a nuisance even when objectives aren't currently being worked on
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pyramid head needs a buff
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Wasn't the last time they nerfed a killer's basekit Deathslinger? What sparked this?
I mean, I agree, though. The only even arguable exception is Nurse, the others all have perfectly adequate basekits; either balanced enough to be left alone or in need of buffs.
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basekit nurse is actually really fine, it's the range addons as well as the stupid three blink addon that are really strong. Also the recharge addons are strong too.
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Glad I'm not the only one confused.
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You are right, Pig needs to be nerfed
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The only way that Blight would be balanced base kit is if he had no add-ons at all. So I disagree with you. Rather than changing Blights add-ons, which are pretty balanced (when compared to each other) , Nerf Blight's basekit.
Blight should have his movement be at 110 percent, while keeping a 32 meter terror radius. All killers with a reduced speed have a strong chase power. Blight is not an exception to that rule. Once his speed changes, then BHVR can monitor him and if additional changes need to be made to his add-ons then they can do that then.
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As someone who mains Myers I am sick and tired of him not being looked at base kit wise. Very outdated and could use some really cool buffs but devs do nothing.
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That is not true there is 1 killer....
Nurse! Blink hits need to be special hits
Its bad enough that she breaks all mechanics of the game but then to allow exposed perks to work is ridiculous
Combine that with range addons...
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What base kit thing for killers got nerfed that you’re talking about?
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I think he is just talking about killers getting buffed all around but no killer got a base kit change
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Mmh, some could use a shift in how their power is oriented (eg, Nemesis being excessive in 1v1 but useless otherwise). That said, no killer has an overpowered basekit.
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That Deathslinger nerf feels okay today. Maybe they could make his aiming a wee bit faster
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I've always thought it was mostly okay, he just needs some help to feel a little less sluggish elsewhere. I've also seen people suggest that his camera-turn speed while ADSed should be faster, and I'd support that change too.
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Nurse base kit should get a bit of toning back. Like special attacks for blink attacks at the very least.
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Nerfing his terror radius and aim speed was way too much. Nerf 1 of them but not both. I used to be a ds main cause he was super fun, he's still fun but not as quick as he used to feel.
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Hmm yeah except Blight tbh he should be 4,4 ms with hag and spirit, he travel maps in 5 seconds I don't see why he's 4.6 ms