Prestige should still be optional

I love the new prestige/teachable system for the most part, but the one problem I have is that farming add-ons is just awful now. Forcing a reset to baby bloodwebs with low tier add-ons is going to be a massive annoyance to the average mid-tier killers who rely on their add-ons to function well, so I think one of two things needs to happen.
1: Keep the new prestige system as it is and keep prestige optional so if people want to farm add-ons they still can
2: Make prestige BP-dependent and not level dependent (i.e. every million spent after level 50 counts as a prestige)
I would also reason that while the new system is a massive benefit to players like myself who already have a lot of perks and don't feel like dropping at least 2 mil on a new killer right away just to get a usable build, new players don't really see a benefit from the grind reduction because of the removed bonuses from BBQ and WGLF. I would personally make those BP bonuses base-kit because they reward altruism and spreading hooks as well as help those newer players in actually getting a decent build early on.
People seem to forget that you actually get more ultra rare/very rare add ons in the earlier bloodwebs than level 50 ones
I know this since seeing 2 and some times even 3 ultra rares at around level 30-40 bloodwebs is WAY more common than in level 50's
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Agreed, I'd opt out after prestige 6, I dont care about dozens of charms and I'd rather better bloodwebs that are bigger with more useful stuff
Shame 1-30 are nearly full of rubbish, far too many browns and decent amount of yellows with very very few greens
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1-30 usually sucks, and people often like farming Greens in bloodwebs. A large portion of killers' better add-ons are actualty greens, Like Ghostface with Olsen's Wallet. Level 50 bloodwebs are better for farming greens because any individual green item/add-on is actually the least common in the game to get because of how many greens exist. Level 50s have more nodes overall thus have the best chance to get more greens. They also have a relatively guaranteed frequency of Ultra Rares that isn't bound to RNG like the earlier webs.
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I wish they'd just scrap the perk charms altogether. I don't think anybody wants them cluttering up their inventory.
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the 50k BP to prestige is pretty backwards since it’s part of the whole ‘lessen the grind’ thing.
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Yeah this is my sole issue as well. Don't make prestige compulsory. The 50k tax sucks but if they insist on having it, then don't force me to pay it when we've had no increase in bp gains via games. I'd prefer having control over where I spend my bp, and if I choose to prioritise prestiging or gathering addons and items.