Killers dodging lobbies?



  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614
    Wolf74 said:

    @Vietfox said:
    Flashlight? Dodge
    2 swf? Dodge
    2-3 toolboxes? Dodge
    P3 Claudette? Dodge
    It's funny because they make fun of survivors and their made up rules, WHICH IS PERFECTLY FINE AND I UNDERSTAND IT, but every time they dodge for stuff like that they are playing with their own made up rules as well.

    Because it is unbalanced.
    Why should I start a rigged game?
    Survivor are already to strong and multiple toolboxes make gen rush just worth.
    The new graphics will buff ninja-claudie, so why should I accept that?
    The survivor made up rules are about balanced things they don't like.

    It's not unbalanced.  At least the killer has an idea what he is up against.  Survivors don't know what killer, add-ons, mori, Franklin's demise...  Killers get way more information at the start of the game than the survivors do. 
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Wolf74 said:

    @Vietfox said:
    Flashlight? Dodge
    2 swf? Dodge
    2-3 toolboxes? Dodge
    P3 Claudette? Dodge
    It's funny because they make fun of survivors and their made up rules, WHICH IS PERFECTLY FINE AND I UNDERSTAND IT, but every time they dodge for stuff like that they are playing with their own made up rules as well.

    Because it is unbalanced.
    Why should I start a rigged game?
    Survivor are already to strong and multiple toolboxes make gen rush just worth.
    The new graphics will buff ninja-claudie, so why should I accept that?
    The survivor made up rules are about balanced things they don't like.

    It's not unbalanced.  At least the killer has an idea what he is up against.  Survivors don't know what killer, add-ons, mori, Franklin's demise...  Killers get way more information at the start of the game than the survivors do. 
    Killers can see the skin. They can't see last second switch. They also don't get information about survivor offerings or perks. 
    Survivors on the other hand get information of any killer perk that affects them. NOED active? Big red warning sign. UP? Let's give survivors the warning sign before they can hear the heartbeat. 

    Yeah balance...
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Wolf74 said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Vietfox said:

    Tsulan said:

    Vietfox said:

    Tsulan said:

    The_Crusader said:

    Tsulan said:

    Survivors used to dodge lobbies to play together with their friends, before SWF was introduced. They did it because it wasn't fun to play normal. 

    Now killers do the same and survivors scream for temp bans and time outs.


    A small number of people who wanted to do that did it for what, a month or two before SWF was introduced?

    That totally justifies most killers doing it for over 2 years because solo survivors just happened to load in at the same time as other solo survivors or they had a cosmetic or item the killer didn't like.

    But some people can't understand that the killer is also a human being who wants to enjoy the game. 

    So by the same premise i guess you never camp without reason, because it's not fun for survivors either.

    Define camping. 
    Because I've seen survivors call out a face camp from 20 meters distance. 
    Or complain about camping, when MYC triggered. 
    Or when the gates are powered...

    Everything the killer does is considered camping. 

    My definition of camping is:
    Killer stands or patrols really close to the hook with no evidence of survivors being close by.

    Then you are one of few.
    Doesn't matter if I instantly leave the hook, let everyone go on purpose, or if I get looped 20 meters away from the hook. I always get salty comments for being a camper. 

    Survivors use the definition so loose, that most killers don't even care anymore. They'll call them campers anyway. So why not camp? Why not do exactly what they always complain about?

    Survivor call anything camping that is not a free, completely riskless. safe unhook.
    If you are capable of initiating a new chase after the unhook, before or immediately after the rescued got healed up.
    If you do not take badly executed bait to lure you from the hook = camper.
    If you follow them back to the hook, when they sprint towards it in the plain open = camper.
    If you dare to kick a gen in the nearby area or take time to put up a trap. or worse you go fetch one and come back to place it, or take your time to refill hatches = camper.

    I had a guy who called me face camper, when I immediately left the hook. Next match I had him in my lobby again. This time I showed him what a face camp is.

    Survivors hurt themselves with the constant camp claims. When I get called a camper for several matches in a row, without actually camping. Then I sure as hell will camp the next matches.
  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154
    edited December 2018

    Like one year ago I dodged quite often. BNPs and flashlights were broken af and could easily lead to rigged games, I don't care what your opinion about that is. People save file hacked to get an endless supply of broken stuff so the argument "they are rare!" was not true either.

    These days I only ever dodge for bad ping or when it gets personal (when someone seriously screwed up with me in the past).

    I also dodge certain bigheaded streamers, especially those with a weird moustache, mainly because I don't like having someone talk ######### about me, my looks or my playstyles behind my back, in front of their audience so I randomly get spammed and insulted by their viewers.

    Dodging is legit. Some people take it a bit to the extreme but it was way worse a few months ago. Now I only ever get dodged because of bad ping, I actually see a lot more survivors lobby-hopping to stream snipe their favourite streamer like some teenage boyband-fanboys.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867
    edited December 2018

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    Warlock_2020 said:

    I've watched my son dodge lobbies as a killer, but he is not dodging SWF in general. He is a mid-tier killer and keeps getting groups with rank 2-6 in it. High rank players team with low rank players and bring that top-tier toxicity to low rank killer's matches. If he sees a member has thousands of hours in game, he leaves because he knows what is about to happen.

    This needs to be fixed first. If a high ranking survivor wants to SWF with a low ranking one, they should face killers based on the highest level, not the average. A rank 14 killer vs a 4-man SWF with two rank 2's in it is not a fun experience at all. As long as that is happening, I support him dodging. Myself, I don't care one way or the other. I rarely dodge a lobby unless one of the names on my list of "no plays" shows up. Ones that were seriously immature after game, or tried to use exploits in game. Hook-swarming SWFs that cried about camping after game (like you are going to leave the hook when 3 people are rushing at it! I down them all and ended it. But lots of immature crying afterwards...YOU JUST MADE THE LIST!).

    How does this "blacklist" work for you? I mean, they literally can change their name whenever they want to 

    If you click on their profile and then hover over their name, you can click the down arrow to see all their previous names. You have 60 seconds to review it all. I see a name I know is a complete toxic azzhat, or one I've had to report for cheating (speed hacks, potential lag switching, etc) then I leave lobby.

    EDIT: I keep a fun list too. Killers that were just really good, survivors that juked the hell out of me, but were not toxic in end game chat. People that were generally cool in end game. I see them in my lobby, I know I'll have a challenging/fun game. I sometimes even go out of my way to toy with them, or avoid toxic gameplay just because it is fun. The way the game was meant to be.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Survivor call anything camping that is not a free, completely riskless. safe unhook.
    If you are capable of initiating a new chase after the unhook, before or immediately after the rescued got healed up.
    If you do not take badly executed bait to lure you from the hook = camper.
    If you follow them back to the hook, when they sprint towards it in the plain open = camper.
    If you dare to kick a gen in the nearby area or take time to put up a trap. or worse you go fetch one and come back to place it, or take your time to refill hatches = camper.

    Though some survivors definitely act this way, by and far most don't. I've had some idiots claim I was camping because the person who just body blocked was hiding nearby and I was hunting them down. I ignore that stupidity. I personally do not camp because I'd rather pressure the gens and keep the survivors off of them. My goal is to have another hook/chase before the current one is off. That is three survivors not doing gens.

    I find the blanket killer/survivor statements are what is wrong in these forums. Not all killers are low-skilled camping turs who need NOED to get a kill or two. Not all survivors are DS crutch-wielding toxic cry babies who want a free escape. I find most of that behavior, on both sides, is in the red and purple ranks.

  • TangledNoodles
    TangledNoodles Member Posts: 249

    @Blueberry said:
    It's a balance issue, not dodging issue. They dodge because the game isn't balanced well and they want to reduce that imbalance as much as possible ie tooldboxes/flashlights/swf. If the game was more balanced, killers wouldn't care as much.

    That said, it makes me think you're doing swf or something. I only solo and I get dodged once MAYBE every 12 games if that and my survivors are full p3'd out.

    No, I get dodged quite a bit and probably because of other people who are in the lobby with me or if we pop up at the same time. When I play swf it's usually only 2 of us.

    Also people are still whining about flashlights? It's not a white screen anymore and the pick up animation is SO fast that if you not already in front of them you're not getting the blind, and toolboxes are countered by ruin. Yeah you can hit the great skill checks but not all survivors will be able to do it, I guarantee at least 2 of them will waste time looking for the totem and die in the process.

    I would I like dodge Spirits and Leatherfaces too, cause quit frankly I hate playing against them, but I don't have the luxury of knowing who the killer is going to be beforehand.

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861
    Tsulan said:
    Vietfox said:
    Tsulan said:
    Tsulan said:
    Survivors used to dodge lobbies to play together with their friends, before SWF was introduced. They did it because it wasn't fun to play normal. 

    Now killers do the same and survivors scream for temp bans and time outs.

    A small number of people who wanted to do that did it for what, a month or two before SWF was introduced?

    That totally justifies most killers doing it for over 2 years because solo survivors just happened to load in at the same time as other solo survivors or they had a cosmetic or item the killer didn't like.

    But some people can't understand that the killer is also a human being who wants to enjoy the game. 
    So by the same premise i guess you never camp without reason, because it's not fun for survivors either.
    Define camping. 
    Because I've seen survivors call out a face camp from 20 meters distance. 
    Or complain about camping, when MYC triggered. 
    Or when the gates are powered...

    Everything the killer does is considered camping. 
    I believe the term for when a killer’s terror radius is within the hooked survivor is loosely as “proxy camping” or proximity camping.
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @Speshul_Kitten said:
    Tsulan said:

    Vietfox said:

    Tsulan said:

    The_Crusader said:

    Tsulan said:

    Survivors used to dodge lobbies to play together with their friends, before SWF was introduced. They did it because it wasn't fun to play normal. 

    Now killers do the same and survivors scream for temp bans and time outs.


    A small number of people who wanted to do that did it for what, a month or two before SWF was introduced?

    That totally justifies most killers doing it for over 2 years because solo survivors just happened to load in at the same time as other solo survivors or they had a cosmetic or item the killer didn't like.

    But some people can't understand that the killer is also a human being who wants to enjoy the game. 

    So by the same premise i guess you never camp without reason, because it's not fun for survivors either.

    Define camping. 
    Because I've seen survivors call out a face camp from 20 meters distance. 
    Or complain about camping, when MYC triggered. 
    Or when the gates are powered...

    Everything the killer does is considered camping. 

    I believe the term for when a killer’s terror radius is within the hooked survivor is loosely as “proxy camping” or proximity camping.

    With Distressing? With M&A? With Insidious? While cloaked?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Wolf74 said:
    With Distressing? With M&A? With Insidious? While cloaked?

    While engaged in a chase? While the hook vultures are there?

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861
    Wolf74 said:

    @Speshul_Kitten said:
    Tsulan said:

    Vietfox said:

    Tsulan said:

    The_Crusader said:

    Tsulan said:

    Survivors used to dodge lobbies to play together with their friends, before SWF was introduced. They did it because it wasn't fun to play normal. 

    Now killers do the same and survivors scream for temp bans and time outs.


    A small number of people who wanted to do that did it for what, a month or two before SWF was introduced?

    That totally justifies most killers doing it for over 2 years because solo survivors just happened to load in at the same time as other solo survivors or they had a cosmetic or item the killer didn't like.

    But some people can't understand that the killer is also a human being who wants to enjoy the game. 

    So by the same premise i guess you never camp without reason, because it's not fun for survivors either.

    Define camping. 
    Because I've seen survivors call out a face camp from 20 meters distance. 
    Or complain about camping, when MYC triggered. 
    Or when the gates are powered...

    Everything the killer does is considered camping. 

    I believe the term for when a killer’s terror radius is within the hooked survivor is loosely as “proxy camping” or proximity camping.

    With Distressing? With M&A? With Insidious? While cloaked?

    I believe it’s for the standard 32 meters. You can usually distinct the killers radius by the intensity of the heartbeat. 
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    Just talking about the heartbeat if you talk about camping is pretty….vague… at best.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Speshul_Kitten said:
    I believe it’s for the standard 32 meters. You can usually distinct the killers radius by the intensity of the heartbeat. 

    And if the Killer is engaged in a chase?

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861
    Orion said:

    @Speshul_Kitten said:
    I believe it’s for the standard 32 meters. You can usually distinct the killers radius by the intensity of the heartbeat. 

    And if the Killer is engaged in a chase?

     A hooked survivor can tell if their teammate is being chased, at least I can and if it’s within approximately 32 meters of the hooked survivor then of course it’s not camping, you’re securing your asset. 
    I think what most survivors are trying to get at is when the killer is simply patrolling the area within the standard terror radius and not bothering to check other parts of the map, aka “proxy camping.”
  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    @TangledNoodles said:

    @Blueberry said:
    It's a balance issue, not dodging issue. They dodge because the game isn't balanced well and they want to reduce that imbalance as much as possible ie tooldboxes/flashlights/swf. If the game was more balanced, killers wouldn't care as much.

    That said, it makes me think you're doing swf or something. I only solo and I get dodged once MAYBE every 12 games if that and my survivors are full p3'd out.

    No, I get dodged quite a bit and probably because of other people who are in the lobby with me or if we pop up at the same time. When I play swf it's usually only 2 of us.

    Also people are still whining about flashlights? It's not a white screen anymore and the pick up animation is SO fast that if you not already in front of them you're not getting the blind, and toolboxes are countered by ruin. Yeah you can hit the great skill checks but not all survivors will be able to do it, I guarantee at least 2 of them will waste time looking for the totem and die in the process.

    I would I like dodge Spirits and Leatherfaces too, cause quit frankly I hate playing against them, but I don't have the luxury of knowing who the killer is going to be beforehand.

    It has nothing to do with thinking flashlights are too strong, you misunderstand. A .5% difference in strength for example may be small but when you're already losing, you take every bit you can get. If you see what I'm saying.

    Toolboxes are only countered by ruin if it's a bunch of rank 20's. At rank 1 they're hitting the skill checks and they aren't wasting time looking for ruin anyway because half the time it's sitting right there next to the gen.

    Survivors aren't afforded that luxury of seeing the killer ahead of time because they are already at an advantage to begin with.

  • TangledNoodles
    TangledNoodles Member Posts: 249

    @Blueberry said:

    @TangledNoodles said:

    @Blueberry said:
    It's a balance issue, not dodging issue. They dodge because the game isn't balanced well and they want to reduce that imbalance as much as possible ie tooldboxes/flashlights/swf. If the game was more balanced, killers wouldn't care as much.

    That said, it makes me think you're doing swf or something. I only solo and I get dodged once MAYBE every 12 games if that and my survivors are full p3'd out.

    No, I get dodged quite a bit and probably because of other people who are in the lobby with me or if we pop up at the same time. When I play swf it's usually only 2 of us.

    Also people are still whining about flashlights? It's not a white screen anymore and the pick up animation is SO fast that if you not already in front of them you're not getting the blind, and toolboxes are countered by ruin. Yeah you can hit the great skill checks but not all survivors will be able to do it, I guarantee at least 2 of them will waste time looking for the totem and die in the process.

    I would I like dodge Spirits and Leatherfaces too, cause quit frankly I hate playing against them, but I don't have the luxury of knowing who the killer is going to be beforehand.

    It has nothing to do with thinking flashlights are too strong, you misunderstand. A .5% difference in strength for example may be small but when you're already losing, you take every bit you can get. If you see what I'm saying.

    Toolboxes are only countered by ruin if it's a bunch of rank 20's. At rank 1 they're hitting the skill checks and they aren't wasting time looking for ruin anyway because half the time it's sitting right there next to the gen.

    Survivors aren't afforded that luxury of seeing the killer ahead of time because they are already at an advantage to begin with.

    You know half the people at rank 1 are still trash right? lol I've been at rank 1 multiple times and I've had teammates who literally seem like they're playing with their eyes closed. The only thing that changed is that killers all have the same perks.

    Quite frankly, they could make it so survivors get downed in 1 hit and remove all pallets from the game but the killers will always seem to be at a disadvantage apparently.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    @TangledNoodles said:

    @Blueberry said:

    @TangledNoodles said:

    @Blueberry said:
    It's a balance issue, not dodging issue. They dodge because the game isn't balanced well and they want to reduce that imbalance as much as possible ie tooldboxes/flashlights/swf. If the game was more balanced, killers wouldn't care as much.

    That said, it makes me think you're doing swf or something. I only solo and I get dodged once MAYBE every 12 games if that and my survivors are full p3'd out.

    No, I get dodged quite a bit and probably because of other people who are in the lobby with me or if we pop up at the same time. When I play swf it's usually only 2 of us.

    Also people are still whining about flashlights? It's not a white screen anymore and the pick up animation is SO fast that if you not already in front of them you're not getting the blind, and toolboxes are countered by ruin. Yeah you can hit the great skill checks but not all survivors will be able to do it, I guarantee at least 2 of them will waste time looking for the totem and die in the process.

    I would I like dodge Spirits and Leatherfaces too, cause quit frankly I hate playing against them, but I don't have the luxury of knowing who the killer is going to be beforehand.

    It has nothing to do with thinking flashlights are too strong, you misunderstand. A .5% difference in strength for example may be small but when you're already losing, you take every bit you can get. If you see what I'm saying.

    Toolboxes are only countered by ruin if it's a bunch of rank 20's. At rank 1 they're hitting the skill checks and they aren't wasting time looking for ruin anyway because half the time it's sitting right there next to the gen.

    Survivors aren't afforded that luxury of seeing the killer ahead of time because they are already at an advantage to begin with.

    You know half the people at rank 1 are still trash right? lol I've been at rank 1 multiple times and I've had teammates who literally seem like they're playing with their eyes closed. The only thing that changed is that killers all have the same perks.

    Quite frankly, they could make it so survivors get downed in 1 hit and remove all pallets from the game but the killers will always seem to be at a disadvantage apparently.

    They are pretty bad, but those skill checks are still quite easy and irrelevant for what we're talking about.

    Let's not speak in hyperbole please. I havn't said that and that's not what we're talking about.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Wolf74 said:

    @Speshul_Kitten said:
    Tsulan said:

    Vietfox said:

    Tsulan said:

    The_Crusader said:

    Tsulan said:

    Survivors used to dodge lobbies to play together with their friends, before SWF was introduced. They did it because it wasn't fun to play normal. 

    Now killers do the same and survivors scream for temp bans and time outs.


    A small number of people who wanted to do that did it for what, a month or two before SWF was introduced?

    That totally justifies most killers doing it for over 2 years because solo survivors just happened to load in at the same time as other solo survivors or they had a cosmetic or item the killer didn't like.

    But some people can't understand that the killer is also a human being who wants to enjoy the game. 

    So by the same premise i guess you never camp without reason, because it's not fun for survivors either.

    Define camping. 
    Because I've seen survivors call out a face camp from 20 meters distance. 
    Or complain about camping, when MYC triggered. 
    Or when the gates are powered...

    Everything the killer does is considered camping. 

    I believe the term for when a killer’s terror radius is within the hooked survivor is loosely as “proxy camping” or proximity camping.

    With Distressing? With M&A? With Insidious? While cloaked?

    I believe it’s for the standard 32 meters. You can usually distinct the killers radius by the intensity of the heartbeat. 
    I got called a camper for getting looped in heartbeat range of the hook.
    Or for patrolling gens on lerys, using distressing. 
    Or for hooking someone in the basement and running to the exit gate. 

    Basically I get called a camper whenever I don't run to the opposite corner of the map and wait there until they unhook. And even then... 
  • Eight
    Eight Member Posts: 513

    Aside from everything else, why should I (as survivor or killer) be forced to play a game with people I don't want to?

    I don't often recognise usernames on PS4, but there are some people I know who I will not play with again. Since I can't block them, whether I'm survivor or killer then I'm leaving that lobby.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299
    edited December 2018

    Really it does not matter what happened in the past dodging is simply a way to avoid something the game has to make it less tedious or easier fo themselves.

    The only valid reason to dodge is a high ping, two wrongs dont make a right and at the end of the day each player bought a game to play, if you are not happy with every thing in the game and have to dodge out of lobbies for an easier match then why play it at all?

    People forget the reasons you can see items in the game, it is to setup and allow you to think about how you are going to play not so they can leave the lobby, what I do find Ironic is for some this is a one way street, its ok for one side to do certain things but no the other, this is one of the most ironic of statements you will see on the forums time and time again, all the players bought the game and each one needs to understand what is part of the game an be used.

    They should punish lobby dodgers if they ping is good, survivors and killer, leaving for anything else you get a timeout of 30s which increases, in percentage increments the more you leave up to a max of 20 mins over 20 dodges in a 24h period, after 10 dodges you no longer see the items in a players hands, they also need to stop showing the survivors names and profiles (they can change them daily anyway and remove the previous now) and show default clothing, pretty simple changes to stop people cherry picking matches and it also helps to somewhat sort out the MLGA block issue.

    The same goes for DCing they are also part of this system, dodging and DCing add together as a unified punishment, play the game for what it is and accept it.

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