SOLO-Q Matchmaking

acharliet Member Posts: 155

Has anything been changed ? Lately I m having extremely bad games tho. Pretty often I m having very bad teamates. Sorry for calling them bad, maybe some are pretty new tho. I have 4k hours and I m having problem to survive games tho. I shouldnt maybe use the word Matchmaking in title, because I feel like its on RNG.

When I m playing again Nurse- player who spent playing this game 8 800 hours, how is it possible that my teamate Bill has 36 hours.

Sometimes I m having like 1 good teamate and 2 teamates kind of sitting in lockers, unhooking teamates to killer face, crouching in corner of map, etc etc

I m little scared for coming patch with rework since I m playing Solo-Q and if I my lobbies will be same as these days then I m not sure if this game ll be playable Solo.


  • Cybil
    Cybil Member Posts: 1,164

    It's been pretty bad for me too. I've gone back to playing killer instead because of it.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    It's so weird, I was thinking about making a topic for my SoloQ matchmaking experience as well because for a few days now...I'm actually escaping games more often than 5-15%. Just the other day I escaped 9 out of 10 trials and this hasn't happened since SBMM was introduced. Could be just a fluke necessary by law of large numbers, but it does feel like something is going on. Sad to hear other people are having a rougher time, but for the first time in almost a year, I'm actually having fun playing.

  • Zen_but_not_Zen
    Zen_but_not_Zen Member Posts: 230

    i feel like somethings changed and I'm getting matched up with teammates who use crouch like it's bound to caps lock. Been left to progress well into second stage on hook every other game, while the killers not even near me. People aren't even working on gens, just huddled together on other side of map hiding šŸ˜“ Think i'll swap out Bond for Kindred, it'll be better for my mental health šŸ˜­

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Yea past few days/week have been miserable for me too, but according to some people on these forums, MMR is working just fine and you are projecting your poor gameplay on your team mates.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    Upcoming update will destroy solo-q for sure.

    They wanna boost kill rates with solo survivors i guess.

  • JaviiMii
    JaviiMii Member Posts: 286
    edited July 2022

    My best guess is that the release of the Dredge (who seems rather popular) and the anniversary event as well as the upcoming changes (and PTB) created a pool of players the matchmaking can't deal with. I don't want to write an essay but put more players (especially with MMR from very different points in time), more swf (during the event at least), more non-killer-mains-playing-killer (for BP during the event) together and you get a dynamic that is way different from the usual resulting in matchmatking all over the place. - And as per usual it's most noticeable for SoloQ (to the point where at the same time of day I got quicker lobbies when 4man swf-ing than when I did a SoloQ match ten minutes earlier while waiting for the others to get ready).

    That being said. The event is over. PTB is over. Until the update things should go back to normal rather quickly (which as far as SoloQ is concerned isn't much of an improvement, but hey). With the update... we'll see what happens. (Though, I don't expect it to get better šŸ˜¬)

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    It's hard to have MMR working well when my teammates DC after being downed. Five generators left, and we have already one less person to help. Then another one DC. Then I have no strength to keep trying anything and the Killer kills the rest of us, so we can all jump in a new game.

    A new game where someone DC again at five generators.

    I'm actually trying to learn how to play Killer but unfortunatelly, my Survivor queue is instant while for Killer I'm waiting 15+ minutes before I give up and switch back to Survivor.

  • Bartlaus
    Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,025

    There may be some secret changes right now.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    I'm sure I am as bad as the 20 hour megs when I have 5600+ hours you're right.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    I dont think most veteran players are making it up when they say solo q, specially the past few days, has been a miserable experience.

    Way more people suiciding/dcing at 5 gens, people with 1% of your play time etc. It just isnt fun, at all.

  • acharliet
    acharliet Member Posts: 155

    I m wondering if in future it can change somehow, as solo survivor u find lobby/game easy, thats nice, but what is the cost when u have not fun in the game.

  • Nikatara69
    Nikatara69 Member Posts: 273

    My teammate with 48h in game was unhooking me without BT next to killer with ebony, I got 1,7 k h I game. Feels sad

  • acharliet
    acharliet Member Posts: 155

    Are u really serious making this posts in this forum ? I have 4k hours and u r right, i m not best survivor, but i have spent lots time playing this game. And u should read the topid. I have 4k hours, playing against killer main, 8800 hours, actually nurse and my teamate bill had 36 hours in game. U should first read what we r talking about and then write something. Maybe u r low MMR or maybe u dont play solo-q survivors much. Sometimes i have great games but lately mostly i have bad games tho. I m writing this after the game I was hooked, i died on first hook, i was not being camped, my teamate Meg had 48 hours and all time crouching and she was so scated to unhook me. Perhaps u dont have many hours in this game, or u r not playing solo-q survivors, i made this post because i wanted to know if other players has similar experience these days.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    I dont have to be the best player on my team, I just dont want useless people who suicide on first hook or people with 20 hours. How is that too difficult to understand?

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 4,814

    I've been having this EXACT issue. I don't know how to check people's hours, but I feel like I get one team mate who is on par with me skill wise, and then a couple newer players who are just crouching and hiding. Usually I get matched with people who are either slightly better, around the same as me, or slightly less experienced. And that's totally fine. But I'm noticing a massive discrepancy probably over the last week it's been noticeable.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,648

    It's hard/impossible to check people's hours unless they have a public profile on Steam, afaik