Killer Adept Achievements are an old concept that needs updating.

Every New Chapter brings a new Killer and Survivor. With those two things added there's always two other things added, their Adepts.

The Survivor Adepts are honestly fine, you escape.. you get your Achievement, life moves on, but the majority myself included are annoyed by how much you gotta do as Killer for even the chance to get the Killer's Adept.

If you play regularly as Killer chances are your MMR is high, and even if you never play a certain Killer your MMR with them is still high (which defeats the point of the MMR System, but that's a talk for another day).

So.. you've got a power you don't know how to use, 3 useless or situational perks, Against 4 Survivors who are due to your MMR pretty good and are probably bringing top tier stuff or maybe even mid stuff. That's quite the task ahead.

So what do you gotta do then for your Achievement? Well it's quite simple..

"You gotta Kill the Survivors, but not too fast, as you won't have enough Devout Emblem, but not too slow either as you won't have enough Gatekeeper Emblem, you can't camp either because you'll lose Malicious Emblem even if you're chasing someone that's running around the Hook. You also gotta make sure you're hitting the Survivor for quick chases... but if your power is an instadown then welp.. goodbye Chaser Emblem."

"So you know.. if you can do that then enjoy your Adept.. just make sure you do it like a few weeks after the Chapter Release as sometimes its glitched and it takes awhile for us to fix it.. oh and if your power doesn't count for Chaser either then well.. just wait until we also fix it.. Cough Trickster Adept Cough."

Why is there so many steps for an Achievement? I understand there needs to be a challenge, I got Trickster's Adept on release while on Console, but 50 Prerequisites before you can get something done isn't a challenge, that's a checklist.

So what's my proposal? "Kill 3 Survivors as [KILLER] with their 3 unique Teachable Perks" or " Achieve 8 Hooks as [KILLER] with their 3 unique Teachable Perks" No Emblems needed and something that can be done easily even if you don't know the Killer entirely well.


  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    I just play a few games to learn their power and let everyone escape every time. After those games I get a bunch of chillers who I can roll. And also, do them after Grade reset so you can get away with 1 Silver medal. Because you're Grade Ash

  • YoshisWorld3
    YoshisWorld3 Member Posts: 51

    Well but that's not the point of an Achivement that you have to wait to a specific time of a month to have a higher Chance to get it. That's just stupid

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    Yes I agree with you. No the achievement has nothing to do with skill. But that's because of the weird emblem system. A 4k is a win, but you can 'draw' according to the emblem system if you play too well. It's just completely random. You can also escape and de-pip. Because the killer wasn't good enough. Why does that mean you played bad.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,616

    Obligatory mention that they can't change the actual achievement requirements.

    However, I do think there's room for tweaking what you have to do to get a Merciless Killer. I remember someone telling me once that all you had to do to get Merciless years ago was just get a 4K, and that makes the Killer Adept challenges immediately much more fair and comparable to the survivor ones - easy to see how it felt fair at the time, that way.

    If Merciless was a little easier to get, the Adepts wouldn't be nearly as teeth-grindingly frustrating - and it's not as though there's much need for it to be as hard now that it doesn't affect matchmaking.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    That's all true. But the devs could STILL do something about it without changing the achievements at all. That is adding minimum pip requirements for edge cases. E.g. you always have minimum safety-pip when escaping. Or minimum saftey-pip/single-pip when 4king (Tombstone games tend to give EVERYONE a depip). Or guaranteed 2-pip (merciless) when 4king with min 8 hooks or something. With such minimum-pip conditions the pips would feel fairer in such edge cases, and it would allow adept without having to go out of your way to get merciful on some killers (e.g. not using chainsaws to not hurt emblems).

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    I'm fine with them being difficult. I used to want them changed, but we get so few achievements that are actually diffiicult any more.

    They largely fall into:

    * Do something menial a lot of times

    * Do generator and escape

    * Use the new killer's power

    * Adept

    If adept just gets turned into yet another participation ribbon, then basically all achievements added with all chapters become pointless "did you buy the chapter" checks.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Actually they can change it by simply changing what a merciless is ingame. So if they made a merciless a 4k then it will bypass needing to change the actual achievements. Plus since pips arent used for matchmaking it doesnt really matter what they are.

    Yeah I wish it was changed, its honestly stupid. I have them all currently but god is it the worst thing about new chapters

  • Triplehoo
    Triplehoo Member Posts: 630
    edited July 2022

    Not quite true. BHVR can change the criteria of the achievements if they want to. This has happened in multiple games several times. Best example is Overwatch where they have reworked almost their entire hero roster and changed their achievement/trophy requirements to fit accordingly. The problem is that if they want to change the criteria, they have to pay money to at least to Sony to change that and get their approval for the change/update, which could take up three to six months. That is the reason why PTB (or PTR, PTS etc. what ever the IP holders call them) isn't available for consoles, because it'll be too costly and they'd have to get green light everytime they update those test servers. There is same kind of policy on XBox, but it is more lenient. Thanks to PC side they have.

    So biggest gatekeeper on these changes is Sony, not Microsoft.

    And even though, the criteria for Adept Killer has always been to get "Merciless Killer", the requirements for to get that has changed since the launch of the game drastically.

    But I have to agree with OP. The Adept Killer requirements need to change. Doing survivor Adepts is way too easy compared to killer adept. All you have to do, is escape with their three personal perks and that's it. On killer side, you have to have almost perfect game and get every emblem in iridescent class. And since there is so many different play styles on different killers, this makes the Adept Killer achievements next to impossible to achieve. On survivor side, you could just hide the entire game and just get out either through gate or a hatch.

    The way it should be now, is to get 4 kills on hooks only. No need for the Merciless anymore. And if you Mori, then you wont get the Adept achievement.

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    I get they are difficult but saying they are impossible is stretching it. I enjoy the ritual of leveling up a new killer, unlocking their perks, and planning out which map and add-ons will give me the best chance for victory. (etc. Midwitch for Dredge, Dead Dawg for Blight)

    It just takes discipline using a specific set of perks until it is accomplished.

    I do not allow myself to use other perks until done. Guess what? It gets done.

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    I do want to add that if the survivor adepts required a double pip escape that would be fair but that cat is out of the bag.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    It's challenge so you have to have very good match to do it. I actually like it that you can't get it if you camp so you actually have to go for chases. In lower grades 3K is enough so if you can't get it now wait for grade resets. For instadown killers there is add ons which makes that you don't one hit survivors so you can use them to get it.