Which licensed killer cosmetic would you prefer?

Slan Member Posts: 357

Dbd has many licensed killers that can be played, and while some of them have several cosmetics, some of them don't have any, or maybe that cosmetic you were exoecting is not in the game. So, out of these, which one would you prefer and why?

Which licensed killer cosmetic would you prefer? 57 votes

Michael Myers (Halloween Kills)
Ranger_939FuzzycubeBothSidesEnjoyerBio_ 4 votes
Leatherface (remake)
Leatherface (2022)
Freddy Krueger (Robert Englund)
LaMupfelMementoMori_Massacremusstang62Jugbox5499Mattie_MayhemOGmewmewRobotfangirl67KnightFall28901ArchAbhorChurchofPigGhouled_MojoN8dogGuiltiiPSPGRIG0[Deleted User][Deleted User]AraphexCodeDBHitari 24 votes
The Pig (Mark Hoffman)
ElcopolloJonathanByersNotCascade 3 votes
The Pig (John Kramer)
Scary_Punk_GhostIvory_PartnaiteGress 3 votes
Samara Morgan (Onryō)
RanchJuiceChikyWowieqnyun 4 votes
Sister Nikoletta (The Cenobite)
TaigacheezjtzAna1661 3 votes
Classic Nemesis
GibberishMiriamGSacrilegeGGTragicSolitudeRoboMojoFilthyLegionMainGreyBigfootJay_WhyaskFobboThatOneDemoPlayerdeKlaw_04KingFisherKoffeyeh 13 votes
badThotsSmoePhreshSteak 3 votes


  • Slan
    Slan Member Posts: 357
    Freddy Krueger (Robert Englund)

    Well, the obvious one for me was Robert Englund's Freddy. I mean, he IS Freddy Krueger, and when I saw this one was the remake version I was very disappointed.

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 773
    The Pig (Mark Hoffman)

    Imma vote Hoffman over Englund only because latter already has a lot of votes and I'm a bigger Saw fan than I am ANoES fan.

    John just doesn't really fit the whole killer shtick - he's an old man who needs life support system by Saw 2 and barely can get up by Saw 3. Hoffminator fits way more, not to mention he's pretty much the very definition of a perfect agent of the Entity, along with Ghosty.

    Myers from newest trilogy and classic version of Nemesis would be amazing too. And I'd much prefer female Pinhead (Kirsty) or Angelique over Sister Nikoletta. As for Leatherface and Samara - I wouldn't even want those, tbh.

    While I do find some grace in TCM remake (and don't find any grace in 2022 movie), I don't think that those Bubba versions are even comparable to classic Leatherface aesthetic-wise and behaviour-wise (no pun intended). And main difference between Samara and Sadako is name and the fact that Samara is underage, pretty meh for a separate cosmetic that costs money if you ask me.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,095
    edited July 2022

    The most requested legendary skins for me will always be a Butterball & Female Cenobite skin for Pinhead.

  • JonathanByers
    JonathanByers Member Posts: 167
    The Pig (Mark Hoffman)

    John Kramer wouldn’t fit into dbd, Hoffman is the best choice for a legendary for Amanda.

    as much as I like some of the other franchises on this list I’m a way bigger saw fan (saw is my second favorite horror franchise, stranger things being my favorite horror franchise), I remember some people even saying that Hoffman would have fit more as the killer than Amanda for the saw chapter, so it only makes sense for them to make Mark Hoffman a legendary skin for Amanda/The Pig.

  • KingFisher
    KingFisher Member Posts: 3
    Classic Nemesis

    Classic Nemesis and Robert Kruger would be golden! Whilst browsing for images I found one of Oni being modded into Shao Kahn and now I want a Mortal Kombat chapter with Mileena lol

  • Bio_
    Bio_ Member Posts: 20
    Michael Myers (Halloween Kills)

    Ik it wouldn't work with nemesis but I rlly want a Mr x skin for him or something like that

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,327
    Classic Nemesis

    I'm not a huge RE fan, but from what I've seen of the older games, the old Nemmy design was honestly a lot cooler. I'd also love to see Harry Mason (Protagonist of the first Silent Hill game) come to the game somehow. Not really related to the post, I just really hope it happens someday, lol.

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 932
    Samara Morgan (Onryō)

    I thought she was already that lol

  • PhreshSteak
    PhreshSteak Member Posts: 8

    Personally I would prefer soul sile (doc)/growth surge (huntress)/seething entertainer (clown) ect reworked for the leaking to look abit better. They was my fave a few years ago but haven't seemed to improve with the graphic updates over time (in my opinion) & would love for it to be reflected

  • Slingshot47
    Slingshot47 Member Posts: 158
    Freddy Krueger (Robert Englund)

    Robert Englund Freddy might be enough to actually get me to buy him.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,508
    Classic Nemesis

    I'd love Sister Nikoletta, Robert Englund, and Mark Hoffman, but I need Classic Nemesis. Nemesis is my main, and I hate his updated trash bag look. I have impatiently wanted Classic Nemmy ever since he released.

  • ArchAbhor
    ArchAbhor Member Posts: 847
    Freddy Krueger (Robert Englund)

    I like a lot you have here.The different pigs. Samara, but I think that og freddy is way overdue