Hook Screams still sound off.
Hearing some Hook Screams feels kinda anticlimatic to be honest.
Sure some screams can be.. bad and weird but hearing them cut out like they do sounds even worse.
I understand that some people hate hearing them and for understandable reasons, some make your ears bleed like hell which I agree screams like that get really obnoxious really fast.
But some Hook Screams as messed up as it sounds.. sound good.
For me I don't mind hearing Ace when he gets hooked the screams tbh sound fairly realistic and aren't too loud but that might just be me.
The developers can maybe make an option to shorten the screams and/or make them quieter.
Also regarding the progress bar as they scream the devs can make the progression bar continue rather than stopping for a bit when they get hooked it shouldn't be much of a problem.
This is just me though.
I'd like an option to at least disable or lower the volume of screams/grunts for your own character. As a test I ran Iron Will and Calm Spirit together, and it was wonderful compared to the norm.