I'm being targeted
I play DBD almost every day, and recently I've been playing against [username] a lot. Every time I go against them, they tunnel and camp me. It's only me, and I don't know why (on PS4 and their messages are off). Is there a way to block them in the game and not go against them? It feels like harassment at this point.
If you got proof it’s intentional and it’s targeted only at you, record it and report it.
I had the same thing happen a year ago with a doctor that would always facecamp me and hit me on hook and then would let everyone else go.
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No, you can't prevent them to play against or with you
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There is not an option to block others from playing with you; in game, or on PS4 (blocking a player on PS4 only prevents them sending messages and invites to you). But, as Marigoria kindly touched on, repeated, targeted harassment is indeed a violation of the Game Rules, and a reportable offense, as noted under Griefing: Intentional Gameplay Abuse: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/kb/articles/139-game-rules
The in-game report is required, with a Support Ticket for this kind of offense being optional. However, if you encounter them again, along with submitting the in-game report, you can use the PS4's video recording function to obtain video of the targeted harassment, upload it to Youtube (marked as unlisted), and add it to the Support Ticket under the area for additional information: https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us/requests/new I will also note where it asks for Steam 64 ID or Gamertag, you need only put their name as it appears in game.