Another Request To Delete MMR

Just another friendly request to kindly turn off SBMM/MMR as everybody knows it doesn't belong in this game nor does it work overall. Let's get rid of it before more people smash there heads on a cash register like Squidward.
They won't. It would have been one thing to just admit it was busted and broken and turn it off. But they kept trying to fix it. At this point, its like going WEEKS after starting a new job, and asking the person who you sit next to their name basically looking like an idiot for not knowing their name after all that time. Would have been better to be like "what was your name again?" on the second day. But the longer you wait, the dumber you look LOL. It would make them look 1,000 times worse if they "admitted it didn't work" after all this time. The hole just keeps getting deeper I guess XD.
I've noticed thats how they handle things they introduce that are just busted or people end up hating. They will just tweak it instead of scrapping it outright, to not look totally wrong I guess. But with MMR we have no idea what they're actually doing BTS with their "you can loop the killer all match but if you didn't escape the trial, was it really a skillful play?" mindset.
Or when they compare DBD to hockey... HOCKEY!!! Cuz hockey is 4 players on one team vs a team of just one goalie the whole game right? XD
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You're still not used to mmr system? =)
Come on, for me it was like going through stages of grief.
I'm accepted that and I feel Good now...
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maybe in a shoot out it can be 4 vs 1
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I'm casting my vote for the MMR as it was when it was first turned on. My matches have not been as good since the cap was lowered and the window opened up. There was like a 2 week period where my matches were awesome. Win some, lose some, but all were fun.
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There's nights where I barely feel mmr and than there's nights where it's constantly the same squads and killers that run the samething and do the same thing and my tiny little DBD brain can't except mmr in this game and wants the ranks back.
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Sadly removing SBMM doesn't fix anything.
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it can make matches more entertaining for both sides.
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12 stages of grief for the MMR system is honestly the healthiest way to approach it XD
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You're right. 10-12 stages are harder to do than 2-4 kills.
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It will fix my solo and killer games, i am pretty sure. I had better games before.
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you wanted rank based matchmaking, I see why you want mmr get removed
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Never watched this show