After patch, which characters will you recommend for beginners?

lav3 Member Posts: 758

People recommended leveling up certain characters lv.40 for their teachable perks.

Now, BP bonus in WGLF and BBQ will get removed and many meta perks are changing, priority for certain perks, characters will be changed too.

Among free survivor characters, now I'd recommend Dwight first. (I used to recommend Claudette first.)

Bond, very simple but helps you decide what you have to do in many situations.

Prove Thyself, teammate's faster repair speed when working together. Also with increased max BP category, objective score will be easier to get with this.

Leader, niche but okay when you get healed by your teammates.

After Dwight, probably Meg and Bill.

For console players, Feng could be okay I think. (Ace, Feng, Hag, Doctor is free on consoles)

Technician, has penalty for missing skill check but good for beginners who have hard time hitting skill check.

Lithe, decent Exhaustion perk and easy to keep distance with any vaults.

Alert, knowing where killer is (when breaking pallet, kicking gen) helpful and will give info of which pallets are gone and where generator is.

Among DLC characters, I'd go for Mikaela.

I hesitated between Kate (Windows of Opportunity) and Zarina (Off the Record).

But Mikaela is probably the best considering all her perks.

Clairvoyance, easy to remember where generators, exit gates are with special ability.

Circle of Healing, one of best perks to self-heal and other survivors gain advantages from this.

Shadow Step, powerful in indoor maps and certains spots and might help escape chases easily.

For killers? This is pretty rough.

This depends on what killers beginner wants to play and the character who have good perks might be hard for new players. Also, most good perks are dispersed in several killers which make harder to decide.

Among free characters, I would say Trapper is the first.

Unnerving Presence, hard skill check for new survivors.

Brutal Strength, gaining a bit more distance after breaking pallet fast.

Agitation, prevents situation when you can't hook close.

I have no idea whether beginners will like him but playing Trapper will help them learn killer basic imo.

Among DLC characters, I would recommend either Plague or Nemesis.

Corrupt Intervention, nerfed a bit but still decent.

Infectious Fright, know where close survivors are when you down someone. Maybe prevent Flashlight save situation.

Dark Devotion, sneaky approach with Undetectable after hitting Obsession.

Most of all, I think Plague is one of the easiest characters to injure someone and add-ons are quite good too.

Nemesis has Lethal Pursuer, you can see all survivors auras at the beginning and have additional effect of 2 seconds longer aura reading.

Hysteria, give a chance of sneak attack when survivors aren't healing.

Eruption, I highly recommend for having this. It has gen regress effect and gives info of where and how many survivors are in exploded generator and incapacitation time is quite long.

Nemesis has close range attack and anti-loop and zombies so he will be fun in my opinion.

Maybe Clown can be good too.

He's easy to play and has Bamboozle (good for M1 killers), Coulrophobia (hard skill check, slower heal within TR), Pop Goes the Wheesl (this is getting nerf but powerful on generators which have lots of progress).

I also considered Pinhead (Cenobite) because his perks all seem good but probably not easy killer to play so I excluded him.

What's your opinion? I'd like to hear.


  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    I'd pick Zarina over Mikaela. New killers can't track well even with scratch marks so the new survivor would have a better chance of getting away. Mikaela's perks requiring finding a dull totem and most new survivors don't know what a dull totem is let alone the spawn locations.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279


  • lav3
    lav3 Member Posts: 758

    OtR doesn't make survivor hide scratch marks. If you mean no grunts of pain, Zarina could be valuable too.

    I know spending time with totem feel like waste in certain situations but her perks are overall good imo.

    Good thing, they are both non-licensed so both purchasable with iri shards :)

  • Cybil
    Cybil Member Posts: 1,163
    edited July 2022

    Whoever has Windows of Opportunity.

    That is a must have perk for anyone starting the game. If I had that perk unlocked when I first started I would have a have learned all of the map layouts and tiles MUCH faster. This perk has the additional benefit of instilling confidence within the survivor as well. No matter where you go you'll already have as escape route planned.

  • GreyBigfoot
    GreyBigfoot Member Posts: 954

    Probably Dwight because Bond & Prove Thyself are still GOAT perks for me, even after all this time.

    And probably the Resident Evil chapter, because Nemesis perks got some love, and the survivor perks are either fun or help new players.