When will Nurse be nerfed?
With all that talk about Blight, it made me want to play him a bit. Apparently, I'm not losing skills for him as fast as for Nurse (if I don't play Nurse for a week, it takes a few matches to get back in the saddle). As a bonus, I got the adept. On the less good side, playing him isn't good for my digestion 🤮
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Also telling, that this is your last resort when you've run out of things to say.
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nah you just dont like to listen to others
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Again, telling, that you think that's the way it happened.
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I literally just said people have been complaining about her for ages. It didn't start recently, even the devs said she was a mistake.
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Do you have a source for that? I would like to read it myself.
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my theory on what started this new wave of nurse hate is the spirit nerf
EVERYONE was hating on Spirit and her lack of counterplay combined with OP add ons that people actually did not care for nurse at all during those times. You would get stomped by a good nurse once in a while but since Nurse is way harder to play than Spirit people were just constantly asking for Spirit nerfs and how she is so much bs, esp because people were playing her all the time on all skill level and getting easy kills. Actually before Spirit nerf people also did not care about Blight and his add ons that much either.
After Spirit Nerf it was clear as day who #1 and #2 killer in the game are and here we are...
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Using that logic over half the killers on the roster need a rework take hag 1 item from survivors and you can take away her power fully and lets not forget about maps the game has way to many pallets.
But we don't hear about any changes coming to these problems and others where a item can take away a killers power, maps are busted with to many pallets, where m1 killers can't keep up with the speed that gens are getting done because that killer has no map pressure survivors just say get good and learn to apply pressure but if anything comes out or is strong since the game came out survivors cry until its fixed.
Take undying survivors cried that is was to strong and not fair they might of had to cleanse 5 totems so it got nerfed but take boon totems and its fine that they can be relit over and over again but thats fine cause it helps survivors.
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I agree Nurse is a problem, but shouldn't the priority be on making Maps actually balanced first?
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Honestly @TheGannMan it's really heartwarming for you to say that because I'm just so used to people just purely going into these discussions to refute everything without even listening to what is being said. So I want to both apologies to you if I was in any way rude to you in my reply and thank you for being so kind about it, it really was pleasant to see and genuinely made me happy. If anything I can't blame you for hating Nurse and I hope that whatever it is is either fixed or resolved so you don't feel unpleasant because it's sad to hear and I genuinely wish whatever it is it will be fixed.
Thank you again for being so nice about it, I know I am repeating myself a lot, but it actually feels amazing to actually be able to discuss with someone for once. So thank you and I hope you have a wonderful day today, also if you want to discuss anything with me for my input please feel free to ask, and ill try my best to answer. :)
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Hey thanks for the response. All I have to say is you don’t have to apologize. All you did was point out a flaw in my attitude, which I respect anyone for doing. But yeah I’m not the biggest fan of Nurse personally but I totally get why people like her.
Also, you have a great day too! :)
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Just as soon as facecamping Bubba is nerfed, right? I’ll believe it when I hear it from BHVR. Until then, enjoy your Nurse matches! 😀
Post edited by Rizzo on3 -
Probably not any time soon
Better to adapt for the most part.
BHVR's showing signs of taking the game in a more overall healthier direction and if they continue down this path, Nurse will likely be looked at again. She's def on their radar given how they supposedly recoded her entire power semi-recently.
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Look at Freddy, spirit, deathslinger and Billy.
And yeah hopefully Bubba gets shooted in the head and corrupted from the Game files for at least 1 year.
and no, i'm not gonna enjoy those matches cause i'm way too busy and after that dev update i'm just not gonna play solo q. Enjoy your long q I Guess.
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Nurse dont need nerf, her basekit could get to normal movement speed too, Nurse is hard enough to play, salty remarks and whining are not opinions worth of being valued as reasonable
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It's all good. The rest of us appreciate your willingness to actually give her more playtime before pulling a, whatever that guy pulled.
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All I know is... every time a nurse pops up in a game, someone DCs and it ends up being a shtty game... yay for solo Q
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I´m just tired of my teammates instantly abandoning the match, even when its a terrible nurse. Suiciding and hoping that she eventually gets nerfed because of that, isn´t helping anyone. Are people really so entitled, that they refuse to adapt to different killers, and expect that everything has the same counter?
Imagine you get non stop the same killer. That would become boring pretty fast. Variety is what keeps this game entertaining. We need more strong killers. Not more weak killers.
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You need to realize when a killer is too strong or too weak.
You cant say we need more strong killer while denying the fact some killer are too strong.
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Its hard to measure the actual power of a killer, when everyone simply refuses to play against him.
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Some people. Some people call the killer bad when he gets a 4K. Some people call the killer OP when they can't escape by running in a straight line and dropping pallets. Some people have no concept of self-improvement and don't know how good it feels. (To be fair, some people have been raised with the deeply flawed "everyone gets a prize" mentality.)
Thankfully some people can rant and cry and rage-quit as much as they want, only real number matters. And it was stated games with DCs aren't taken into account. It's nice to know that at least these ones barely matter.
If killers really gets a well deserved boost* after the next update, some people will also have to cry about Trapper, Wraith, Pig, Huntress, Bubba, ...
It should fix their MMR and good Nurses will be the least of their problem.
*) Going against a killer that can't get you because you've stacked perks and map against him can be fun but it gets old fast.
edit: and just to be clear, I'm not speaking specifically about users on this thread or another. Just about the character traits exhibited by some. I had a match as Hag last night where I dominated while starting the game with 3 gens left (my fault) and the salt I got from some streamer was so stupid I still can't believe it.
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Same people who used to complain a lot about the old DH are now convinced that nurse is ok. The hypocrisy of this community
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Not if they break los and double back. I ve seen people argue you can just take safe blinks but that will dramatically increase the time it takes to down a survivor if they keep pushing for distance. Survivor players arent brain dead zombies they will throw curveballs on there movement.
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They don’t care about game balance/health.
As someone with thousands of hours on each role I can say with confidence that the number of games I played as killer that I had absolutely 0 chance of winning no matter what I did is probably countable on one hand. Of course I've lost many games, due to playing badly and/or survivors playing well. That's not to say SWF isn't too strong. They are, and should be nerfed. But unless you are facing the absolutely best tournament sweat squads, which are infinitesimely rare, you can win as any killer (a lot of people on these forums don’t want to believe this) if you are good enough. Might not be a fun game, but you can win.
On the other hand, the number of absolutely unwinnable games just because the killer player chose nurse? A lot. Sure, some of that is the nature of solo queue, bad teammates, etc. But I've never felt that way against any other killer (except busted addon sweaty Blight). With every single other killer, even if the whole team dies at the end, you can look at the match and think "darn, if we did something differently, or maybe if I took the first chase some of us could have escaped". Not nurse. If you escape a game against nurse the only response isn't "wow, what a great nurse!" (you'd be Dead)
Instead it is "good thing the nurse wasn't very good". That's not balanced gameplay.
When you play killer you know that if you face survivors who are equally skilled, if you are willing to play super sweaty you can win. There is no hope the other way around.
So, as I said. They don’t care about balance. Most of these nurse mains admit to only really playing SWF when they play survivor, so all they really do is play the most broken parts of DBD.
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That really is sad. Always doing the exact same thing gets boring quickly.
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keep telling yourself that
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I cant blame any teammate who dces against a nurse. And in solo q I meet a lot of them. Without dh you are pretty helpless against a decent nurse. And with decent I'm not even meaning a very good nurse, just an average.
And pls don't tell me anything about learning how to counterplay a nurse. I have 4000 hours in this game and played nurse enough to know how broken she is.
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I don’t know why people think their anecdotal experiences trumps actual large amounts of data.
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you mean data, which is not mmr adjusted, not adjusted for maps, taking into account farming matches and so on?
If you have several thousands hours in this game you should have collected enough data to make valid conclusions.
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You have this weird misconception I’m going off of BHVR’s data. Which BHVR themselves say they dislike posting because it merges all factors and people take out of context. I’m not.
I’m going off a mix of tournament and non-tournament high levels of play where even-skill matches happen. The former shows what happens at the absolute highest levels of play, including in tournaments with no restrictions whatsoever (which means it could basically have been a coincidental pub match). The latter shows at the non-tournament high level of play how they do against other equally skilled survivors.
In both cases, they are alike in that it comes out to being an even 2K average.
I don’t know why you think thousands of hours matters. You can find tons of people with hours like that with the dumbest god dang ideas possible. You will also find people who think the opposing thing for basically everything.
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Oh this one again, let's try it one more time everyone
Nerf addons, not the base-kit
Yet 3 blink still exists, gj BHVR
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Agreed just nerf addons, don't touch base-kit.
3 blink addon is not that good tho. I was using this addon just out of curiosity (it was maybe a year ago...), and it didn't worked out.
If you're not using recharge addons, it's actually a nerf to her ability. I've so many situations, (I should blink now, before she reach that wall, or jungleJ) but I couldn't, coz you have to wait like 12 seconds before my blinks are ready (at least 2 blinks).
That addon is only good for first hit, while you have all 3 blinks ready. Other than that - it's a meme addon.
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Guys (those who want a rework for her), how many times ppl who actually main nurse with 23382398 hours on her have to tell you...
She can be beaten. She's not op. It's hard yes, it's different tactic yes. But it's not unbeatable. The tactics already been spoken above in this thread, you can find them all the way in Youtube, and other sources.
The only BUSTED thing about nurse right now - range addons. Survivors just PHYSICALLY can't react to that speed, especially when she blinking close or mid range.
That being said... One more time... Just nerf her range addons, or rework THEM, NOT HER!
Her base-kit is fine.
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Really this, mostly because I see the other side. I have seen several survivors that I will remember by name because of how they played, but so often all I get is that DC Ding. I would send chronic DCers straight to DBD Purgatory, if I could.
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evidently you havent played against nurse at all outside of solo q
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or worse, youre just bad
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Tell this to 1400 survivors who lost to a Nurse on their 350 wins in a row streak.
Nurse is just broken. No need to talk about this.
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But ofc all the new boosted nurse mains will always argue how fine she is cuz they are scared to lose their lovely op toy and to learn how to really play on some other killers.
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Why do you want nurse mains to stop playing her ? Her pick rate is not that good, despite being free.