When is “spinning” being removed then?



  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Hug tech complaints are so weird. The Blight uses a gimmick that looks flashy but is actually tremendously weaker and easier to counter than bump logic, and somehow people take issue with it for it being unintended/needing less Rushes.

  • AliceNull
    AliceNull Member Posts: 23

    Spinning is only a problem when Auto Aim literally forces you to miss.

  • Grum
    Grum Member Posts: 273

    -Spinning isn't a glitch.

    -It isn't hard to counter spinning on controller. You... just back up a little when you see them spinning.

    Hope this helps. Better luck next time when you attempt to draw some threadbare comparison between completely unrelated things.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    To be fair, once they spin you, they start throwing to do it again. So I do not mind too much. If survivors capitalized on whatever advantage state they created, it would be annoying. But hey, if they want to laugh in exchange for a hook... I will take that trade every time.

  • toxik_survivor
    toxik_survivor Member Posts: 1,187
    edited August 2022

    Spinning is completly fine and if it was ever removed half the dbd population will commit arson on the dbd headquarters

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,851

    So, the hitboxes changed how they worked, and therefore BHVR broke another promise.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,328

    Uh, yes? They should still have to press the attack button, but they should get the hit if they're close enough. Don't you think all this is a little ridiculous? The game always forces killers to hit the body blocking survivor instead of the one that they want when they go for a lunge and it gives them a short one because the blocker is closer. And yet when you lunge at point-blank range, the game allows you to overshoot the survivor with your lunge? All I ask is for a little bit of consistency, which 360ing denies.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503

    The angry and infuriated killer main in me wants to whole-heartedly jump yo your side! But then I thought that cutting corners, quickly changing directions and bamboozling hunter via turning is THE way of prey animals all around the globe. So as the apex predator its our job to laugh at this feeble attempts to preserve their life's and see through their deceptions in order to strike true.

    So in my book, spinning, while embarrassing if it works, is exactly what a survivor should do against a closing, vastly overpowering opponent.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,328

    No, they don't throw the game spinning if it works. Remember, survivors are probably already in advantage 90% of the time, so they can mess around all they want with spinning. They didn't have to use a pallet or anything to evade your attack. They just saw they were about to get hit or go down, they spin their stick while looking up at the sky or something, and suddenly your chase is extended by 2-10 seconds depending on how many times they pull it off. Sometimes the game gives it to them 2-3 times in a row. And sometimes they're able to get to somewhere safe because you missed. They're not throwing anything.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,328

    It was their mistake to say it wasn't intended. They said that in response to negative feedback, not because it wasn't what they intended. The projectile dodging being really hard might not have been part of their plan, but maybe that's just a wake up call to how easy dodging is. Huntress throws a hatchets slightly to the right? Don't even have to dodge, complete miss. Huntress throws it at you? Twitch at the last second and it misses. Same goes with Deathlinger, Victor, Plague vomit, any ranged attack you can think of. Y'all are using BHVR's "broken promises" as an excuse to not have to make an argument against the animations. They allowed killers to lunge and actually get a hit, and y'all think that's a bad thing.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    Most of the time if the survivor has to resort to spinning you are in a great position to get a hit. Even if you miss, most of the time you will get the hit in the next few seconds. So 90% or more of the time you are still getting a hit. It creates an interesting interaction between the players, unlike if the hit is 100% guaranteed.

    Get good. They did.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,851

    1) I'm saying why there was outrage, not my own opinion. BHVR said there would be no changes and there were changes, which made people angry. Do you deny that there were changes to how hitboxes worked- if these were, in your opinion, good or bad changes is irrelevant.

    2) If you're struggling this much to land a hit on a survivor because of a 360 then idk what to tell you, the only times I ever get spun are when I'm not even paying attention to the screen. It's really not that difficult to counter and 9 times out of 10 gives me downs on overly-cocky survivors

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,328

    Sure, I'll get good. Let me just install my auto aim hack, and do the devs' jobs for them. /s

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    So the devs job is to make the game easy for you? Or is it to try and make it fun for everyone?

    You act like anyone can just pick up the game and start spinning killers like it's easy. It's not.

    • Spinning takes some mechanical skill that some players never actually pull off well, since it requires spinning the survivor in one direction while spinning the camera in the other for it to be most effective.
    • Spinning also takes timing. A survivor can't just start spinning once the killer gets near and have it be effective. They have to spin at the right moment or find the right spot on a tile to even attempt it. If they do spin to early they often just bump into the killer and stop moving and the killer gets an easy hit.

    I am not a very good spinner myself, but when I make a killer miss it's the best feeling in DbD. I don't think I could enjoy playing survivor anymore at all if it was removed. I also wouldn't enjoy killer as much because they couldn't effectively dodge.

    Maybe getting good is not your problem. Maybe you should go play something else like Candy Crush. The candies can't dodge you.