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Is the new Corrupt Intervention useless to certain killers?

JackOfTrades Member Posts: 462
edited July 2022 in General Discussions

So it's pretty hard to explain (for me, at least), but after seeing that the new Corrupt Intervention goes out the window when a survivor gets downed, certain killers like Legion may find this perk to benefit way less (assuming they use Feral Frenzy as they first find a survivor and immediately go to chain hits, the first hit survivor may just stay there and purposely get downed to end the Corrupt while the Legion is off in Wonderland chaining hits off of others). I know I only mentioned Legion, but some (possibly all) killers make this perk very hard to use (it may be good in certain scenarios, but idk). End of what I say here. Off to play Portal 2.

EDIT: I think most if not everyone here has a good point. While it may not really be a staple in some builds anymore, It will be on some of my killers, and you all have helped so me that, so thank you for that! Useless also probably should NOT have been used in the title, but i'm not going to change it, so. Thanks, again!

Post edited by JackOfTrades on


  • JackOfTrades
    JackOfTrades Member Posts: 462

    But, like, if you hit a survivor once i=with feral frenzy and they purposely get downed to end Corrupt...Wouldn't it be better to equip a perk that has more usages (perhaps Thrilling Tremors)?

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    As far as Legion goes, if you get your first down from a five chain hit, assuming the survivors are even close enough together to do it, you’re looking at probably say 10 seconds to get into a chase plus about 35-40 seconds worth of following chases by the time you get you fifth hit. So Corrupt will have lasted at least 45-50 seconds out of a possible 90 which is still ok.

    But as to the main point, I think Corrupt will be fine on most killers and be best for killers that have particularly slow early games (e.g. Hag, Trapper, Meyers). It’ll be weakest on killers that can get really quick downs, but even on those it’ll still be a period of time the survivors probably aren’t getting much done on the gens.

  • JackOfTrades
    JackOfTrades Member Posts: 462

    I don't mean the end of the 5-chain, I mean hitting someone and running off to hit someone else with Feral, but the first surv. downs theirselves with the deep wound effect to end Corrupt Early. I get what you're saying, though.

  • BadZilla
    BadZilla Member Posts: 467

    During normal circumstances getting a down before the nerf takes about the same or more duration of Corrupt so you will get the same value pretty much unless survivors are grouping and you're playing someone that can down survivors quickly like nurse or blight.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    How is a down within seconds not worth it? It wouldnt happen in this scenario and btw a really stupid "counterplay". This is like saying condemned is worthless because you can get rid of the tape midchase. This is a free down for the killer and in no way worthless.

    Killer is weakest in the beginning of a match, there are potentially 4 survivors on gens. Having someone down/hooked means, one is on hook, one needs to go unhook/heal and probably one is in chase, meaning only one survivor is on gens from that on, 75% less gen progress going on.

    This is exactly why Corrupt is strong even when you don't directly notice its value. But it means at match start there are NOT 4 survivors on a gen, they are most likely searching for one while you chase your first target. Having an early down means that you got the same vaule. If the survivor chooses to not mend to kill corrupt, it would be even better for you as you are about to down your second target as well. Which means one on the ground, one on the hook, 2 either being chased or busy with getting the team back up. That would be wonderful if that happens (from killer POV). Because the gens are not blocked, but who is working on gens anyway

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    The "nerf" to Corrupt is vastly overrated, IMO. I don't think you'll see people getting less real value from it.

    Corrupt keeps people from immediately jumping on a gen they spawned in front of, and forces them to move out to other gens, using up time. If a killer gets a down early to deactivate Corrupt, the other survivors will have already moved on to an uncorrupted gen and will be working on it, just like they are with the perk currently. It's possible, but not likely in most game situations, that someone will leave a gen they already have put decent work into in order to cross back over part of the map to work on a different gen that's now open due to the perk deactivating (except possibly on one of the maps where a potential 3-gen is strongest and needs to be broken early).

    And if the killer isn't getting a down really early in the Corrupt part of the match, then it's still staying up like before, and again, the other survivors will have even more time invested in whatever gen is getting worked on instead, so there's no real change there either. The killers I run Corrupt on, I plan to keep it on, as I don't think it's going to be much different in effectiveness.

    My only issue with Corrupt -- and this change doesn't affect it -- is the number of times that the 3 gens furthest away from me are blocked (so, no weird split when you spawn in the middle of the map) and survivors have somehow spawned super-close to my spawn point and in front of a gen that isn't corrupted. Hearing a gen that you, in theory, shouldn't have needed to check on (or took a quick glance at, not realizing survivors were already there), popping stupidly early in a match because survivor spawns are sometimes goofy is the only thing that makes Corrupt a headache for me when I run it.

  • S4ShadowWolf
    S4ShadowWolf Member Posts: 92

    No matter how much people complain to BHVR, they never seem to fix spawns.

    I started running Lethal Persuer and Corrupt together to see what spawns were like, and it's just mad how often survivors would spawn away from the corrupt gens. Or that one survivor who you realise you can partly see them because they are that close. The spawns need to be addressed if they want to actually change perks like corrupt.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    The thing that most people fail to understand is that Corrupt's power doesn't lie in the fact that it blocks generators for a longish amount of time. It ensures that survivors don't hop on a gen immediately and greatly increases the chance of the killer running into a survivor. Even an omega blink nurse can get value out of it, no matter how quickly she gets the down. By that time, the survivors have wasted time. I'm still going to run it every single time I'm going sweat mode.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    No Survivor will go down just to end Corrupt Intervention early. This will never happen and if it happens, that specific Survivor is pretty dumb.

    Having Corrupt Intervention up for 2 minutes is way better than having an early Down for the Survivors.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210
    edited July 2022

    New corrupt: Better don't down anyone within the first 2 minutes.

    Set-up killers like trapper and hag can still use. But for the majority of killers, corrupt will be dead.

    (They should have made 1 min. of corrupt basekit for all killers, 2 minutes if you run the perk)

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767

    New corrupt is awesome, it still will be good for build up killers like trapper plague hag or myers, all other killers don't really need 120secs corrupt

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,369
    edited July 2022

    Yeah, it's useless on the killers that don't need it

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,477

    You my friend are rhe perfect example as to why Corrupt was nerfed

    Because now, its no longer an obvious choice! There are actually other viable options!

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    Yep. When you get your first down, that's when you start your snowball cycle and when survivors cannot apply split pressure as effectively. At that point Corrupt is redundant.

    What the nerf does is that allows survivors to have access to problematic gens that might have stayed blocked. But still, they have to pick which gen to attack.

    True. I would argue it's still good on fast killers too as a safety net if you happen to get a bad start. But probably most players would switch to Lethal Pursuer on S killers. Unless they're comfortable in spawn knowledge.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    It stays very good for "setup-killers" like Trapper, Hag, Demogorgen (if u play for the portals), Pig etc.

    For fast-down-killers like Bubba, its not worth anymore in my opinion.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 981

    The main purpose of Corrupt is to prevent gens from being done while you still don't have means to get the ball rolling. Once you down a survivor you have a way to start applying pressure on the map, therefore, Corrupt's job is done.

    Although I do agree that the nerf was unnecessary, I doubt that the nerf will drop it's usage.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,477

    yes there is

    people have been complaining about a stale meta for years.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 981
    edited July 2022

    Not really, I still see Corrupt being essential on almost every build because Corrupt does something that no other gen slowdown does: Prevents gens from being done quickly at the start of the game. When the match starts, the killer is in his most weak position, where he has no survivor injured or hooked, so to get pressure on (find the survivors, chase them and down them) and make use of the best slowdown perks, it takes a while. Depending on how bad the map you got is and how good the survivors are this process may take a while, meaning that every other survivor is just happy doing gens which may lead you to an uncomfortable position where by the time you get the first hook, three gens might have already been done.

    That is why an early game slowdown is essential. OG Ruin used to do that, but they gutted it and now there is only Corrupt. For that reason, Corrupt will probably still be used on every build because it is the only perk in the game that meets such a great demand.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    You will always get usage out of this perk.

    Survivors 90% of the time will spawn as far as possible from you. At least one or two of them would be on the furthest part of the map. This means that because of corrupt they will be forced to to gens closer to you, making them take longer to start repairs.

    If you do end up chasing and downing a survivor at the start of the match, then you most likely will have already forced survivors to the part of the map that is away from the blocked generators.

    So to recap, you are guaranteed value because no matter what survivors will be forced to move closer to you in the map to do more gens, therefore slowing them down. This also increases the chance of them grouping up on gens, meaning if you end up interrupting them later on you are now pressuring two survivors at once.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    On most killers, yes

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,108

    It's useless on all killers because you lose it as soon as you down someone.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,477

    As for Corrupt, Itll definitely be a strong perk still but at least now the difference in strength between a high tier killer using it and a lower tier killer isnt astronomical.

    OG Ruin was simply a noob stomper, it was FAR from gutted. its objectively better now since no matter the skill of the Survivors, youre going to get use out of it.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    I never used this perk to begin with.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Going purposfully down to deep wound to counter corrupt has the same energy as afking untill 3 gens are done so you can start with 3 stacks if fire up

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733
    edited July 2022

    Imagine being billy and randomly finding a survivor with your starting chainsaw sprint across the whole map. You got a down super fast by chance, awesome! you just disabled 1/4th of your loadout in the first few seconds tho :(

    Its like a hex perk that you disable at the start of the match instead of waiting for survivors to do it for you.

    doesn't matter tho because who would willingly play billy right now? :)

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 981

    It was never about difference of strength between perks being used. Corrupt is still gonna be used almost every game because it does something that no other perk does.

    And yes, Ruin was gutted. Even against a survivor who hits great skill checks all the time (which was incredibly rare) ruin did its job by not giving the progression bonus normal great skillchecks do. This new Ruin is garbage by itself for the simple fact that it is gone before the midgame (where it is at its strongest). Old Undying used to make new Ruin decent, but it was gutted as well and now they nerf Ruin for the third time finally putting the nail in the coffin.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,477

    Oh I'm well aware that its still going to be used every game. But it now makes it weaker on killers that already have a good early game, and basically doesn't affect killers with a weaker early game.

    And no, for the final time. Ruin was not gutted.

    Do you know how much time hitting a great skillcheck saved? 0.025 seconds, and nowadays its 0.0125. It really was just a noob stomper perk which worked very well considering how garbage ranks were.

    Old Undying paired with Ruin was just a nightmare for Solo Q and barely affected SWF considering they could just cleanse both totems at the same time and guarantee the Undying.

    And oh no! A perk finally becoming inline with other perks after almost 6 years! What a tragedy!

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 981

    Yes, Ruin was gutted. Not once, not twice, three times. SWFs could only counter Ruin + Undying so much, since if Ruin was cleansed first, it would just switch to another totem and since you had no way of knowing which was Ruin and which was Undying this effect could happen a certain amount of times. In the worst-case scenario, survivors would have to cleanse two totems, which is now the default number of times a survivor always have to cleanse totems to get rid of an already underwhelming perk.

    And no, Ruin is not becoming in line with other perks, it is getting absolutely thrashed. 1/4 of a solo survivor's speed on regression on a perk that can get cleansed and gets removed when someone is dead. No man, this is worse than Dying Light.

  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464

    Will be less good and not worthy