How is the SBMMR currently working? (serious question=

I´ve played as Ghost face for the first time and got matched with those lovely fellows:
I mean, they are not sweats but, come on, the last one is running all meta perks on the highest rarity.
Is this currently normal?
I think you have to play a handful of matches first before your SBMM properly settles.
In the meantime your opponents could be bad, good or a mix. It'll get better shortly.
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If you play this game consistently then yes it is normal, once you reach a certain point you're just thrown with anyone else above that level because MMR is so wide range to keep matches quick so it's not accurate all the time
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MMR isnt real, like fairy tooth. I dont remember last time i "win" a game. And im talking quite a lot of games, but whatever.
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I can't find the FAQ anymore where they stated this, but you don't get 'brand new' MMR when you play a killer you've not played before if you have experience in this game.
Back in the FAQ they stated that they take an average of your killer MMR in general and apply it to your killer you've not played - they do this because even though it's a killer you don't have experience in, you still have general killer experience in game sense/chase experience from other killers you've played. This FAQ is fairly old though, so I don't know if this is still the way it works, but it makes sense.
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It just works, have some faith.
And if you want to see your mmr and your opponents... well, it's not possible, but do have faith that it works well.
If your matches are awful, do not worry, have faith, mmr knows what it is doing and it is making matches that are the best for you.
Worry not because we all are treaded equally by mmr and truly blessed are the ones who believe without seeing.
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The first time you played Ghost Face its initial rating was based on the average of all your other killer ratings. I’m assuming you’re at least pretty decent on some other killers so you Ghost Face starting MMR is going to be in that bracket. It does go down as you lose though, and I think the amount it goes up or down in your first, say, 10 matches or so is probably artificially inflated to help you get to the right MMR bracket more quickly out the gate.