And Then It Finally Happened...

5+ years of experience, 3000+ hours of playtime, and hundreds of hours on this very forum coaching newer players and I'm finally cutting the cord. I've spent years trying to be a positive voice in this community and scoffing at players who quit for petty reasons and now here I am after months of consideration and re-consideration giving myself the same treatment.
DBD used to be a game that gave me immense amounts of joy (and occasional bouts of stress). Now it's the opposite. Playing for any amount of time exacerbates my anxiety disorder and it hasn't been fun for ages. I stopped having fun almost a year ago and it has taken me too many months to finally prove to myself that this game is simply not worth my health to continue playing.
For the record I play both roles equally (although I consider myself a killer main for that very reason), and playing both roles has become miserable. Playing mostly solo-Q survivor means I have to rely on my teammates - which is a Catch-22 as playing with bad teammates lowers my MMR, which leads me to play with even worse teammates who lower my MMR even further. My individual efforts are meaningless in the face of either super-sweaty killers or super-campy killers, which ultimately goes to prove that I wasn't really skilled anyways and that my opponent was just the superior hockey player.
Playing killer at a high skill level (and I consider myself a much better killer than I am a survivor) is its own unique form of Perdition as I feel like one of the few people left who is playing 'chill' and not giving in to the insane "I only play Nurse with range add-ons" meta. Those of you who play M1 killers with no regression perks like I do can probably relate to my misery. I can consistently mindgame and outplay survivors and it just doesn't matter because BHVR's increasingly horrific map design means they always have another pallet they can reach.
I've seen and read all the updates for the newest patch, but I don't see how these supposedly 'sweeping' changes to the meta are going to affect the game in any meaningful way. DBD will truly live and die by its map design, and every map that has been released over the past year (and then some) has been a complete travesty.
I'm totally open to re-installing DBD, but not until BHVR learns their lesson that this is not a competitive e-sports ready game. It's truly just a fun party game (with loads of RNG elements that leave it wildly imbalanced) that's only really fun when everyone comes together. MMR may not be the causation of this effect, but this new 'survival means everything' ranking system is certainly correlated to the new meta of misery.
Bruh, you're on a PC and you still took a screenshot with your phone 💀
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In a way, I understand how you feel, though it is not for the same reason.
DBD was no longer the same game I fell in love with back in 2018, so I left. As simple as it can be.
I don't know why you would announce it on the Forums, but all of us have limits, things that can make us leave the Fog.
If the game is no longer fun for you, then you are doing the right thing.
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Well...if you are burned out it's normal, I uninstalled warframe at 4k hours, haven't played in 2 years, playing the game too much for too long can be boring, find something new and have fun. I don't know...maybe play warframe? pretty chill game! I only left because I played all the content and was bored but it's a good game, good luck!
Post edited by Ink_Eyes on2 -
Forgive me, for I am now an old fogie... and also too lazy to take a normal screenshot and crop it. Taking a PC selfie and emailing it to myself was easier.
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People really need to learn to leave a bad relationship before it takes its toll.
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Anyways - I hope something brings you back to the game, even if it's to try a PTB out here and there, good luck playing whatever sinks it's hook into you next.
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Thanks! I'm totally open to coming back if I see some vital improvements. In the meantime I've been trying out the newest Monster Hunter with some friends. Honestly I find it kind of shallow. It's fun - but when you're with friends you can have fun playing Paint Drying Simulator 2017 (tm).
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Thankfully it's pretty cheap!
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Holy Crap I did not expect that to be an actual thing. it co-op?
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I don't think so, could just stream it with all your buds though!
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just use windows snipping tool with windows+shift+s or just searching up snipping tool in the search bar
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Next update is gonna be pretty good, might as well hop back in every once in a while, trade chat is still poo btw
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I think that is where the mark is missed with this game, that it truly is just a fun party game. The fun I had with SWF back when my friends played was way more fun that it was or ever will be in solo que. The reason why that was is because we didn't care about winning more than we cared about the crazy random shenanigans we had together. The fun, laughs and jokes I had with my friends and the memories we created together will always be more valuable than running through that exit gate. I feel like the desire to have this game balanced has taken more priority in player's minds than the desire to simply make it fun. The question is how do you make the game fun when you have so many players who define fun differently in this game? I think it goes back to what the game is, a fun party game, and how fun shouldn't be based on whether you end the match escaping as survivor or 4k as killer but rather how enjoyable your interactions were during the match before it ends.
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A long time player, or any player for that matter, saying why they are quitting the game on the forums is feedback on the player's experience of the game and can be valuable to the game developers for possible future improvements. The OP didn't just say "I'm quitting cya." They explained in detail why they are quitting. Its better than just people quitting and never knowing why.
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I know! khora prime is coming out, I started playing a little bit before she was released, I might come back just to farm her prime version, play a little bit to remember old times, I think they already added a lot of content since then so maybe it will be entertaining, too bad I gifted most of my prime mods before I left but regular content should be good for casual play still...
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Such posts are often looked down upon in here.
That why I said I don't know why OP would do it, since it is something people tend to react negatively towards.
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I would say that maybe the Devs could pull an F13 and add comms...but that's a bad idea (maybe perhaps if there was a range it would be fine, like F13 (if you've played it, you know what I'm talking about)). Please don't spam hate at me just for saying this...
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Hope you can get her, my relic rng is poo when trying to get the new stuff, only another 2 years or so until grendel prime, my boi will be stronk, definitely do the new stuff, its pretty fun
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Yea its a shame. Players should be interested in why people quit rather than criticize it.
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I left back in November due to stress from MMR, creep on here some though to gauge improvements, started playing Back4Blood a lot. I'm going to com e back on a trial basis for the new patch because it should mitigate some of my biggest issues playing as killer and won't effect my survivor play at all since I barely run any meta perks outside of BT.
It's given me a lot of time for Elden Ring, catching up on some Assassin's Creed games I never played and more.
One thing's for sure though, if I come back to playing DBD regularly I'm not playing nearly as much as I used to lol