Pig might actually be nerfed

With the new pig Rng coming in the next patch Otz shows the new extreme stalling power with different addon combos
Not again...
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Please just make her crouch/uncrouch 0.5 and her charge 0.5s.
Just do it and see how she feels, please. That's all she needs. Crouched walking speed and a slight boost to ambush movespeed, and a buff to the fadeout on her terror radius would all be welcome. But they're not important.
The insane 1.3s crouch/uncrouch and sluggish 0.75s charge time just feel awful and do nothing but make her feel clunky.
Nerf her slowdown addons if you have to, just please make her feel better to play.
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The pig rng is already out though.
But pig's power is just hard to balance due to the nature of being an instant kill ability.
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They keep quietly micro-nerfing Pig every now and then. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad, it's like they really think she's secretly S tier.
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If it’s just 2 purple add ons being toned down it shouldn’t be a big deal. Good pig mains don’t really use those add ons anyway
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Pig benefits from survivors doing alternative objectives in general. Plaything, Pentimento, Devour Hope, and Deadlock with the add-ons that either add more traps or make the box searches take longer has been working wonders for me personally. It really works well with the recent box search change.
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They just buffed her, I think after some time they will re-adjust her addons and leave her base power as is. Probably
also @GoodBoyKaru your subscription feed leaked onto the forums again kappa
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Some traditions are just too good to stop and that includes the Pig nerfs
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I didnt say it wasnt out just that it was new
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I mean I would be confused if they nerf her, if their intent is to buff killrates...
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Just the way you worded it sounds like you thought it was coming this midchapter patch.
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Considering the survivor objective is being made much more difficult to complete than it already was and heavy nerfs to perks once again, killers that prevent that objective from being worked on should be rightfully nerfed.
Pig and Pinhead will be a problem.
Legion because you will be constantly mending and unable to work on gens.
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We got sluzzy bois woo
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these add-on were already nerfed, old tamper timer was 30 seconds. new one is 20 seconds. Crate of gears was 33% slower boxes. new one is 25%.
@Crowman its not anymore rng. it used to be RNG. Almo wrote a post explaining how new pig boxes work. it is consistent ability. survivors are suppose to not get downed by the pig as her chase is not strong and if they do get downed, they can 99% generators to give the survivor more time to search through boxes. it doesn't need any negatives changes. people need to stop call pig the worst killer in the game when she uses good add-ons and learn to play against her ability.
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I know there are some big changes incoming (some of them good, others bad), but poor Pig has suffered enough already.
I don't think she needs another nerf, tbh.
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I don't really care about nerfing her boxes as long they buff her primary ability. That would make her more interesting for me.
Boxes are just passive slowdown.
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The traps are still rng. They just are more controlled to not allow situations of everyone taking 4 attempts to get the trap off out everyone getting it off first time. A survivor getting lucky and having 1-2 search attempts means that 1 of 2 of his teammates have 4 search attempts. I did a write up on the odds but I would have to find it.
Also I was not suggesting she needed a nerf. Just that her power is tricky to balance due to the power of instant killing survivors without hooking (in theory).
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I mean, it is more likely that Pig gets nerfed compared to Nurse getting a Nerf. And if the changes require a Nerf to Pig, it is how it is.
But would be nice to see how long this build can exist, because if players have to prestige, they will get less purple Add Ons, since they are not doing Level 50-Bloodwebs all the time.
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yeah in theory you can slug and get 4 head pops, but in practice, hooking is relevant for pig because of her head-trap give a minimal reward for game-slowdown with max reward of a mori. I would say she falls in lines of getting few kills with generator delay and few kills with reverse trap mori's. Of course Mori aspect is not base-kit and requires add-ons.
i would say that myer's with judith tombstone and Sadako condemn are entirely based off mori's. these are a bit more tricky to balance.
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Pig is literally the last killer that needs a nerf…
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It's not fair to say that pig's mori aspect isn't base kit. It's still possible to earn mori kills without any addons but requires the pig to really be pressuring the boxes.
What I believe is tricky to balance are the addons that make it easier to headpop. While idk how possible is to do now (also disclaimer I haven't fully watched the otz video either) but at least before maps like midwich and certain addons could lead to head pops without the pig actively pressuring the survivor which I don't see as being very balanced. Now the 5th box should make it harder for that to happen but if the pig is able to get kills without being an active threat towards activated traps it would warrant a nerf.
Granted this isn't purely a power issue and is slightly a map issue.
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It changed from 30% to 25% not 33%, just a minor correction.
The in game description currently claims it increases box search time by 33% which is also technically correct.
12/.75 = 16 seconds to search a box
12×1.3333333333 = 16 seconds to search a box
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But she was OP? She needed a nerf.
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I don't get survivor complaints around this. We hear "Artist, Pyramid Head, Nemesis, Deathslinger, etc. THEY'RE NOT FUN!!!! So we go from anti-loop powers to stall powers and now we hear "NO NO!! Legion, Plague, Pig, Pinhead, NO FUN!!!!". What exactly are survivors expecting? Anti loop is not fun, game delay is not fun? I am not really sure/understanding what they expect a killer power to be.
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The new RNG has to stay. Only the timer add-on should be nerfed.
End of story.
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I like Otz but I'll believe it when I see it if Pig gets nerfed. If the new box system were causing her to have too high a kill rate they probably would have already tweaked it by now.
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I'll start to worry about Pig when they actually do something about Nurse.
You know... the one that actually needs a nerf.
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Nah, Nurse is fine.
Just discovered a Japanese Twitter Account full of Nurse-videos of games which ended in under 2 minutes (many under 1 minute). So many Survivors having Skill Issues, I cannot believe it!
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If you play her on average with no add-on's. I'm sure many people can tell you that playing base-kit pig does not yield many head-pops. you have more time to search boxes compare to head-trap killing you. Some people think she is worst killer in the game, but she really is not.
here is small rant
Pig at old-base kit. She on average with her rng traps would get an average of 2.5 searches. I am going round it down to 2. each jigsaw takes 12 seconds by default. If the pig successfully places 4 traps on the survivor. she delays the game by 24 seconds four times. if we consider the time it takes to walk to each box, the time increases significantly. Current-base kit has an average of 3 searches and gains a total of 12 searches. 12x12 second is considerable amount of time not spend on doing generators.
Just about every killer could use her reverse bear-trap system as base-kit and all of them would just be stronger. according to their stats in regards to killer perks, most of the killer do in fact use perks that slowdown the game and emulate this system(See pick-rates for corrupt intervention, pop goes weasel, scourge hook pain res and Hex:Ruin).
While idk how possible is to do now (also disclaimer I haven't fully watched the otz video either) but at least before maps like midwich and certain addons could lead to head pops without the pig actively pressuring the survivor which I don't see as being very balanced.
This comment is like Peanut's comment regarding scourge hook pain resonance. All you need to do is just hook the survivor and you get regression! All you need to do is down the survivor and put a reverse bear trap on the survivor. peanut makes it sound so simple.
The pig is downing survivors. How is pig not actively pressuring survivors?
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I'm saying that the pig shouldn't be able to reliably get head pops without pressuring survivors off of boxes. I don't see the pig needing to down you first being a huge difference to that, because a killer shouldn't be able to consistently get kills after a single down without being an active threat against that survivor. Combination of addons and maps that create situations where survivors cannot reasonable search all the boxes (on a consistent basis) without the pig running any kind of interference is a problem that deserves to dealt with.
Obviously if the survivor greeds or make mistakes on searching boxes, then it's still fair for them to die as they still had the opportunity to search the boxes they needed to, but failed to do so.
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😂 haha so true
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Both pig and cenobite is actually not weak and fine to get a nerf tbh, slowdowns are no joke imo.
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I'm saying that the pig shouldn't be able to reliably get head pops without pressuring survivors off of boxes.
killer shouldn't be able to consistently get kills after a single down without being an active threat against that survivor.
do you mean afk pig? how exactly do you pressure survivors off boxes. they only need 1-4 tries to remove the trap and there are 5 jigsaw's. camping jigsaw boxes is ineffective. The survivor can go to the other boxes that pig is not near. Chasing survivors that have head-trap is counter-productive in term 4vs1 nature of the game for the pig,
The pig does not need to do anything after the trap has been set. her reverse trap power is automatic. the power is no longer about pig at that point. It becomes more about how the survivor plays against her traps.
"Combination of addons and maps that create situations where survivors cannot reasonable search all the boxes (on a consistent basis) without the pig running any kind of interference is a problem that deserves to dealt with."
survivors control when they complete generators therefore they decide when the trap timer is active. this is why power pig's reverse traps is strong. the pig ability is anti-gen rush ability which is ironically countered by genrushing and not going down.
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As much as I love to watch Otz and think he's on-point on much of what he talks about, anyone who thinks Pig suddenly needs "nerfing" (as one well-known troll has already stated in this thread), doesn't play Pig, or against her ... or survivor at anything resembling competency (and this is not a dig at Otz, who is a fantastic survivor player as well, but he's so above almost everyone he plays with/against in skill level, his opinions -- and those of other content creators who play on a different level -- often need to be taken with a grain of salt. It'd be like getting Michael Jordan's take on if pro basketball was "easy" because of how he dominated the sport -- there's no relation to how people of that skill level see what they do play out and the other 99% who do the same thing who just aren't on that level).
The Pig is a killer without high-mobility to get a snowball going early in-game (ala Nurse or Blight, as prime examples). She has an Ambush attack that is VERY situational and useless in countless loops that just are too big for her to capitalize on -- and other than that, she has NOTHING in her kit to help her in chase. Her stealth, with such a slow crouch speed, is nearly useless against anyone paying attention to their surroundings (at best, you'll get closer to start a chase or maybe a hit, but her stealth pales in comparison to GF, or Wraith, or even Myers in Tier 2 with Monitor).
So -- no legitmately dangerous stealth, nothing to help in chases, no insta-down potential (without the use of a perk to accompish it), and nothing to build towards in the endgame. ALL she has is innate slowdown through a secondary objective in the RBT's, and even those can be finicky -- if traps are on but no gen pops to activate them, they're literally cosmetics for the survivors until they come off -- and that's assuming you're getting all four traps on before a final gen pops.
THIS is a killer that anyone thinks should be nerfed? If you're losing to a Pig player, then either they legitmately outplayed you, or you played poorly, or it's a combination of both -- but it's not because the killer is overpowered and needs changes (she arguably does, but they are NOT nerfs). Complain about Pig, and you probably should just ask for killer bots with the AI capabilities of Nemesis' zombies to go against for your experience to be one you're happy with. I've NEVER gone against a Pig in two years plus -- including since her RNG trap change -- that I thought "Man, this killer is too strong to beat", where as I CAN say that's happened against certain Nurses, Blights, Spirits, and Huntresses (though again, even with THOSE killers, that feeling was as much as to how good the player behind them was as much as it was their strength as a killer).
And while I didn't see all of the matches Otz played with Pig that he talked about in his video, the one he DID showcase featured an AFK player to start the game, and it's not like that sample game ended with the survivors dying at 5 gens -- they still got him down to the final gen. And this is against Otz, who can play killers with meme builds and perkless and everything else under the sun and still win or 4K because he's that damn good at the game -- which is NOT going to be the norm, but the exception, for people playing the game in general. Otz going on a win streak playing Pig doesn't mean she's all of a sudden too powerful, it just means he's better at the game than anyone posting in this thread is, and almost any player playing Pig in general.
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Define "survivor greeds". I would argue on any map in the game a survivor can reasonably search 4 boxes if they are not being tunneled off, and if the pig is patrolling boxes + gens she is throwing because that is a huge amount of ground to cover.
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I saw their vids' suggestion all the time, but I didnt follow or like to save the play.
All of their vids are about Nurse using Haunted Ground + Retribution for 1min 4 down.
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WDYM? She gets nerfed every patch.
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Like finishing a gen with an active trap on. I've seen it on a few occasion where a survivor does not prioritizes the boxes (largely before the update to normalize the rng). All I'm saying is if there is a combination that leads to survivor on a consistent basis to not have enough time with a pig interrupting them on boxes or the survivor themselves not giving themselves enough time, then it should be looked at and nerfed. Before the 5 box update midwich + timer + longer searches could lead to situations where a survivor who had to misfortune to not find their key in the first 3 searches did not have enough time to search the 4th box with no fault of their own and the pig not interrupting them.
You are just being intentionally obtuse at this point. Pig can interrupt survivors searching boxes. If the pig does not interrupt survivors on boxes then she should not be getting consistent head pops with her power. If there is a combination of addons and/or map that creates a situation where a pig does not need to interrupt survivors on boxes and get kills then it should be looked at.
I'm not done doing this back and forth with you since I'm not going to deal with someone intentional misreading what I'm saying.
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Agree with this 100%. Even the worst of maps -- arguably RPD (which is getting re-worked anyway at this point) -- with the addition of the 5th Jigsaw box, even if a survivor gets their trap activated on the hook, they're still going to have time to do even a 4-box search UNLESS the Pig is tunneling them anyway. If that's happening, well the tunneling means that player is dying anyway, trap or not, due to the ... tunneling. (I always wonder why anyone would ever BM a Pig, as that's the ONE killer other than a face-camping Bubba, that can guarantee you die no matter what if they get a trap on you before the last gen pops). The only times -- and it's been few enough to count on one hand, with fingers left over -- that I've died to an RBT was because the Pig tunneled me off of hook and I couldn't search a SINGLE box safely, never mind multiple, but that wasn't anything specifically related to The Pig, but to the person playing them, and those matches would have had the same result no matter what killer they were playing.
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No one could possibly escape against her.
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Not saying yes or no with regards to whether this will be problematic down the line, but with all due respect, this was a very unconvincing video. This guy got three Traps on by the time the first gen popped (technically two, but the third was put on very shortly after the first gen went) on THE GAME. With one person getting a free hit from being AFK and then going down while wasting a pallet in the process. One person tried to hide despite having a blood trail leading right to them. Good Survivors these were not.
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Devs: Actually nurse has the lowest killrate so were bringing back 5 blink nurse
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You cant nerf these curves
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If a survivor chooses to do a gen over rushing checking boxes then they should 100% be ok with getting head popped. If pigs traps were so innefectual that you could get a trap on -> have it active -> bang out a gen -> still get trap off 100% of the time.
I'd argue pigs traps literally serve no purpose in that scenario
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It is important to remember that killers usually get nerfed because of how they make low/middle tier players feel oppressed. Things like AFK pig were very oppressive to the low/middle tier crowd. Wraith had the same problem when he got his rework and that's why he got nerfed.
The sad part is the devs completely ignore any attempts to balance high tier play. I understand why as it's very clear when you watch them play their own game.
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Afk isnt oppressive, it was just free kills by standing next to a jigsaw at the start. I dont know why some people even defend about that.
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You realize my comment was a joke right?
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DBD videos often are unconvincing, to be honest.