Getting harassed in locker while using Built to Last

I love Built to Last. It's one of the most busted survivor perks that nobody is talking about, especially when combined with a fast toolbox, Streetwise, some speed/charge addons, a gen speed perk or two.
But I keep getting harassed by idiots who see me go into a locker after I finish a gen, assume I'm trying to hide the entire match, and spend all 12 seconds opening and closing the damn locker in my face. I lost my last match thanks to a survivor like this (among a bunch of other extremely rude and selfish behavior).
Should I just start announcing that I have it in the chat before the game starts? How do you deal with it?
Do you ever harass other survivors in lockers when you see them enter, and why?
I'd also like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that Built to Last exists and that you should give someone fifteen seconds or so before you start slamming the locker door open and #########, if you're the kind of person who does that for whatever reason.
i think it might be a troll instead of an idiot idk, anyway you cant really do anything except find another locker and announce that you are using bult to last in pre game chat. and no i have not witnessed or experienced any survivor on survivor locker harassment before
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I would personally not go in a locker straight after finishing a gen, especially if that happens more often.
I would just run towards a different gen and jump into a locker during my travel there.
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I never read your response in my inbox, because I was really drunk when I wrote all that, and I don't want to think about it. However you responded, never mind.
To both of you (since you both raise the possibility of this being a troll):
I mean, some people are just going to sandbag, sure, but those people are going to find ways to be annoying regardless, so I shouldn't worry about them in the first place.
I think the problem is usually that they assume I'm going for the key achievement or something, since going into a locker wouldn't make good sense most of the times I go into lockers if you didn't know that this perk exists.
In this case, a Nea tried to suicide on hook when she got downed first and nobody came immediately, so I went and saved her. She demanded to be healed even though we weren't a safe distance from the hook, so I did. Then she saw me go into a locker and started playing with the door. I did not heal her when she demanded it the next time.
She brought meta perks, and the person she came in with was a saint, so I'm assuming she was probably just selfish.
Maybe, but it's a strategic decision, too: it seems like a killer will almost never check a locker that's next to a just-finished gen. Instead, they start walking towards the nearest gen to see if I decided to try doing that one, I exit the locker roughly around the time they continue their patrol, and then I go do the gen that they don't think anyone is on.
I might just try explaining this in the chat before the game. That way, if someone does decide to mess with a locker, I know they're just being a jackass. And those types of players aren't incredibly common, in my experience.
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Have the same issue when I use inner strength. Survivors think you’re just hiding and start trying to sandbag you.
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Whoa, haven't had those type of experience. I understand your will to use lockers near the gen so maybe instead of looking for another one just let your team mates leave the area first. Don't use lockers when they can see you and missinterpret your behaviour.
And, if it suites your build, use Quick and Quiet to jump in a locker fast and without noise - it's not so common for hiding-in-the-locker-type of people so less survs would assume you're doing this without reason (and maybe they won't even hear you've jumped in).
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I love Built to Last! I usually try to do gens by myself near a locker so other survivors don't get confused. Or if I'm doing gens with someone else i usually let them go ahead after we're done on a gen and slip into a locker unseen and then catch up with them.
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This happens whenever I use the perk (mostly for those 'use up 3 toolboxes' etc tome challenges). It's annoying but I just hope they look at my perks in endgame and feel like an idiot