the mid chapter update will come on the 26th or 27th

they said in an instagram story that they will announce it in time. i dont think the update comes tomorrow.
Yeah, you could be right. Although they do sometimes make these announcements relatively last minute.
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The conspiracy..
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I really hope it's coming tomorrow. I just can't wait for the DH nerf!😅
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Archives teaser came out today too which usually happens a week before the update
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Why tf cant they just tell when the update is? Like really, why?
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While possible, its highly unusual for them to break their 3 week ptb to patch cycle
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But the last patch dropped 1 month after the PTB didnt it?
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It's their biggest update yet, I can see them doing it on the 26th/27th. They risk getting really harsh criticism if something is broken or not finished on release
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Dead hard will die
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I really hope so. It's been OP for long enough if you ask me.
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Its also worth noting that they teased the AoT cosmetics hard last week which would indicate to me a release for this week
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They teased the charms, not the actual outfits. They keep teasing really small things, like the AoT charms or the rabbit (tome) today which is making me think it'll be next week. I wouldn't mind it being tomorrow, I'd just expect bigger teasers if it's gonna be that soon
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For real. Even if they can't give an exact date due to making changes, they could still say "not this week ya'll".
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Exactly!! Why would they delay it??
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Is it really a delay if no date had been announced yet?
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They always release mid chapter updates 3 weeks after the PTB comes out.
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Yayyy. The two strongest killers get stronger. Can't wait.
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26th? ######### I'm waiting for it to be released tomorrow..
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Hopefully, they're giving us a chance to P1 every character before the thing goes live.
I'd be pretty happy if it doesn't go live until next week, because then I could get every perk unlocked immediatelt, but I think Otz posted in one of his videos that it's tomorrow.
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I wonder why it's such a secret. Not like they are still tweaking the build the night before. If tomorrow is the date, the patch is already certified by the platform owners. The only uncertainty could be if one platform doesn't approve in time, they have to delay it to coincide with the others.
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Probably because this is the update with the most amount of content weve ever seen
They want to get it right
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Not true, it used to be 2 weeks I think and it has been 4 weeks occasionally.
they say they don’t announce it sooner because they only want to announce it when they know they will make it and nothing gets in the way causing a delay. (Though I also think they should know a little bit further in advance as they need the platform approvals etc…)
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Quick question. Do i need 170 perk Tiers for p3 or 171?
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Body is 1 character too short.
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Ty :)
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I just want the aot skins already.
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Technically speaking no, but patterns that hold up like this one I would still call a delay
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Nurses and blights are the only killers who don't get to rejoice cause the new deadhard is better against them.
If the survivor can time it ofcourse
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Ha ha, the people I play survivor with all agree that the DH nerf is more than welcome.
And they play very little killer.
And they were already not playing DH on their survivors.
So the main DH's survivors have to move on, and get used to the idea that a nurse or blight that performs a perfect tp / dash on you deserves to put a hit on them 😁