PS4 Que Times

Are PS4 lobbies broken?  Today has been horrible with average wait times being 10-20 minutes per match (survivor with friends) just to be dodged.   Should we stop doing groups and que solo or in pairs to avoid spending most of our game time waiting?  Is this because of the new algorithm?  Hope this stops


  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    edited December 2018
    New algorithms haven't kicked in yet. 
    The new algorithms will make every survivor group look like an SWF.

    I don't see it stopping until the new algorithms kick in.
    Too many SWFs want to kick a killers teeth in, and not give them a fighting chance, and worse, bully them to risk playing another SWF so readily. 

    But there's probably still some people who will vs your team. 

    Also gaming late at night might be part of the issue.