Killer Should be stronger than survs always

That's the whole point of this game, what sense does it make to be the other way around??? This update was so needed
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I agree as well. The killer should be the power role.
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How many of these "um actually this update was good 🤓🤓" threads are you going to make? We get it, you don't play solo survivor, no need to keep telling us.
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Wait a week and he will open Threads again how much he struggles at this game.
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I don't think that most survivors disagree with this. The issue isn't the strength of the killer. Instead, it is the abuse that the killer can exert vs. the abuse that survivors can. Unless you have a sweaty flashlight SWF at high MMR, survivors can rarely abuse the game for a killer (unless getting your feelings hurt by teabagging is a thing...). Killer can still get the thrill of chases, downing people, etc. Now that gens take even longer, they have more time to actually enjoy the gameplay.
On the flipside, killers can easily (and have been increasingly) abuse survivors. Tunneling and camping are still rampant, with killers just eating the endurance and pursuing the kill because they know that they have roughly 50 seconds of extra time on gens. This means that killers can continue to force people out of games early. And they have been doing so.
To recap, I don't mind killers being stronger than survivors. I agree. But slowdown killers who tunnel and camp every game make survivor boring.
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Yeah? Survivors shouldn’t win, ever. The killeris supposed to kill it is in the name
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You would never have a game if this were the case.
"Hi, I am a killer. My job is to chase and kill you. You? Well, there are objectives. Sure you might escape. But no, you 4 exist merely to satiate my bloodlust and desire to kill."
Back in the day, devs tried to balance 2 out, 2 dead. This plus many other things (god loops especially) meant that the game was survivor sided. So they tried to buff killers. Over the years, it has generally worked to create a truly more balanced situation.
Lately, though, they have gone too far in the direction of killers. All that this patch does is buff the killers even more (wah, a few minor nerfs that do nothing to the overall strength of the killer) while actively encouraging them to do the very thing that the devs wanted to prevent. Why not camp and tunnel everyone now? Simple, easy, brainless. Force them out of the game and feel empowered in your 4k.
How long will survivors keep playing if this is the case? Many I know were waiting for this update to fix things. I can already tell you that they will not be coming back.
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"Killers should be stronger" is the biggest BS about DBD. People play games for fun, and winning=fun. It doesn't matter if you play killer or survivor, no side should have more fun, because it's "more realistic" lol in a fantasy horror game with entity and teleporting killers.
That argument is pure BS, you just want easy wins.
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Bruh, they were being sarcastic.
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Killers have four perks a power and add ons you not being able to win pre update was on you this killer buff is to much
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How can one tell in a community as toxic as DbD? At least they could have /s.
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"Survivor shouldn't win ever" was a pretty good indicator imo.
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I get that. And in most of life I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt and assume positive intentions.
But I have literally had killers tell me that message. Many, many, many times. In earnestness.
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i can make another for you in dedication?!
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I dunno, how many “survivors are ruined forever” threads am I going to see posted?
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Some of these killer changes weren't necessary. Especially the bloodlust changes.
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And how many of them have been made by 1 person??
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How often did u saw BL 2 till now?
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Based on this argument the killer buffs were needed as kill rates were below 50%, right?
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A lot, especially since killers seem to not know when to leave survivors.
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Pretty sure they were over 50% for most killers except nurse, but I'd have to check that. Regardless, I'm not sure broad statistics like that are really that relevant as they don't give any information as to why people are winning/losing.
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Huh. I thought both sides should be pretty balanced.
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Why are you so triggered with killer players just being happy about the update?
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I don't struggle at all actually even before this update, sorry to disappoint you. You should take your negative Nancy energy elsewhere though.
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Thank God, I've been waiting so long for someone to say this. AGREED!!!
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... Right
Aren't you the guy that was complaining about hatch "not having counterplay"? Kek double u
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Yes and tunneling and camping was buffed in this patch so devs need to think way how to nerf them and then give killers more buffs accordingly. I think strong ds as basekit would stop tunneling and it would be 2 time use with 5s stun. For camping hook timer should pause or at least need to be increased overall. Both of those counters should ofcourse be disabled at endgame. Killers should get basekit corrupt and BBQ so those would encourage going for chases. SoloQ survivors need basekit kindred but without showing killer aura maybe. I think kill rates should be balanced on average around 2,5 kills per trial.
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Play swf for now it's still nearly as strong as ever as long as your teammates are decent at the game.
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They always were. In pubs, that is.
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That's a totally different topic guy
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In 1v1 scenarios, yes.
But Killers should only be equal to the Survivor team in general.
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I'm glad you are happy now that the devs are holding your hand!
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I don't think it's there at all lmaooo, you now have Off the Record cringe and a built in Borrowed time+babysitter(Guardian)
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In what horror movie is there an equal play between the killer and a survivor , this should have stayed in Drafts.
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If you don't know the difference between a movie and a game your thread shouldn't even exist here. DBD is a game, go watch horror movies.
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People like you should play against bots, if the game is fair and both sides are having fun it's better for everyone
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Nah, we need four survivors for every one killer. As long as killer dominates the 1v1, as they do, it is fine. Survivors SHOULD dominate the 4v1. It would be really weird if they did not.
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It's a game literally based on licensed horror movies, try again sir? The base game was reference to Texas Chainsaw, the devs talk about it many times.
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Having a natural advantage without it being game breaking doesn't make it unfair.
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Movies are different. Multiplayer video games require that everyone is having fun. What happens when survivors decide the game is no longer fun for them? They stop playing.
This patch buffed killers, which is fine since it was needed, while at the same time nerfing survivors in ways that were unnecessary and should've been tested for longer. Self-care did not need a nerf. DS only needed to deactivate after the final gen is done. Dead Hard absolutely needed to be nerfed.
Chases did not need to be made shorter by nerfing survivors speed boost after being hit. Likewise, DS did not need to be reduced to 3 seconds. Gens, the most boring aspect of the game, did not need to be 90 seconds.