Survivor mains

spiritsLeftball Member Posts: 173
edited July 2022 in General Discussions

Instead of quitting because iron will is no longer 100% silent or DH doesn’t give distance etc try swapping roles and observe from the killer’s perspective.

we all knew these changes were coming and had ample time to adjust game play and experiment with different perks.

Killer perks are changed way more often, everyone loves stomping on killers as it’s a 4v1 game.

how about play the game rediscover how to not rely on only 4 perks jeez

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • spiritsLeftball
    spiritsLeftball Member Posts: 173

    I personally play on Xbox, and with the 3 load out tabs I ran perks I’ve never ran before like no mither over the weekend and had a blast.

  • spiritsLeftball
    spiritsLeftball Member Posts: 173

    I only read posts on this forum, and majority of people who are announcing their departure, are survivors complaining about perk changes, I don’t think I’ve seen a single one about tunneling, gen speed yes.

  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    Maybe some more insight would be good for you.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553
    edited July 2022

    Read better to post better then. Many have complained about tunneling.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    Same. Rarely used DH or DS. I used to run IW a lot, but not as much over the last two years. The changes to survivor are kind of whatever to me, but the changes to killer seem to be pretty oppressive. Especially against solo players.

  • spiritsLeftball
    spiritsLeftball Member Posts: 173

    This makes a lot of sense, if the fun factor is absent then I agree. But before you take time off, remember like any other balance update/killer release, it’s normally unusually sweaty the first couple days much less hours. Hang in there

  • CyberRoninX
    CyberRoninX Member Posts: 293

    Cool story except you weren't able to experiment with the changes to perks. Experimenting with perks that were going to be changed before the update does you absolutely no good. Survivors took a major hit with this update and killers got a major buff when being killer was already easy. The problem is that killer mains need to lower their expectation for what a win is. The devs themselves have said they think the killer should be able to get 2 kills each match and if you couldn't do that before the update then you were a bad killer plain and simple.

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333
    edited July 2022

    Dont worry. In few days survivor mains will be killer mains trying to get a match

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    The only reason there is perk variety for killers is because there is variety in killer abilities.

    Remember Freddy. You don't see him that much anymore, but they almost all ran BBQ and Pop. A lot ran STBFL.

    Blight. What, I'm guessing 80 percent used to run BBQ, Ruin, Undying, Tinkerer. Then when they nerfed undying, maybe 60 percent ran that build.

    Nurses and Oni's running a slug build. I still see plenty of those builds.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    I haven't even played it yet. Just got home from work. Heading in vacation tomorrow. I probably won't even pick it up again until Monday. Maybe I can sneak in a couple of games tomorrow though, we'll see.

  • spiritsLeftball
    spiritsLeftball Member Posts: 173
    edited July 2022

    I’m sorry but there’s a lot more perk diversity in between killers, as different perks compliment different killers.

    There are exceptions ie BBQ which is only ran for BP.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167
    edited July 2022

    doesn't change the fact most people ran Corrupt, Pain Res, Pop though does it. No matter what killer they typically always had at least one of these 3.

    Good perks, because they want to win

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • spiritsLeftball
    spiritsLeftball Member Posts: 173

    Oh please don’t holdout, grace me with your enlightenment then?

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Everyone should play both roles, to truly understand the sort of ######### that goes on

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    I like how people have gone from making fun of Cote saying “go play something else” to saying that exact same thing to anyone who dares to complain.

  • Lukepro2315
    Lukepro2315 Member Posts: 52
    edited July 2022

    So...i will say it again - after 3k hours in this game i think i have tryed all perks. From them i figured out, which are strongest (at least for me), so i will play them. Everybody wants to do their best to climb up. Especialy in ranked games. That means to take perks, wich they think are best. Why should i play some "not so good perks" if i want to climb up? One of those perks is iron will. Ofc i can play without it, but WHY should i do that, when i know, this perks is best? (Was its useless). I play it for fun. But "To have fun" in this game, is trick killer and survive as long, as possible. That means to take perks, i find best. I dont want to be worst, and switch on different (worst) builds, because that means i will probably not survive as long, as with my strongest builds, i will probably die early, wich means not having fun. Its rly simple formula. So...BHVR ruins favorite perk, wich start chain reaction. Ruined perk = ruined build = bad time = no reason to stay in game. Thats why i quit playing this game...after i spent a lot of time and money to it. Do u finaly understand it?

    Fortunately dbd is no longer only game about killer and survivors and i think its time to try something new. This game is lost, and its not only because of changing IW. Its about changing produts to different things, than ones what was presented, its about toxic comunity, and other FORCING things, i can not even mention, because some group can find only metioning them offensive, wich can lead to ban (yeah freedom of speech 4ever).

    Post edited by Lukepro2315 on
  • spiritsLeftball
    spiritsLeftball Member Posts: 173

    My friend but you cannot focus “fun” and “doing good” on any one perk or a couple of perks.

    if you only use one playstyle then your disadvantaging your self as evidently if that perk gets changed or removed you are completely displaced and as such in the position that you are currently in.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866
    edited July 2022

    Or how about you play the survivor sided to get an idea about what they have to go through rather than thinking killers should have everything good?

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Lukepro2315
    Lukepro2315 Member Posts: 52
    edited July 2022

    My friend...if i want to play with different builds "for fun", i will play it in group of friends, when one friend will play killer, and another friends will play survivors. BUT NOT on "online RANKED game"!!! On ranked game, i want to take BEST equipment. And if BHWR want to disable those perks just because they are "best", it will be replaced with another perk, wich will be best again, and it will be played again by most players. What BHVR does with that? Nerf it too? And then nerf another and another and another...and when it ends? When ALL perks will be on same balance? When ALL characters will be strapped on wheelchair? Yeah...that will be rly funny.

    I think i dont need to explain it here. I think BHVR must have their own ppls, who should know, where it goes. And if they dont, well...time will show, who was right. If company, that makes product, or peoples, who buing and using their products.

  • NightmareKT
    NightmareKT Member Posts: 228

    You do realise that killers had to use all those perks you mentioned cause gens are too fast and kicking gens and pallets take a long time and was not worth it?

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942
    edited July 2022

    No I know that, I was just making a point, because the reason why survivors used perks like DS and BT was the only way to counter tunneling and camping killers, and still is, this person tried making the point that survivors just use the same four perks, well I just made the same argument towards them

    I have no malice towards killer mains for using these as they are just using the most effective means to get gen pressure, this was mainly just for me to make my point

    Perks like DH I can care less about, didn't use it for anything except for challenges, and that was it

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    Lol. Have you visited the Nurse threads? Survivors are completely allergic to the idea of putting themselves in the killer role for the purpose of ironing out that bias.

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    Don't some (not all obviously) of those same killers do the same thing? Some killer mains don't try putting themselves in the survivor's shoes on how it feels to face off against some of those killers with the add-ons the survivor is complaining about.

    Also the main complaint people had about nurse was her range add-ons, people can care less that she can teleport it's just her range add-ons people had an issue with. But this isn't a nurse discussion thread, so I'll save that for another time.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    That's not true. There's a litany of "Delete her", gut all her addons, remove 3 blink (Which I've never seen anyone use beyond for the achievement), the list goes on.

    The point was, if people don't want to genuinely improve, they're not even going to consider trying the other role for perspective. If you can communicate that using killers as your pivot, feel free to. The thread was about survivors giving up.

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    Yes, but this is also an open discussion for people to make their defense, or counter to the argument.

    If you're referring to my previous comment on this thread, I already talked to another person how I know that the reason why those perks were used by Killers was because that was the only way to counter gen rushing.

    I have no malice towards killer mains cuz without killers there would be no game in the first place, just the OP decided to group all survivors together as a group of sheep for running the most optimal perks on their side, even though Killers do the same thing.

    If you're not referring to that, then my apologies.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    Nah, I get it - but when I see a thread that lumps everyone together, I tend to remind myself, "It's not about me." If it's genuinely not.

    There is A LOT of survivors proudly admitting to DC'ing the moment they're inconvenienced. Things like:

    • I see X Killer
    • I see Y Perks
    • I get taken to Z Map
    • My teammate does V instead of B

    Like, a medically inadvisable amount of threads with this mentality. It's worth calling out at this point.

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    Yeah, the survivors that proudly announce that they disconnect willingly, we don't claim them, the only time I've been given a disconnect penalty is when the game does that weird bug where it disconnects me and says I have a bad network connection even though everything else is running completely fine.

    Luckily, it's only happened twice in the past week so hopefully that does not continue. I wish you a lovely day/night, and thank you for having a reasonable conversation with me, I do appreciate it!

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    My mentality is, I'm absolutely not quitting because a meteor could always strike the ISP of my opponents at the last second. And thankfully, I've clawed back a lot of losses and turned them into draws or wins because an opportunity presented itself that I wouldn't have found if I folded over like a wet napkin.

    All I could add, is when you see OP with a genuine bone to grind but is doing too much lumping, remind them. Instead of what-abouts, say, "As a survivor main, I don't condone the players that do X, we're not a monolith."

    Acknowledges they exists and disown them in one go. And then rub the what-aboutism stuff in the OP's face :P

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,236
    edited July 2022

    Try playing survivor against Thana+Pain Res+Sloppy with 90 second gens multiple games in a row and then report back about how much fun you're having.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    So you haven't gotten a chance to play optimally against Thana. I'd be interested to know if it's considerably more manageable for you over the weekend.

    I do think that there are many perks/game elements that have unintended power spikes because they bring out the shittiness in some players. I really don't feel that Thana should be causing as many solo breakdowns as it is. If it wasn't for those bad faith actors, it probably wouldn't. The increased gen time for this patch would be 50 seconds/repairing survivors modified by Thana when it is present and for how many survivors are wounded, then compounded by other gen regression? There's really not a lot there unless someone is belly-flopping onto the hook or otherwise playing poorly.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    People that complain about killer buffs often do this because survivor didn't get anything in return. These killer buffs wouldn't be a problem to many survivor players if survivors would have also gotten something proper, like some actual nerfs to camping and tunneling.

    I have seen a lot of people complain about tunneling and camping. And rightfully so. It should have been addressed as well now that killers got a nice amount of buffs.

    Also, Self Care and DS in particular were overnerfed like crazy. I think the Dead Hard nerf was fine, but I swear the amount of Dead Hard nerf complaints don't even compare to the complaints about the Self Care and DS nerfs, and those nerfs were completely unnecessary and stupid.

    Certain slowdown perks will also still need some small nerfs in the future, I am pretty positive.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,236

    I think it's sneakier than it presents itself. I kind of mentioned this in another thread, but the gen is done or it isn't. And I think a lot of us (myself included) thought of the extra 50 seconds as something that would just happen. But it's not just another 10 seconds when you factor in a stack or two of Thana, and then if the gen still isn't complete, we have secondary regression coming into play like Pain Res and whatnot. So that extra 10 seconds can quickly become another 30+ seconds for a single gen because of that initial 10 seconds, whereas before the gen would simply be done.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209
    edited July 2022

    Absolutely, and there's also an instance where someone was near finished on their own gen, and the entire thing regresses because they weren't able to communicate it to their team - I'm sure it can all add up, I just want to measure how it adds up when survivor immaturity is removed from the equation.

    If your SWF gets into its Legion/Thana matches with their game face on, but just can't do anything - that's far more telling than if Solo's can't at their current DC/temper tantrum levels.

    I still believe SoloQ needs some kind of love, but I'm also currently not believing that Thana is going to be the straw that broke the camels back.