First day and I already had more fun that the past 3 years.

Mindgames in chases actually matter. Now its a mental fight between survivors and killers. Not press E to win anymore.
As killer you feel less forced to tunnel and camp as it seems games are slower now, so more chases, more fun, more opportunities for everyone, more BP!
I might be rushing this feeling but this might be the best balance patch they ever did.
Thank you for making this game great again.
"As killer you feel less forced to tunnel and camp as it seems games are slower now"
My ass, I've been camped and tunneled since I woke up. Don't know why, but I guess is because killers knows that gens are slower so that means theres more time to camp without carrying about gens poping out. And when I manage to loop a killer without deadhard and just by mind games, it seems to make them really angry and I not only got camped and tunneled but I get hit on the hook too.
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Oh please...
Let's take a logical view - so you think this patch makes killers camp and tunnel you? Killer could do that even before update, so this update has nothing to do with this.
I tried some low-tier stealth killers (sadako, gf) to purpously tunnel someone just to see how spine chill, bt, otr and other stuff would handle this and to your surprise - I almost lost a match with 0 kills while tunneling. There is 0 ways that tunneling is efficient now.
It just makes me think that, you're played badly.
Gens are slower means only - "Why do I tunnel or camp? I have more time for chases, I don't need to play dirty anymore" mentality.
So I've 0 idea what are you talking about.
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Even though Sadako and Ghostface aren't as strong as other killers, if you're struggling to even get 1 kill this patch you should probably stick to survivor.
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Dead Hard was never press E to win. DH was only ever a chance to avoid a hit and bought you mere seconds unless you had something to work with nearby and knew how to use it.
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Tunnelling is insanely efficient now. 2 examples are Pinhead and nurse.
Nurse can easily catch up after an OTR hit and makes DS near useless with the 3 second stun.
Pinhead running original pain add on can literally make OTR or BT useless now.
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I think you misread something, I didn't say I was struggling to kill, I told the guy, that tunneling is not as efficient strategy anymore as he thinks.
You're wasting more time going for unhooked survivor, rather than going for another one who reparing a gen.
For you to understand, the only struggle I was having with M1 killers is DH for distance. Now it's gone, and look. My mindgames matter now.
Who won the mindgame - won the chase. No more won the mindgame - lost to DH anymore.
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M1 killers, M1 stealthy killers my guy. I haven't played my main (nurse) yet, coz I wanted to finally enjoy other killers that I like.
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Been camped and tunnelled all day :)
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I understand being camped, nothing can fix that at the moment. But getting tunneled... Excuse me, but you sir just don't even trying to avoid a killer after unhook. Are you just staying still after you was unhooked or what?
Do people understand that tunneling is much harder and unefficient to do after patch?
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I mean I end up running them for most of the gens but inevitably I usually die. But it’s not just me- I’m on about other team mates being tunnelled- only so much I can do to help and when we are helping to prevent a tunnel there is less gen pressure.
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Seconds in a loop is an eternity. Even 1 or 2. Dead Harding to a pallet or vault was never a skill play, any noob with more than 20 hours in game could sort that out. Some people try and spin old DH into a skill perk, and it wasn't. For a few it was a skill perk, for most it was a total bailout, every bit of "press E to win".
New DH is a skill perk, and will sort out the skilled players from those who used it as a crutch. A few months from now the only people running DH will be those who already were good, or got good, which is as it always should have been.
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If so, from a bottom of my heart, I wanna see a gameplay of a tunneler, just to see what he was doing different from me.
I repeat: I tested a tunneling strat and it was garbage. Straight up garbage. I would lose the match with 2 hooks only (maybe even 1 hook), If I continue to tunnel 1 guy.
Repeat again: I wasn't playing nurse or blight with tunneling match, I was gf.
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Give this killers time to adjust, it's a new world free of DHs oppressive tyranny for them, too.
I bet within the week a lot of them will new copying pages from the survivors rulebook, again. I did so today and our felt like the best thing in the world.
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I almost lost a match with 0 kills while tunneling
The use of the word almost implies that you were just barely able to get a kill in this scenario.
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"As killer you feel less forced to tunnel and camp as it seems games are slower now,"
A 1000 players can come here and say killers still camping and tunneling and the guy who made the topic still will say it's more fun now...
What can we do? Agree with him, I guess.
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I am a killer main all day long. I have to agree. In my first game after the patch I played killer. I was chasing a Kate. She headed toward a pallet..... IF she had dead hard, she would have used it for the distance and made it. But, you known what?? She did not have it!
Oh what a feeling of pleasure to get that down. I smiled from ear to ear. My whole match I did not see one dead hard. It was glorious! No need to camp or tunnel. Gens felt better. I had time to apply more pressure.
I feel BHVR did a good job on this patch! Killers should be the power role. Now it feels like it's more towards that goal. Good job so far!
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You don't have an idea of how many chases I ended quickly instead of "E for distance" extending the chase for 20-30 seconds. That's gone so yeah it was a free win in good hands and now not anymore. Glad also that I can play without corrupt intervention in every killer.
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humans need a bit of time for changing their mindset. If they do not in the upcoming weeks, its up to the devs to stop the hook-timer, when a killer camps longer than X seconds (for example), IF the kill rates are much better now and a lot of killer-players agree, that this strategy is no longer necessary, but only a option and feel competetive without it !
Main Issues are Nurse, Blight, Spirit. They need nerfs!
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Thats what the patch is supposed to be. That you CAN use Corrupt, Dead Man Switch, Deadlock, Pop, Call of Brine etc., BUT U DONT HAVE TO.
Till the patch, it was a MUST HAVE and with M1-Killers, you were forced to camp against good survivors to have chances thanks to Bodyblocks, Map Design and E.
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Now that BBQ got butchered i dont see any reason to hook every surivor.
Before this patch i really wanted to hook all 4 surivors and tried to get lots of BP, now i tunnel and kill the surivors as fast as possible.
Its the same on the surivor side with WGLF, no reason to get safe unhooks. Just run behind the Killer and unhook right in front of them.
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IF it is now a mental fight between survivor and killer, why is bloodlust still in the game? Because killer need the help with their mental fighting?
And you might feel less forced to tunnel and camp, but it is still an easy and effective method, and thats why killer still doing it. It just got more effective. So for the one hooked first, its not more fun, nor more opportunites, nor more BP. thats basicly only true for the killer, if he decides to camp and tunnel.
IF you want to talk about balance in this patch, play as many games as solo survivor as you do as killer. then talk about the balance again.
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I play also solo survivor, but I don't see this massive "tunneling and camping" that you talk about, unless you are talking about tunneling when its actually not (like doing gens in front of the killer after being unhooked).
Most skilled killers tunnel and camp if they feel they need to, to apply pressure if the game is going fast. Now that gens go a bit slower and chases are shorter, most of us can go for 12 hooks for fun.