Anybody else feel this way?

D2night Member Posts: 224

I really like the new prestige system and the increase of 100 prestige’s but as somebody who didn’t really prestige much it kinda makes me resent playing. I’ve played for years but I’ve only ever prestiged 2 characters (both to p3 lvl50) but I’ve gotten a lot of characters with all max tier 3 perks on them.

the characters with every perk on them were the main ones I used and after the update, the characters that had every perk on them but didn’t prestige, only got to prestige 6 while the ones that I did prestige 3 times got to prestige 9.

i was really looking forward to getting a main character to a really high prestige really fast but now that my “usual” characters are 3 prestige’s behind the ones I don’t use too often, I kinda feel like I should be using/upgrading a character that is p9 already since they have a pretty big headstart

i guess it’s not the end of the world if I level up my mains from 6+ but I just don’t get why bhvr didn’t make characters that had every perk on them maxed out be p9 also. I definitely sunk a ton of bloodpoints into those characters to get them every perk. I’m hoping they change this and make it be 9 prestige’s instead of 6 but I doubt it


  • PhionaMcRee
    PhionaMcRee Member Posts: 9

    Totally feel you! I never prestiged my 2 main characters because I didn't see the point of losing everything & starting over for some bloody clothes. I have sunk years & millions of bloodpoints into those 2. Granted, I didn't have EVERY perk in the game, but I had a lot of them, as I also sunk tons of bloodpoints into getting the teachables of other survivors and grabbing shrine perks. Those 2 had every single perk I had unlocked maxed out at T3. Now they're P2 with T2 teachables? #########?

    And how is having to level each character 150 times (if you want T3 teachables) "less grind"?

    I've bought every DLC & plenty of cosmetics for those 2 as well. Feels like a slap in the face & I think I'm over it. I can play other games with less grind that are less toxic & less frustrating than getting tunneled & camped constantly.

  • D2night
    D2night Member Posts: 224

    Exactly! That’s my exact thoughts. It’s making me want to take a break from playing. I sunk an EXTREME amount of bloodpoints into a character that ends up being less level than a character I just purposefully choose cheap items and prestiged 3 times. I don’t care about the excess amount of bloodpoints I’ve spent on that character but I feel like my grind to get every perk on a character maxed out is the same (probably wayyyy more) amount of bloodpoints spent as getting a character to P3 so why is my “prestige catch up” level less??

    the p3 people got cool background on their character portraits, the least we can get is the same amount of levels for our hard work