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The Portal Chapter

Jivetalkin13 Member Posts: 746
edited July 2022 in Creations

New Map: Aperture Labs

New Killer: The GLaDOS


(Not my art, just thought it looked like a good representation of what she might look like. Credit link above.)

Size: Large

Speed: 4.6 m/s

Power: Testing Protocol

Special Tool: Turrets

You can place up to 4 stationary Turrets around the map. It takes 3 seconds for a Turret to become fully operational, during which time it can not be touched by survivors. Turrets have a 16 meter long cone of sight that moves left to right at a 90° angle. Any survivor caught in their line of sight for 2 seconds will be damaged by one health state unless they can break line of sight. There is a 2 second cooldown between shoots. Survivors can walk up to a Turret to push it over, destroying it and causing a loud noise notification. It takes 2 seconds to push over a Turret. After the maximum number of Turrets have been placed it takes 60 seconds before more can be placed and the oldest Turret will disappear.

Special Ability: Deadly Neurotoxin

Deadly Neurotoxin slowly fills the trial grounds. (Base time is 3 charges per second and 240 charges to completely fill.) Certain actions accelerate this process. (Damaging survivors, hooking survivors, and keeping survivors injured will increase charges gained by 2 charge, 5 charges, 5 charges per second.) Certain actions will slow the process. (Survivors healing, survivors being unhooked, and survivors repairing generators decrease charges gained by 1 charge, 3 charges, 2 charges per second.) Once the trail grounds are completely filled with Deadly Neurotoxin, all survivors suffer reduced vault speeds (30%), pallet drop speeds (30%), and coughing fits. Turrets angle of sight increases by 20° while Deadly Neurotoxin is in effect. A white aura for a vent will appear in a random location that must be opened up in order to clear the Deadly Neurotoxin once it activates.



  • Weighted Storage Cube: Increases the amount of passive charges gained by 1 per second.
  • Frankenturret: Increase the angle of sight for Turrets by 5°.
  • Potato Battery: While placing Turrets see their line of sight highlighted before placing them.
  • Reused O²: Increase the reduction to vaulting speeds and pallet drops by 5% for Deadly Neurotoxin.


  • Memories of Caroline: Survivors shot by Turrets suffer from the Mangled and Hemorrhage status effects.
  • Ratman Paint : Survivors suffer from the Blindness status effect while Deadly Neurotoxin is active.
  • Baking Soda Volcano: Being injured while Deadly Neurotoxin is active causes survivors to drop any item they are holding.
  • Broken Rocket Turret: Pushing a Turret over takes 2 seconds longer.
  • Hard Light Generator: Gain 1 extra Turret to place around the map.


  • Combustible Lemon: Deadly Neurotoxin causes survivors to suffer from a 2% Hindered status effect until a vent is activated.
  • Manis Man Head: Survivors injured by Turrets suffer the Broken status effect for 60 seconds.
  • Moon Rocks: Activating a vent inflicts the Exhaustion status effect on that survivor for 30 seconds.
  • Cave Johnson Portrait: Increase the amount of charges gained when hooking survivors by 5.
  • Faulty Turret: Survivors suffer the Oblivious status effect while within 8 meters of a Turret.

Very Rare

  • Adventure Core: Gain a 5% Haste effect for the first 15 seconds of Deadly Neurotoxin.
  • Fact Core: For the first 5 seconds of Deadly Neurotoxin reveal the Aura of all the survivors.
  • Space Core: Increase the distance Turrets can see by 16 meters.
  • Wheatley Core: After 30 seconds of being placed a Turret will topple over and start shooting at anything in a 16 meter 360° line of sight for 5 seconds. If a survivor is in line of sight they take damage. The Turret is then destroyed. Gain 400% in the Deviousness category.

Ultra Rare

  • GLaDOS Core: While Deadly Neurotoxin is active, Survivors will be instantly put into the dying state if they are shot by Turrets.
  • Iridescent Cake: The vents will only appear 30 seconds after Deadly Neurotoxin activates.


False Promises: Survivors suffer the Exposed status effect after picking up any item within the Killer's terror radus for 30 seconds. Increase time it takes to pick up items by 100%/150%/200%.

"The Cake is a Lie" - Ratman

Cold Science: Injured survivors suffer from the Broken status effect while repairing a generator for 10/20/30 seconds and any existing Broken status effect status timers are paused while repairing a generator.

"Okay. Look, we both said a lot of things you're going to regret, but I think we can put our differences behind us. For Science. You monster." - GLaDOS

Observational Analysis: Survivors that end a chase have their Aura revealed for 3/4/5 seconds. Scratch Marks can be seen through walls at a distance of 16 meters.

"This next test chamber is looking pretty good." -GLaDOS

New Survivor: Chell


Thinking With Portals: While inside a locker you can shift to another locker within 8 meters with the activate ability button. Afterward you suffer from the Exhaustion status effect for 60/50/40 seconds.

"Good. You have the dual portal device. There should be a way back to the testing area up ahead." - GLaDOS

Companion Cube: After healing another survivor this perk activates. You can go inside a locker to create a Companion Cube (limited item). Use this item while repairing a generator to complete 15% of the generator over the course of 60/45/30 seconds. While a Companion Cube is repairing a generator no other survivors can work on that generator and if the killer kicks the generator, it stops the repairing process.

"I think that one was about to say "I love you"" -GLaDOS

Silent Protagonist: While using any item (flashlight, medkit, toolbox, map, or key) completely silence grunts of pain for all survivors within a 4/8/12 meter radius.

"You know what my days used to be like? I just tested. Nobody murdered me. Or put me in a potato. Or fed me to birds. I had a pretty good life. And then you showed up. You dangerous, mute lunatic." -GLaDOS

Post edited by Jivetalkin13 on


  • hastarkis
    hastarkis Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 580

    I don't know about balance. But I know that the cake is a lie.

    I mean, whoa. I LOVE Portal. I'd like to see Portal chapter *0*

  • Jivetalkin13
    Jivetalkin13 Member Posts: 746

    Forgot to add some quotes to go along with the Perks. Thanks for a reminder.

    Obviously it's not completely balanced. I'm not a game tester or designer, so all I can do is make some basic guesses as to what sounds fun and/or interesting concepts. I like to keep in mind existing mechanics and speculate how they could be repurposed into new ones. Like the turrets are a bit like Nemisis zombies, but stationary and Neurotoxin is like a combination of Dredges nightfall and Sadakos tapes, with the Exposed status stuck in as well.

  • Ivory_Partnaite
    Ivory_Partnaite Member Posts: 89

    This wouldn't work because GLaDOS can't walk and if they modified how GLaDOS looks then it wouldn't be GLaDOS, it would be a robot. I'm pretty sure the voice actor for GLaDOS died, and if Dead by Daylight added GlaDos it would change the lore of Portal.

  • Jivetalkin13
    Jivetalkin13 Member Posts: 746
    edited July 2022

    First, this is just an idea, don't take it seriously. Second, she was literally put into a potato, I'm sure the Entity could cobble together something scary. Third, just because a voice actor is dead, doesn't mean you can't add a character (also she is still very much alive) . Fourth, the game has tons of licenced characters whose lore is changed because they were taken. (Left 4 Dead, Halloween, Resident Evil, Ash vs Evil, Stranger Things, and Silent Hill.)

    Post edited by Jivetalkin13 on
  • Dahtin
    Dahtin Member Posts: 25

    Going to go through both the perks and then the Killer.

    The perks seem pretty nice. Cold Science might be a little underpowered, but increasing the duration by a bit should put it at a decent spot. Observational Analysis could be especially interesting on indoor maps or maps with multiple floors.

    False Promises can be extremely oppressive on Cenobite, since I know the Lament Configuration counts as an item for effects like Hoarder, so it could have a very unique spot in those niche builds. Even so, the Terror Radius limitation can put it out of reach of proc'ing on Survivors, so maybe it should instead inflict Exposed for a longer period of time? Alternatively, you could make it so items spend charges at a slower rate (with the item progressing the action by a similar reduced rate, of course), so immediate med-kit heals aren't as effective. It also plays into the idea of Survivors slowing down as neurotoxin builds, even with their tools of protection.

    As for the killer itself, I feel GLaDOS is currently too situational. I like the idea of having traps that perform best at a far range, but there could be angles where a Survivor must place themselves in the line of fire for an objective (for example, a turret is positioned in the corner of the map by a spawned Exit Gate). That can be very frustrating to go against if the counter-play is solely pushing the turret down from behind, especially if GLaDOS can rotate the Turret to face any direction. Maybe the Turret should be able to be pushed down from any angle but Survivors are targeted faster the closer they are to it. This could make it so you can disarm a Turret placed at a particularly dangerous angle if you act quickly and use cover. This also increases the value GLaDOS can gain by using a Turret to defend a point that could be used to flank another Turret.

    That said, Turrets need to be handled carefully so that it doesn't become a slower, less effective Birds of Torment. Maybe a short set-up time would work, to offset the fact that it attacks. This also gives Survivors time to run from a loop if the Turret is used to mitigate one. Finally, a small QoL I'd make is that GLaDOS can see the auras of Survivors downed by a Turret for a short amount of time, so hooking them after they're downed from a far distance is easier.

    Deadly Neurotoxin is a pretty nice passive effect and encourages more grouped actions, which can help slow the game down to let you place more Turrets. I can't think of any changes that must be made to it. Maybe Deadly Neurotoxin could enhance the speed that your Turrets target Survivors? It may not make too much sense in terms of Portal, but it is worth thinking about for balancing purposes.

    Overall, I like the concept. Let me know if you make any changes!

  • Jivetalkin13
    Jivetalkin13 Member Posts: 746
    edited July 2022

    Thanks for the feedback. I made a couple adjustments to the Perks and made a lot of changes and clarifications to the power. I also added Add-ons and have named most of them, if not all of them by the time you read this.

    I addressed several of your concerns about the power and perks and made some appropriate changes.

    I bumped up the duration of the Exposed effect to 30 seconds, up from 15 on False Promises. The idea behind it is supposed to be niche and maybe some more numbers could be tweaked, but I don't want to go overboard with it because of that. The pick up animation is so quick, making it twice as long will definitely feel longer, but not unbearable. It's more so you can close in while they are busy picking up some item they dropped or got from a chest.

    The numbers on Cold Science have also been increased by twice the original values. If it isn't obvious this is basically Mindbreaker/Fearmonger, but with the Broken status effect. I think it sounds like a pretty useful perk given it can counter quite a few other Perks and would be good on killers like Oni.

    I'm thinking about reducing the range you're able to see scratch marks through walls for Observational Analysis, but if I make it too short it could make that part of the perk useless so maybe not.

    I defined more about how the Turrets function. I liked your idea that they are like long range traps, so I added a set up time so they can't be used to effectively shut down loops when you get to them. You're also right that survivors could be put in a place where they can't get rid of a Turret if it's placed in a certain way, so I removed the restriction of needing to be behind it. I also defined the maximum number of Turrets possible to place and how to move them yourself (although that may change if I get a better idea.)

    Deadly Neurotoxin has been better defined in how it activates. It'll be based on a charge system and should activate a couple times per match. I also added a small buff for Turrets during this time. The vent is being given a white aura as all killer objects have in order to prevent Blindness from affecting it. (Side note, I feel like the Devs should really define what the white aura is called in order to prevent that confusion.)

    Let me know what you think about the changes, add-ons, and survivor perks.

    Post edited by Jivetalkin13 on