For those whose complaining, Have you tried Getting Good First?

I am seeing a lot of feedback from post here on Reddit and here that Update Sucks because so and so. Its the first day of the update! Can't you guys try to adapt first before complaining that your crutch perks are gone?
My thoughts exactly,i'm honestly so glad survivors actually have to get better now if they want to have a chance to escape,killer should be the power role and this update makes this happen.
Maybe this will alsoo help soloq as survivors cant just mindlessly crutch on perks and rush gens with no worry.
Its just survivors complaining now that the game is harder for them because the killers got buffed,lol.
I also play survivor and i'm honestly glad the game is challening now,its kinda boring to turn every game into an easy escape or a farming simulator.
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why are you posting on forums, you're going to be late for school
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I think this post misses the point of those complaints.
Prestige shouldn't cost any blood points in the first place. The solo queue experience shouldn't be as miserable as it is. Unavoidable killers with specific builds make the game the most unenjoyable experience where all you'll want to say is, "Next." Nobody wants to sit in 20+ minute games because it's Legion stacking all the slowdown imaginable.
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I agree.
Those killers who don't camp keep honing their skills.
Time for a survivor.
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Don’t pigeonhole everyone complaining into it solely being down to perks getting nerfed. I resent that. That doesn’t help, but it’s the ENTIRE experience of this update. I for one barely used either DH or DS. I have and play with all survivors and only had those perks equipped on THREE survivors. Those perks don’t affect me. Yet this update has been a nightmare for us solo que players.
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Don’t want to play solo Q ? Get friends.
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Solo queue was already miserable before the Update. I don't see a Solo Queue group of Survivors should be able win a high MMR Killer even before the update.
o "Unavoidable killers with specific builds make the game the most unenjoyable experience where all you'll want to say is, "Next." "
- Again it's the first day, Have you guys not heard of adapting? Blight was so unfun to play as when he was first released now look at the guy.
o Nobody wants to sit in 20+ minute games because it's Legion stacking all the slowdown imaginable.
- Thanathophobia was buffed to increased like 2%? Legion could have stacked all the slowdown perks pre update and we could have the same results. The only difference is M1 Gameplay was buffed making Legion's downing power to increase.
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Can you stop acting like boss please? Because you are not. This is DbD forums and people will share their feedbacks. They won't ask you while doing that.
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Posts like these are no different but you probably dont see it anyways
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I see it as 75% of players that brought Dead hard was boosted and now that Killer got buffed, these same Players are losing so much and complaining loud af.
When MMR was introduced, 80% Kill Rate Killers got Rekted so much into leaving because they were forced to have a 50% Kill Rate. This is now happening again but for Survivors and the complaints are loud af.
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Well I'm sharing my opinion. Sharing feedback is good but sharing my opinion is not?
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Here a meme. is this effort enough?
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Did you say the same when you guys were crying about dead hard? Doubt it.
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You are not sharing your opinion. You are boss'ing to people who is feedbacking. If you have argue with these feedbacks, i will gladly listen. But telling people that "Get Good" is not opinion, i am pretty sure.
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Yay, another bait thread.
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Dead Hard was in the game for five years. The new patch has been out for a day.
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“We wanted”? Who is “we”? Because the only thing I remember people wanting was a dead hard nerf, not all the other buffs to killers and nerfs to survivors.
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As a 5 yr old dbd player I don't need more than 2-3 games to understand how bad and killer sided this patch is.
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You only need half a brain cell to realise this patch is not good for solo q.
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Weren't there posts how we complain about dead hard and people said to get good by "wait out dead hard" and saying how it was not strong at all because dead hard to a corner and etc. ? while BHVR Graph showing that Dead Hard had a 75% presence on High MMR?
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I don't disagree. Killers got buffed, which, given the asymmetrical nature of the game, implies Survivors got nerfed. But, again, the patch has been out for a day. Many people haven't even had the chance to begin to adapt to its changes. A combination of adaptation and MMR stabilization could lead to an evening out of the experience, or it could not, but it's simply too early to tell.
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Youre telling everyone to “get good”, but fail to realise that people who already didn’t use dead hard before, like myself, are still having a miserable experience in solo q.
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idk Man, When Blight first came out, everybody was saying how unplayable he was. When Oni came out, everybody was saying how overpowered rush was compared to Billy.
Maybe let people adapt first?
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Then why say that the Patch is bad when Solo queue was already miserable before the patch?
This Patch just buffed Killer to stand against SWF. I agree Solo queue is miserable but Solo has always been miserable since wayyyyyyy back.
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Because it went from bad to even worse.
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I don’t think that soloq can ever be balanced as long as SWF stays.
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Don't worry, as soon as you'll realize that it wasn't Dead Hard to 'carry' good survivors you'll go back to making excuses, instead of 'getting good' yourself
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Don't worry, when survs will adapt to garbage gameplay and getting better, killers again will be complaining. That was happening twice already for this 6 years
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Imagine if they buffed Dead Hard and I made a thread like this lol.
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So you agree that People who are complaining just need to get good?
"As soon as you'll realize that it wasn't Dead Hard to 'carry' good survivors you'll go back to making excuses"
By this statement you are agreeing that Survivors are still stronger than Killer and the complaints are unfounded?
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They already existed for Years. It was Dead hard complain posts explaining how dead hard is strong then someone else mentioning that "Get good and Bait it out"
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Don't twist my words. Good killers will always have it easier even on good survivors. The ones that have always been crying are the bad ones
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You should take your own advice and get good. Your whole post history is basically just complaining about anything survivor related. Biased killer main is biased. If you can't 4k 90% of your matches now you should probably uninstall and play some Tetris. I literally 3-4k'd in all my killer matches today (mostly played GF and Legion) got bored cause playing killer is mind-numbing easy now. Went to play some surv (soloq) and I escaped TWICE over the course of THREE hours and those 2 escapes were through the hatch.
You don't have to be a rocket scientist to realize this patch is HEAVILY killer-sided and has nothing to do with getting gut.
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Sure. Thanks for the Advice. I will get good and try to 4K every Match now :D
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I'm willing to wait a bit, but this update seems like a definitive nerf to Solo Q players who really didn't need their games to get any more difficult.
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That I agree with. Looking at it on a more positive light. BHVR can gather the data for proof to finally buff Solo queue.
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Even prior to this update, they had said that they know that Solo Q needs help.
This update absolutely obliterates most Solo Q games.
I'd be more optimistic if updates didn't take so long to get pushed out.
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You're forgetting that they increased the gen times to 90s, so slowdown is more effective than it was before the update.
I faced a few thana legions, it wasn't necessarily fun, but managable, it's still Legion. But I was also playing duo swf and it was only thana, so I'm not sure how managable it would be in solo and with more slowdown perks stacked.
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On one hand this update is a step in the right direction. Playing killer is an overwhelming experience. Survivor meta evolved faster and it was clear that getting gens done was too easy sometimes.
The game needed some kind of new slowdown to it. Adding overall speed to killers was great but buffed gen speeds may have overextended it. One buff is needed for survivors now to balance it out to give some breathing room.
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"Complaining that crutch are gone" Killer mains literally getting carried by gen regression perks smh
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Literally this. I'm surprised nobody is talking about how much killers over rely on gen regression perks.
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People started complaining about DH after they added validation, which was right after CoH at 100% was added too. Then came snowmen a couple months later. The whining was justified.
We'll see how things go.
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lame bait, it sucks now