Exhausted on the ground Dead Hard is back

With the new Mid-Chapter update coming out, I wanted to try to use the new dead hard in a sabo build. First game, I get exhausted on the ground not once, but twice. The first time during chase, I time it perfectly, the animation starts while the killer is swinging but I go down anyway, again with EXHAUSTION, the second time I dead hard into a hook to bait a hit and sabo the hook to save my teammate, I get downed again and still full exhausted.
Has anybody else noticed?
The DH animation is 1 second, while the endurance you get is 0.5 seconds, so you can get hit in really unfair looking ways, even while it looks like you were Dead Harding.
I think if survs stop running Dead Hard we can safely buff it by 0.1 or 0.2 seconds, but we should fix the animation and see how it feels first.
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It’s happened to me too about 4 times today already. They were definitely within the first 0.5 seconds where I get hit and still go down