My only problem with Nurse

I know there are a lot of Nurse haters,
and as far as Nurse being ballanced there is one thing that stops her from doing so.
Nurse doesn't need add-ons,
yet she can equip them and become even stronger.
Devs could just nerf the add-ons, so that bringing them only gives a slight advantage and not 4x longer blink or same blink range on 1/4 of a charge time..
The Iredescent ones could be unchanged or have more interesting effect. Wait what does her iri add-on do? Does she even have one?
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Nurse is OP but it's unfair that she is only killer get to be that good other killers should be buffed to closer her then she would be balanced. Oni for example should get his power at the start of game so he would be 2nd strongest killer on the game tier below nurse but still viable. With nurse you can win 500 games a row so I think maybe then you could win 100 games a row with oni.
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Yeah but the thing is if you mean win by getting a 4k then you need add-ons, because if the survivors are good there is a chance one or two escape because you can't blink across the map in 6 seconds..
Also Nurse imo isn't op, she only becomes op when add-ons are introduced.
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I hear you man, it would be nice to have all Killers like M1 The Trapper but with powers like Spirit so that it becomes BLIND once starts chasing you. Right?
edit: if Nurse is OP, Discord is 10x more OP.
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ok what's your point?
They nerfed spirit, girl that walks fast but stops seeing survivors still hears them,
but they cant nerf girl that sees you than jumps through terrain while keeping her vision and than slaps you or blinks again to slap you
with add-ons she can see you across the map and in 2seconds she is behind yo butt slapping you,
and they nerfed nurse like forever ago where she has to recharge her blinks now, but that just made her annoying to play, she still can jump across the map with add-ons
she's pretty ballanced without them but once she puts on the right add-ons it's no longer fair if the Nurse is good
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I think you should play the nurse. Often and regularly. You'll find that playing without addons is much more complicated than it looks 😉
The nurse doesn't become an OP when she uses addons; however, I completely agree that she
- can put much more pressure than without addons
- can generate a snowball potential more easily
- ask the survivors to improve their reflexes, to play better, to think much more as a team
Not impossible. Harder, but not impossible.
I feel like the survivors don't anticipate the nurse's actions enough.
Let's take the example of the "double range addon" build 😉
When I use it on my nurse, it's not rare that after having hooked a survivor, and having got the localization of another one thanks to BBQ, I teleport on this last one... which had remained quite wisely on its generator 😂
So, at worst, a hit, at best, a grab.
While anticipating my action, he could have either come closer to avoid being detected by BBQ, or hide in a locker, or move away at the last moment from the generator, stop running, and continue to move away discreetly so that I lose him 😝
When I play against a nurse, I tend to listen well to the sounds I hear 😁
If I hear her do 2 tp's, and almost immediately after she does another tp, it's a strong indication of the reload addon.
If I see her charging her tp when she is so far away that I can hardly see her, and the next second she is right on top of me, it's more like a range addon.
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My point is: Play killer for a whole year then talk to me.
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Nurses range addons and her blink attacks counting as a basic attack are her biggest issues and most of the community knows it.
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I think to be precise, we should say: these are the problems of the survivors who don't know how to play against the nurse, and who, instead of wanting to progress, prefer to complain on the forums H24.
Do you know how to play against the nurse? Prove it, and post the links of all the games in which you played against the nurse.
"The nurse is too strong." the literal translation of : "I'm too weak to face her."
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Here's the issue nurse is the only killer not bound to the physical limits of the game
so either every killer needs to be brought up to her level inorder for better balancing decisions or she needs to be brought down to like blights or spirits level for better balance decisions
Either way some changes are needed
If it you are even considering bringing every killer up to her level let me give this as an example
wraith and spirit can walk through walls while in their power
trapper can reach in the ground to summon a trap to him .
Billy would no longer collide with walls making him 1 shot blight
Twins Victor would automatically pounce at a survivor that gets close
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"Here's the issue nurse is the only killer not bound to the physical limits of the game"
This is not a problem in itself, it is precisely what makes her so nice :D
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There's a reason why nurse has addons, because they don't help her. Look at her addons, none of them make her better, they just make her worse. Things like "blink 20% further at the cost of 20% blink speed". The only addons that make her even remotely better are the brown ones, and they're not for speeding her up, just for making her blinks more precise. The real problem with nurse, is because she endlessly blinks she has no real counterplay. If they wanted to make nurse actually balanced they would have done what 1 of the addons does, where she gets a blink, then it goes on CD for like 60 seconds and she becomes faster for that 60 seconds. THAT is how nurse should have worked. Making her blink endlessly is how you make a broken killer.
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She does need addons. If you play nurse watch how you get trashed on certain maps.
RPD, Lerys, Graveyard of Crows, Meat Plant, Mothers Dwelling, Freddie’s map.
With the extended blink range you still have longer recharge rate in exchange for being able to blink further with no addons Nurse can only blink just under half of the main building on Freddie’s map.
Patrolling gens would be impossible.
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No, she doesnt.
Nurse needs a Rework. Her basekit has to change. There is 0 point in nerfing her Add Ons, yes, it would be a step in the right direction, but it would be better if BHVR would not half-ass her Nerf again and focus on the fact that her Basekit is broken.
And honestly, a broken Killer with a bunch of Meme-Add Ons does not really sound good either.
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I take it you don't play nurse at high MMR then. -shrug-
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My main problem with Nurse is the amount of power she can squeeze out of a combination of add-ons and lethality perks. A Nurse with Starstruck and Infectious Fright who uses range add-ons is just a recipe for desaster.
The problem is that a bad Nurse just needs one good blink.
A good Nurse would have no problem getting two hits in but gets even better with lethality.
As such my conclusion is that her add-ons get tones down slightly (remove unwanted interactions for range and recovery). I do not want Nurse to be the new Ghostface when it comes to add-ons. I like Killers with meaningful add-ons and this should stay.
The second conclusion for me is: Make her attack after a Blink a special attack that can not benefit from things like Starstruck. There is no reason that this should stay a basic attack.
The result would be that good Nurses would remain the same: A very scary Killer with very good add-ons. However bad Nurses would no longer be able to benefit from lethality forcing them to get better and more consistent with their blinks.
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Disagree. Basekit Nurse feels absolutely terrible to play. It isn't even a winning, losing, or balance thing, it just feels too slow. It's actually quite an unfun experience, I suggest you try it against higher MMR survivors. You won't enjoy it, even if you win. Most people don't understand a basekit Nurse because you never see one, but if you did you'd be happy because you'd probably escape most of the time on most maps.
Her range addons absolutely are a problem, and I'd say they're the biggest reason even a bad Nurse can land their blinks due to the speed of travel and distance. That and her blinks should not count towards a single insta-down perk.
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Pretty much, base kit nurse is basically a free win unless the map is small.
You rack up so many fatigues from blinking you've spent over 50% of the game in them.
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"Making her blink endlessly is how you make a broken killer."
When a nurse faces survivors who do not optimize the way they play against her, yes, indeed, they may feel that she is OP.
I take it he doesn't play nurse at all 🤣
"The problem is that a bad Nurse just needs on good blinks."
Yes, against bad survivors.
Not against goods 😀
The only change I would find logical, for the nurse, would be to make her range addons not accelerate the tp below 20 meters 😁
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In the months I've been around, watching people begging others to actually play basekit Nurse (myself included), I have seen, I think, only two people actually try.
Both changed their opinions and said they started to understand what we were talking about.
I'm not going to give up, but based on the previous posts I've seen, Aven_Fallen is not going to be one of them.
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I completely agree with your description of his basekit, however, I don't really understand your last paragraph.
The range addons will certainly increase the tp range of a bad nurse but ... if she doesn't know how to tp accurately, if she doesn't know how to tp while turning her camera at the same time, if she doesn't have good reflexes, if her muscle memory isn't sharp, if she doesn't anticipate the movements of the survivors ... range addons or not, a bad nurse won't get anything out of it.
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Why is "high MMR" even an argument, when we all know that the MMR in DBD is complete nonsense?
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"I don't think you'll find a single self respecting nurse player. Who believes the speed boost from range is ok. Why is it like this now...? No clue"
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to me that someone from BHVR had spoken about this and said that it was not possible to reduce the increase ONLY below 20m tp?
Mind you, I'm not at all sure of what I'm saying, so if anyone knows why the range addons accelerate the tp EVEN below 20m rather than just ABOVE 20m, I'm interested to know the reason 😀
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I was never talking about her teleport speed. Her range, the fatigue, and how she actually performs at basekit is my point. Her range is not fine. Anyone who's ever done a foot race with a survivor using basekit nerf knows her range is not fine. Recharge or Range addons feel absolutely mandatory in whatever combination the user prefers, because basekit Nurse doesn't blink, she wheezes in meters in what is a very pathetic example of 'I'm never going to catch you if you have have a clue what you're doing.'
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That's exactly why :
- if a survivor claims that the nurse is OP, let him show us how he plays against her, through enough videos for us to judge.
- if a player claims that her basekit is perfect, let him prove it by playing nurse with only his basekit, 0 addons, so we can judge.
No supporting videos? Ok, that's bullshit, then.
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After patch, the reduced sprint time after getting injured really feels like a issue when versing Nurse.
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What he and I mean, and you understood it very well, is that the way you talk about the nurse and her basekit proves that you don't play her, let alone at a high level, namely against experienced, talented survivors who know how to play against her.
And if we are wrong, and this is in fact the case, prove it to us 😀
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Take the range addon speed away, I don't care about it. To me that's still bad role identity. If you're okay on a small map and neutered on a big map if you didn't bring specific addons? That reinforces that basekit Nurse, as a whole, is not okay. She really requires add ons.
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We are saying the same thing, I'm not sure why you responded to me when I originally quoted Little_kitten. I'm not sure where you thought we were saying anything different.
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Poor Sally, can't take a break these days :(
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She really can't. And I keep thinking to myself, "Remember Freddy, remember Wraith, remember Deathslinger and just keep at it."
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I sincerely hope she doesn't get the Freddy-Billy treatment. No one deserves that.
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I play the broad, when I say basekit versus addons I am NEVER going to consider the teleport speed she gains as appropriate. Better saved for people that struggle to understand the need for those addons.
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Billy too. Oh lord, has BHVR tanked some absolutely fantastic killers.
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If there is one thing BHVR knows, is how to destroy something we love.
Killers, maps, perks, animations...take your pick. In the end, everything turns to trash.
I hope Nurse manages to escape this fate.
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I just think it doesn't make sense for Nurse being able to see survivor's auras while blinking. Her wekness is her tracking potential, as is Spirit (imagine giving to Spirit aura reading while phasing? that's absurd...)
Meanwhile, range and recharge addons are pretty much training wheels for Nurse. She doen't need anything that enhances her basekit.
Besides that, she's completely fine.
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"I just think it doesn't make sense for Nurse being able to see survivor's auras while blinking"
Why ?
"She doen't need anything that enhances her basekit"
Such a sentence proves that you don't play the nurse, and even less at a high level.
You have no basis for such an opinion, which is therefore completely biased.
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He's right, nurses biggest downfall is that she can't predict where a survivor moves behind an object, if she could see auras that would make it impossible for anyone to dodge her, she would simply always see them and always be able to get to them. That would be beyond broken.
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Her weakness should be her tracking potential.
"Such a sentence proves that you don't play the nurse, and even less at a high level.
You have no basis for such an opinion, which is therefore completely biased."
I play Nurse since 2020. I have more than 20.000 blink attacks and I've won even against tournament players. I know exactly what I say.
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"I'm all ears up." allows the nurse to be very dangerous if the survivor fast vault a window.
That's why it's always useful to do a test beforehand, and see if the nurse you're facing makes a super accurate tp after a fast vault.
Of course, we avoid fast vaulting and running in a straight line, for the test.
"Sa faiblesse devrait être son potentiel de traque."
This is already the case, in fact.
Her biggest weakness is the fact that, if she no longer sees the survivor, she can get left behind.
"I play Nurse since 2020. I have more than 20.000 blink attacks and I've won even against tournament players. I know exactly what I say."
So, you play nurse without any addons since 2020 ?
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Says the Oni
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Oni start as weakest killer on game he should get something. Nurse has better power but still start with it. So oni should start with his power unless nurse is reworked to earn her power. That would make oni much more popular and then it would not only be blight and nurse on high mmr but oni's too.
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Eh, I'd say Micky starts off weakest, at least Oni gets a lunge
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Well completely forgot that while writing but you don't have to hit with micky you can just stalk and usually it's very easy to get tier 2 and well I always run tombstone on him and use play with your food so when I get first hit it's first kill. But they should buff myers lunge and speed while using scratched mirror add on so he would be more scary to face.
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That's rubbish he is not the weakest killer in the game.
Oni can down an entire team if he is powered up and they all get slammed by him.
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Start as weakest gets 2nd strongest while using his power.
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Weakest is Trapper/Myers and Hag.
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Hag is very strong if you knlw hlw to use her A tier. Trapper has his traps. Myers yes is weaker but usually you don't have to hit in tier 1. Oni needs hit and survivors counter it by pre dropping pallets.
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My child, I am not crying about Nurse being strong, I am stating that she becomes overpowered when add-ons are in the play.
As for Play killer, my first 1000 hours into the game are probably 80% killer.
Ofc, remove on hit effects, because she can apply them without blinking.
Also what will happen if nurse doesn't onhit you?
Oh no I cant down with NOED, oh no I cant put Sloppy, if only I could down someone in 10 seconds and ignore any collision, oh wait I can.
I usually chase the Nurse 5x the duration an average soloq player does. At minumum.
Meat Plant?
If you say her basekit is broken, how come Nurse only is reliable against good survivors with them?
Why do you keep bringing up instadown, if she cant suddenly jump cross half map because its small the instadown effect becomes less impactful with it.
Yeah, lets remove nurse fatigue so you can just glide around the map and hit people like it's nobody's business.
Are the maps too huge or are range add-ons your crutch for catching survivors?
Because travelling around map isn't the only thing range addons help you do...
so your argument on keeping killer strong is because players are trash?
There can be pretty bad Nurses that suddenly get easier games just because they equip range addons
I used to main Nurse,
and who gaslit this post comment section into an idea of range addon removal,
I simply said if they nerfed range she wouldn't be such pain, she wouldn't be 50 meters away and still have chance of blinking right on top of you and hitting you.
All perks that grant you effects on attack are tied into 1 getting to person and 2 procceeding to hit them, if you have range addon number 1 becomes nonexitant you blink from Australia to Europe because you got 2 range add ons and 2nd blink ready
Gaining distance, keeping distance against range addon nurse? haha
Big Nurse defender, are you scared they would gut Nurse below Sedako level just by adjusting her addons? give me a break
and btw "try addonless nurse" that argument is trash, 95% of my Nurse games are without addons, and addons I usually took were ones for fatigue or recharge.
her basekit is ok? thanks alot Sherlok nobody knew that
I can agree that good players are pain as a addonless nurse,
but at the same times range addons flip a coin and now you are the dominator,
"there are big maps that exist therefore you can equip 2 addons to blink from one end of MacMillan estate to other, see a survivor 30 meters away from you and still hit them because you blinked precisely"
you compare nonexistant killers to still one of the most strongest killers in the games?
so what you want is for Oni the "2nd best killer while using power" to have less weaknesses?
where's the balance in strengths and weaknesses?
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I take it you're not that good at nurse if you think she needs add-ons. -shrug-