nobody brings up just how good BHVR’s monster design is

Hoodied Member Posts: 12,994

Its so good and its upsetting that Dredge is the only killer of its kind where it started out like this and is an original killer, it is a mass of body parts, while Blight is a mutation and Hag is Hag, Dredge is flat out a monster and I love its design so much, and Demo is demogorgone as it was licensed, Nemesis is also licensed (I probably missed one)

Now to talk about why I am making this thread, i’m bringing up the winter solstice stuff for this this is the link to the vote if you haven’t seen it yet, but the Dredge skin in the vote is so good and the fact that its apart of the free ######### amazes me, I would honestly pay for this skin if I have to

This is the concept shown in the sets by the way, this skin is why I even felt required to post this in general, the arm and “arm” are both sticks and the fake arm that is actually dredge himself is the actual head (carrot and scarf) while the fake head still has a mouth, this design is so god damn good that it makes me want to see bhvr make even more monsters like Dredge as the cosmetics can be absolutely stellar, the creativity is endless with these kind of creatures and its such a good way for BHVR to net some money and make a cool design for a killer

In the end, I am glad Dredge exists and if any bhvr dev sees this make more monsters like dredge and not a mutation, cause god damn do I love this feller