(Better?) Changes to the new perk changes

Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

So most of the perk changes kind of made them useless, so here's some ideas that would make some of the perks a little better:

Self Care - Unlocks the ability to heal yourself without a healing item at 50% the normal healing speed. Hitting great skill checks while healing will grant a +2 to healing progress for each great skill check succeeded.

Iron Will - Grunts of pain caused by injuries are reduced to 95%. While Exhausted, you must remain still for the perk to be activated. Moving while Exhausted will cause your grunts of pain to be reduced to 40%.

Decisive Strike - After being unhooked or unhooking yourself, Decisive Strike activates for 60 seconds. When active you will receive a difficult skill check and succeeding the skill check will stun the killer for 5 seconds and your scratch marks and blood pools will be hidden for 8 seconds.

- Succeeding the skill check will deactivate the perk until you get unhooked again.

- The perk will deactivate if you perform a conspicuous action.

- The perk will be deactivated once the exit gates are powered.

Hex: Ruin - (Remove it as a Hex) While a generator is not being repaired by a survivor, it will immediately and automatically regress 300% of the normal regression speed. Once any survivor is killed by any means, the perk deactivates.

Pop Goes The Weasel - After hooking a survivor, the next generator you damage instantly loses 30% of its current progress. Normal generator regression is applied after the Damage Generator action. Pop Goes The Weasel is active for 50 seconds after the survivor is hooked.

Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance - At the start of the trial up to 4 random hooks are changed into Scourge Hooks. You see their aura in white. Any time a survivor is hooked on a scourge Hook, the generator with the most progress exploded, instantly losing 15% of its progress, and will start to regress. Any survivors working on the affected generator will be affected with the Incapacitated status effect for 15 seconds.