Pls I need advice from survivor players

acharliet Member Posts: 155

I have a bit over 4k hours in this game, but now since the patch I m having difficulties escaping the games. I m a bit loosing my hope

Some of killers stacking slowdown perks and also I m playing against many campers and tunnelers. Like like spirit player 4 slowndown perks and he was hard tunneling, he could do it easy.

I have seen in this forum posts that some Solo-Q survivors now escaping like 90% of games? Maybe I do something wrong? I would just like to know if Its just my games or hows ur experience? Thank u.


  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    You are not doing wrong, solo-q butchered with this update.

    And these people who escaping 90% of games... Yeah for sure. They are telling truth. They have no reason to lie. Right?

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    People who say they’re solo q and escape 90% of their matches aren’t really solo players.

    I’m almost at 6k hours, 5k of those being solo Q and yesterday my escape rate was easily like 10%.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Generally speaking, it's extremely dependent on region.

    If other survivors do good, escaping is not exactly hard still.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,243

    I suspect anyone who is saying 90% of their games are escapes is probably cherry picking data unless they're Ayrun level players. As an example, some days I'll escape 3/4 of my games. The next day I'll escape 1/4 of my games. If I said I escaped 75% of the time that would be false since the next day will bring me down into escaping just over half of the time.

    If you're concerned about tunneling or having a hard time with it try out OTR, SB, DS and something else (maybe Deliverance if they're hard camping). I've had a lot of success with that.

    Currently, my escape rate is about 55 to 60%. That's consistent with pre-patch. However, pre-patch I only used DH when I was at Iri grade and was having a tough time pipping up for some reason as DH made my games much easier. If you did use DH a lot it could be your MMR is adjusting and things will be better once it stabilizes. If you're running the exact same build as before you might want to look at changing it as well.