The True reason survivors are threatening to quit and find a diffrent game....

You can't bully killers like you used to. The base meta kit to bully killers was gutted. And you hate it. The extra 10 seconds? Forcing you to cooperate instead of antagonizing the killer into chasing you. The 2% cooldown on attacks? Forces you to pick your unhook time a bit better. The increased bloodlust accrual? Forces you to try and and get creative in losing us for a chase.

Because you can't bully killers into quitting anymore, many are throwing a fit. However, look at this patch like this;

It gives everyone experimentation amd freedom to practice characters and perks they've never tried because of the previous Meta.



  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    I think this patch is mostly fine if you play in a swf. It doesn't seem to different

  • TheLastHook
    TheLastHook Member Posts: 495

    Yeah and make Killers who hit you put the clothes into the washing machine before continuing, too. Because you cannot Kill with a dirty weapon and stains in your brand new P3 skin.

  • Darkest_Night
    Darkest_Night Member Posts: 151

    I play solo and honestly? Haven't felt much of a difference in gameplay. Most of the killers people are complaining about aren't even in the rotation. We are seeing the older killers like Freddy make a comeback because they were made viable again. It's pretty awesome to see

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    It makes sense yes, now you actually have to do gens yo have a chance to escape. Goofy plays will only get punished.

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605

    Don't even try. I learnt to just ignore a few specific people in this forum, that are too biased and basically blinded by that. Nothing productive will come out of arguing with those.

    Anytime you read "the true reason survivors complain is..."

    Entitled and biased. Time to move on.

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    Yeah but maybe i get 1k and a few hooks playing without comms and with comms i eat the dirt

  • kaneyboy
    kaneyboy Member Posts: 266

    I mean killers are just bullying us now. Camping every round and hitting on hook- Iv had like 1 good match since the update.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    Looping has been the issue always. Facing 4 good loopers has always been horrible as killer no matter solo or swf. 4 newbies communicating are not going to cause any trouble.

  • Libervita
    Libervita Member Posts: 248

    I agree with you.

    It does offer different ways to play.

    But unfortunately, when the killer chooses camping and tunnels, all good intentions are destroyed.

    When the killer is "clearly" vulnerable, I will always offer advice on improvement.

    I also provide advice all the time when survivors are "obviously" vulnerable.

    Now, it is the moment when the killer camping and tunnel, the killer is not punished, and the survivors are powerless to resist.

    The way generators are repaired needs to be changed.

    And the killer can't have the advantage of camping and tunnel.

  • JibbyNeutron
    JibbyNeutron Member Posts: 208

    Nah, has nothing to do with bullying. If you get bullied as Killer you are either really bad or play F tier Killer with F tier Perks and Addons. Both on you. Game was balanced

  • M4dBoOmr
    M4dBoOmr Member Posts: 598

    maybe they have to find a different bullying Simulator now

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Problem with that, you people keep asking for killer anti loop power to be nerfed so there "counterplay" whilst also wanting gen times to be short and have 3 hook state are you that entitled. Make up your damn mind! Do you want heavy anti loop killers or give the killer more time and less stun time to play a fair game. Frankly swf is exactly where it needs to be.

    Stbfl is a payoff for weaker killers who play smart and avoid the obsession. If the killer plays well they deserve to have faster downing potential it allows them to build power based on there skill expression. The definition of good perk design!

    If anything we want solo queue to have more communication options. The pandora's box of swf was open long ago. Comm's are a thing stop trying to build a game around both swf and solos and denying solos any communication. Close the gap ds is fine where it is what I want is blight and nurses power to go on cooldown after being stunned. Gens should remain as is the slow m1 killers need more time if the maps are going to continue be mansion sized map with co ordinating players.

  • TheLastHook
    TheLastHook Member Posts: 495

    Hahaha sure mate, sure. Then let Killers listen to the chit-chat, too.

  • Vampirox
    Vampirox Member Posts: 411

    OP couldnt be more wrong, the problem now lies within the mmr that may or may not be broken atm

    with the killer buffs and survivor nerf to perks its a real 4v1 game and if 1 survivor aint doing their job it is a losing game

    that is what i hate most its not dying/losing, its me losing because someone couldnt sit on a gen

    and survivor nerf part is the negative effects the devs keep putting into our perks

    no one is going to use Botany/Calm Spirit with those effects on them.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940
    edited July 2022

    They could have just nerfed dead hard and increase gen time then see if kill rates increase, I still don't know why they buffed 25 things at the same time but ok I guess, I hope they hotfix it quickly not in 3 months

  • deKlaw_04
    deKlaw_04 Member Posts: 3,660

    Someone calling you a survivor main would be hilarious

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    They nerfed ruin, pop, pain resonance, dead hard, iron will and ds. There were a lot of nerfs to perks that needed tunning. They buffed bt adding baseline small bt with haste, distortion got the ability to regain tokens, pharmacy is now giving you the best med kit in the game in every single chest. Though you will try to obfuscate that no doubt. Please try the new perks before moaning about the changes. Killers every chapter are changing there loadout pulling different regression perks exhaustion effects its constantly changing survivors build is same rancid crap all the time. It was always dead hard, ds, and bt. Finally we might see off the record, self care+botany, pharmacy? The thing about the killer gen slowdown was they had different activation effects stuff you can play around and they vary killer to killer. Survivors builds were the same guff everytime.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    I would believe they are quitting because the game is less fun now and unfair. Losing to a singular opponent that is putting into way less effort to win because the survivor objective is too difficult to finish is not really ideal. I don't blame survivors for quitting when everything fun was stripped away.

    Looking at dead hard specifically, it would be like all killers suddenly not able to "lunge". Imagine if you are playing as a Tier 1 Myers all the time?

    No survivor utility in chase. Killers, on top of all of these survivor nerfs, were insanely buffed exponentially. The longer gens, save the best for last perk being built-in was ridiculous.

    It is a no-brainer why survivors find the game unfair and unfun.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Loops are practically next to each other. Literally today I ran the killer around cowtree into jungle gym in to shack all lined up next to each other what maps are you playing on? Ds gives you a third chance after the endurance hit you likely got how have you still not found a pallet or vault. How are you still unable to get value out of a ds? Ds should not be used just so you can keep holding the w key eventually you need to use a pallet. There are two strong killer who ignore ds blight and nurse both who need nerfs. For the first time in ages I'm actually playing vs ghostface, legions, doctors. The most shocking thing is my games don't end after the killer gets his first hook there still 3 to 4 gens imagine that. Don't you dare go demanding these guys need to eat a 5 second ds stun or spend even more time cleaning there weapons. I like playing against killers that aren't blight and nurse every twist and turn and judging from the kill rates things were looking really bad for the lower rung killers.

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    This is how every competitive multiplayer game works. You don't get massive damage reduction and damage buffs if your teammates are bad in MOBAS, your guns don't suddenly become stronger if your teammates are bad in shooters. In RTS you don't get unlimited resources and instant build time if your team-mate is doing nothing to help. The idea that solo queue players are a team but should be able to be individually strong enough to function if teammates are bad will never ever work balance wise because as you say, what happens when 4 decent players get together?.

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    Do you hear yourself, there are survivors who didn't bully the killer and were an active team player, within the game. They aren't complaining because of that, but for the reasoning that solo queue is hell currently. SWFs aren't affected as much, it's solo queue that's having a terrible time.

    What is with some people on this forum grouping an entire side together, what kind of BS? But sure, it's cuz survivors job before the update was to bully inexperienced killers.

    Like holy, you play survivor with the current changes and see how it goes. Some changes on killer were a bit overly buffed, and now survivors have little counter to tunneling except BT that disappears after 5 seconds and DS that gives you barely anytime to reach a loop.

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    in this meta I'm relying more on just chasing and maintaining control of the last couple generators.

    I can actually horrifically lose a chase and ONLY lose 2 generators! I've been using more gimmicky perks I enjoy like Enduring and I've been having a lot of fun

  • Darkest_Night
    Darkest_Night Member Posts: 151

    I have been playing survivor with the current changes. And honestly? I've had more fun with it than the previous six months. I like learning how to adapt, how to alter what I can do to get even better. Haven't been camped or tunneled yet, but I'm also getting better at cutting chases short with diffrent tactics. I've seen Thana ONCE. Eruption is fsr more common on the ranged killers, (as it should be. Because it provided them with extra utility) Not much has really changed on the survivor side for me, except, im having more fun.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 988


  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333

    Remove bloodlust and lunge hits and you’ll see if you’re better than the survs you’re playing against

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    Yes, indeed. The known psychopath war criminal group known as "survivors" can no longer freely breathe pain and suffering as they are want to do, and that's the only reason they have an issue with anything.


  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    Only if one survivor does one gen at a it would be 50 seconds but since that's not the case it's like 20-30 seconds max

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333

    5400 hours survs main and I can tell you if you’ve can’t 4k now with any killer perhaps you should play Pokémon go

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,176

    While this thread on a whole is pretty spicy and probably not helps to calm things down in the slightest, this statement isn't true in most cases, its only true if you count "total seconds worked on gens", which isn't how this works. Normally survivors either descend on the first gen they spawn at and slam it out existence together, or they split up. In the best case situation its 1 survivor in chase and 3 working on gens, adding up to 90s eacj, ie +10s compared to before patch.

    In the best case scenario after that you would have two groups of survivors doing two gens, ie +10s again for a lofty +20s compared to before.

    Granted that's not likely to happen most of the time, but by now I have seen some gen rushing that riveled the olden days.

    Not saying that things haven't shifted or anything, but survivors are already adapting and matches feel much, much fairer then pre-patch. Still, BHVR gotta adress camping and tunneling somehow and I hope they will do it via the carrot and not the stick, but we will see.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    What if deadlock didn't proc if the killer was in a certain distance of the hook with no survivors around. I bring up DL because it's probably the best camping tool.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    If people split up on gens it isn't

    3 people doing gens sepperatly and finishing it only is a 10 seconds difference from before the patch

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    So you're saying lunge attacks and Bloodlust are the Killers equivalent to old Dead Hard?

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    Given that both camping and tunnelling are legitimate strategies (especially tunnelling since MMR only values kills) why should killers be punished for those playstyles?

  • cannonballB
    cannonballB Member Posts: 387
  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    Given that the devs specifically stated that one of the goals of this patch was to improve kill rates why did you expect it to be a perfectly "fair" patch?

  • Patchouli_Knowledge
    Patchouli_Knowledge Member Posts: 39
    edited July 2022

    Communication is everything... Without communication you can't even easily gather everyone on the same gen for the last 2 gens and that's the basic of the basic... Let alone things like 99% the last gen with a teammate going for unhooking taking a hit then immediately pop adrenaline to heal etc.

  • Darkest_Night
    Darkest_Night Member Posts: 151

    I've always been decent. 3k on average. But I've notic3d more Rage quits against my general playstyle. bully SWFS are just annoying an no2 most are pisse drhey can't attempt to bully baby killers