Dead Hard was the only exhaustion perk

Dead Hard was the only exhaustion perk that activated when you wanted it to.

Imagine how much better sprint burst or lithe would be if they only became active after you hit the activate button. With lithe you could run a strong vault until it forced you to use lithe and then you could extend the chase further.

Same with sprint burst, if you could activate it when you wanted it to become active you could use it to extend a chase.

Same for balanced landing. You could run a strong height loop a couple of times and then activate it to extend chases.

The iframes were OP, for sure, but that's not what made dead hard useful. Even the little dash forward would be generally useless if it activated in the same way that sprint burst, balanced landing or lithe does.

I never had issues with DH as a killer before the nerf. You just wait that ######### out. That's it. It's so simple it's almost braindead.

I want an exhaustion perk that triggers when I tell it to. I don't need iframes or for it to even last very long, but just to activate when I want it to. It would of course still cause exhausted for whatever the timer is but the key is that it would trigger when I choose for it to.

BHVR make this a thing.


  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,922

    Lithe and SB activating on a button... Isn't it gonna be just 1 perk then? I can see SB by activating with button.

    How you do it with Lithe tho?=)

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Lithe is activated by a button press, balanced landing is activated by a specific action, and sprint burst can be 99%ed to activate essentially on command

  • loothound
    loothound Member Posts: 133

    I never had issues with DH as a killer before the nerf. You just wait that ######### out. That's it. It's so simple it's almost braindead.

    Once again, you cannot "bait" or wait out dead hard for distance

    I want an exhaustion perk that triggers when I tell it to. I don't need iframes or for it to even last very long, but just to activate when I want it to. It would of course still cause exhausted for whatever the timer is but the key is that it would trigger when I choose for it to.

    If you want a perk like that just run new dead hard: doesn't last long, gives a 1.8 second speed boost and takes good timing to activate. Or overcome. Better yet, just 99 your sprint burst like the rest of us have been doing. Also your new perk idea is just dead hard for distance but worse. Damn was just about to catch this survivor but they pressed E to get to the pallet/window I shoud've just baited it out.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,922

    You said you never had a problem with DH before update... Does it mean... You waited out even if they using it for distance?! This guy is a genious!

    Ok now honestly... Problem with DH wasn't a "just wait it out", it was a distance they were getting to reset a loop completely, instead of getting down, by pressing 1 button. Iframes and sniffing back of the survivors wasn't a real problem about this perk.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503

    Honestly, I could see this being done for Lithe or Balanced Landing, as it would make this perks much more reliable to use, but never on Sprint Burst! SB balancing act is that it works like it does right now. If you could save it for a rainy day it would be distance on demand and super duper busted. Hard no on that one, but on most of the other exhaustion perks it should be ok and even fun.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    a long time ago, there used to be a bug with sprint burst that allowed you to activate it on demand.

    you did it by holding crouch+sprint. this would disable sprint burst from running. to activate it, you had to double crouch and sprint.

    the bug was later fixed. assumed too powerful. I guess.

    they can't allow sprint burst to activate on demand because it becomes a better dead hard for distance. the only way to get old dead hard for distance is to 99% your sprint burst, but 99% sprint burst is like conspicuous actions. the killer doesn't have to chase you and you can't touch generators because you lose the 99%.

  • kizuati
    kizuati Member Posts: 1,386

    I honestly wouldnt mind making Lithe/Balanced landing toggleable out of chase with them automatically being on when you're in it.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,148

    That's of the main reasons DH was so busted.

    Also, there are other exhaustion perks that activate upon a certain action, but I like Lithe the best. with SB you wither have to not run or nurse a 99, and with BL you have to find a height to drop from. I think Lithe strikes a nice balance because you don't have to avoid doing a common action, and unlike a sufficient drop, a nearby vault point is usually very easy to find.

  • Mozic
    Mozic Member Posts: 601

    Dead Hard is still a perk that activates when you tell it to.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,148

    I'd like to see this with SB, honestly. Having to creep around half the time is what keeps me from running it more. I don't think it should be totally on demand (that would make it more OP than DH), but I think it shouldn't activate automatically unless you are in chase, or perhaps within the terror radius.

  • Zeon_99
    Zeon_99 Member Posts: 463

    Okay the perk got nerfed. Can we please stop pretending that "wait it out lol" is a viable solution to dead harding for distance?