I’m actually enjoying survivor more now.

BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,917
edited July 2022 in General Discussions

I honestly feel like I’m having more fun now.

Yes gens take 10 seconds longer and killers are stacking slow down, but killers always stacked slow downs before. And I feel like I can actually get gens on faster now that I don’t have to deal with Ruin/Tinkerer/Pop/Pain Res + DMS anymore.

Thanatophobia is annoying, but it adds about 20 seconds to a gen (I think, correct me if I’m wrong), which is the same amount of time a single use of Pop used to remove. And that’s only if everyone is injured. Not to mention a 110 second generator is still less than an 80 second gen being reset to zero because of a Ruin/Tinkerer Blight or resetting 12 seconds and then blocked for another 45 because of Pain Res/DMS. The current slow down perks feel less oppressive than the old ones.

Camping and tunnelling is still an issue, but it was always an issue. Killer’s always camped and tunnelled, it’s nothing new. Same with dumb solo queue teammates, they were always there so why is it suddenly an issue now? If anything I feel like I’ve actually gotten BETTER teammates now that no one is using Self-Care and teammates seem competent and not like a bunch of newbies being carried by Dead Hard.

Some changes I agree were terrible, like the DS stun nerf, but overall I feel like I’m actually doing better now as survivor. Solo queue definitely needs some buffs, not denying that, but I feel like everyone is overreacting a bit, just like everyone was with the “OP endurance meta” we were supposed to be getting.

And I’m getting way more killer variety than just Blight and Nurse, which is great.

Maybe I’m just lucky though, feel free to share your experiences or call me a dumbass if you disagree, I just wanted to share my experience with this update.

Post edited by BlightedDolphin on


  • midnightt
    midnightt Member Posts: 8
  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    The biggest problem with survivor right now is survivors themselves. Yeah playing survivor is gonna suck when you have teammates that can't hit skill checks or loop or bother to do gens. DH isn't here to fix looping mistakes and you don't have time to screw around and my games tonight have been solely determined by my teammates I've had some lobbies with really good teammates and the games felt good and we all escaped but I've also had games where my teammates get on a gen with me and blow it up 3 times and run away and get downed in a 12 second chase. That second team isn't escaping and it doesn't deserve to and whereas there was a chance they might have before they don't now and they're mad.

    I'm not saying everything in the patch is good, thana buff was very not needed nor was the ds nerf but this patch had a lot more good than bad in it and I know people don't like to hear it but yes to an extent survivors do need to get good because you don't get to make mistakes and then not get punished for it anymore. It's really frustrating to die and then see I score more than any of my teammates by a pretty good amount because they lack basic decision making skills.

    Now granted most people don't grind out this game as much as me and I don't think it's reasonable to expect them to do that so I do think to avoid making going to dbd school mandatory to play survivor they do need to make certain things available for soloQ. Those status icons need to happen as does base kindred without seeing the killer aura because as much as survivors do need to get better and adapt I know the more likely scenario is they just go play killer because let's be honest the vast majority of this player base is just gonna play whatever role is easier no matter what and right now that's killer so things do need to evened out a little.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Same, but solely because que time kek

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,917

    I agree with you on this. It does feel like MMR is not functioning correctly right now with how varied the skill between teammates can be at times.

    I really hope we get more info on that communication system the devs mentioned awhile ago.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,917

    Yeah I agree that holding M1 all game does get boring, but that’s how survivor has always been in my experience. Except instead of holding it for like 2 minutes straight it was hold it for 50 seconds, then Pop resets it 20 seconds, hold it another 40, Pop again, hold it 30 seconds and now it’s finished. Add in Pain Res and that’s even longer.

    Or hold M1 for 70 seconds and now Tinkerer Blight is on your ass and Ruin resets the gen because your being chased, and now you need to repair it another 80 seconds. Now if that scenario were to occur the gen probably isn’t regressing, or hasn’t regressed as much without Ruin, and so you don’t need to repair another 80 seconds.

    But yeah, we need more fun objectives than just generators.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    The problem with your post that: Solo-q ignored by devs for years, SWF was always biggest problem for killers. And this patch adressed killer issues, SWFs nerfed. But these nerfs also targeted solos too.

    And people, who loves to play solo could not handle it anymore after that. So they are complaining now, that's why you are seeing more survivor posts.

    And then some people started share posts like yours. The people who probably never played solo or survivor, trying to sabotage survivor topics. Because clearly they are enjoying with current DbD right now because killer gameplay is pretty easy and chill after update. They don't wanna lose this clearly. 

    Solo-q is not alright. It never was but it was not that bad either. I've had some good games after patch but they were so rare.

    If you are not like these people, i am sorry. But whenever you see someone says that "as solo surv, i have better games after update", it is not hard to assume they are killer main.

  • Ink_Eyes
    Ink_Eyes Member Posts: 561
    edited July 2022

    All I see here is just words, show a stream of you playing survivor and winning most of your solo queue matches, many people here can escape a lot, I can do it at least 70% of my matches, escaping solo is not ''winning'' playing for you to solo escape is not playing as a team and this is a team game, for you to actually declare a win on a game we will require you to actually win by showing 3 survivors escaping every match, 2 killed is a draw and a solo escape is a lost game, I wanna see you on a win streak, show us you win at least 6 out of 10 games (counting Dc's and AFK.....yes because that is part of our daily lives too) and I don't want excuses, it's 2022 pretty sure you have a way to stream it.

    Even veteran youtube survivor mains with 8k hours+ have seen their win rates drop by a lot so much that some of them are just uploading videos of games were they just lose but have nothing else to show (even after a 2 hour stream, they have nothing to show because they lose most of their matches) but I'm pretty sure you have twice as much experience so you can do it...

    Post edited by Ink_Eyes on
  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434

    good for you

  • Sebadriel360
    Sebadriel360 Member Posts: 9

    "sin preocuparme por Ruin/Tinkerer/Pop/Pain Res + DMS."

    No MMS! Pues que juego estás jugando? Si ahora solo van con salmuera, sobre carga, dolor resonante, etc!

    Más bien haces pensar que ni juegas de sobreviviente solo vienes a decir que está bien el juego para seguir jugando el modo "fácil" de killer

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,917

    I always played survivor before hand. Not as much as killer, but I still played it a lot, solo included.

    I’ve never once mentioned solo is alright or ever has been. It’s always been the weakest role and needs a lot of buffs. I do think they should’ve waited to implement most of these changes until the communication system was ready.

    Not everyone is going to share your experience. Just because someone is enjoying something doesn’t mean they are trying to sabotage you. And just because I’m enjoying it doesn’t mean your concerns are any less valid either.

    I seriously doubt anyone is trying to actually “sabotage” peoples concerns. And if someone is that petty, it’s not going to make any difference. Do you really BHVR is going to see this and say “well one random guy is enjoying it, so I guess the hundreds of other players opinions can be discarded.”

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    This people exists sadly. Name shaming is against rules. So i won't give any name but whenever you check their old posts, you are seeing their hates against survivors.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,917

    Uh… how about no? I’m just sharing my experience. If you have disagree, then good for you. I’m not trying to prove anything to anyone, just sharing that I’m having fun still. I’m not saying that everyone else’s opinions aren’t valid.

    If you seriously think someone having fun needs to prove it to you then I think you need to take a break.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I enjoyed playing killers before the update

  • Ink_Eyes
    Ink_Eyes Member Posts: 561
    edited July 2022

    So your post has nothing to add then, basically you can lose 100% of your matches but you can always claim it was ''fun'' for you then all is ''good'' so nothing of substance here smh...

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    I love extreme conspiracy theory like that, for the god's sake imagine labelling people with different opinion as "sabotage" .

  • MrCrazyCat62
    MrCrazyCat62 Member Posts: 168

    I've had several close games so far. Survivors who are good at looping are still good at looping. And gens can still fly on large maps or if you over commit to one person.

    I feel like many people just weren't prepared for a huge gameplay shift like this.

    I will say that as someone who hates ds, and as someone who remembers when it could be used with no restrictions. It does infact need to be buffed back. I rarely ate ds before this update and it was easy to avoid if you had to. Also the new grind is rough imo.

    But honestly I've felt more free to use unorthodox or uncommon perk combinations since the shift.

    And I've even seen survivors using some as well. Somebody got me with flip flop yesterday. I can't even remember the last time thats happened. I just wasn't expecting it.

    I like most of these changes. A few rough spots but nothing in need of major changes. (Besides the grind)

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,917

    Uh… yeah. I’m just sharing my opinion. But I guess I can only do that if my opinion matches yours.

    And doesn’t this apply to most of the posts saying they aren’t happy? They could be lying, so I guess they need to upload a stream of them playing perfectly but still getting killed at 5 gens 6 games in a row.

    I’m not going to prove to you that I’m having fun. If you don’t believe me, that’s fine, you don’t have to.

    If you’re not having fun, ok then. Me having fun doesn’t make your experience any less true or valid.

  • Maxx_Calin
    Maxx_Calin Member Posts: 86

    People who use self care can be just as good at Survivor as those that don't. To say those who don't use it are better teammates is a little bias and mean to those who do. I can go without self care but it does come in handy to have especially when u can't find a med kit or someone to heal u.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,917

    I should’ve been more clear, sorry. I was referring to the people who spend so much time running to the corner of the map just to self-care and prioritise it over everything else, even if there is another survivor nearby. Or spend so long Self-Caring even though the killer has Sloppy and Coulrophobia (rare, but you get my point)

    You know, the ones that gave Self-Care a bad rep even though it was still a good perk if used correctly. Now though, because none of those bad Self-Care users use it anymore the only ones that still do use it are now the ones who know when to use it or pair it with botany so they still save time.

    Sorry if it come off as mean, didn’t mean to make it seem like anyone who uses Self Care is bad, just that the bad Self Care users are much less common now.

  • Ink_Eyes
    Ink_Eyes Member Posts: 561
    edited July 2022

    You started your post by diluting other peoples opinions with, ''So many posts on here saying that “survivor is dead”, “every game is 4K at 5 gens while the killer is blindfolded” and so on. Yet for me, I’m still escaping most of my games'' which is obviously trivial because the game is about escaping as a team yet an attempt to dilute other peoples opinions as to how the game is really doing right now and we can tell is doing bad, and I'm not the first here to tell you...

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,917

    I didn’t mean for it to come of that way, just that everyone is having a bad time and I’m still having fun and doing okay. You’re opinion is just as valid as mine and I’m sorry if my post came off as rude. That’s my bad.

    I’ll edit that part out of the post out because I can definitely see why people think that was a bit harsh.

    Personally though, I still count just me escaping as a win. While it is better when we all get out and I’ll still attempt to save in the endgame in most circumstances, but if I’m playing solo I’m still counting me escaping as a victory.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Thana at full power makes gens take about 115 seconds so it adds about 25 seconds to a gen now

    So 35 seconds longer then prepatch gens. Prepatch thana added 20 seconds at full power so it almost doubled. It's a tad much

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Isn't that 15 seconds more seconds than prepatch thana.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Prepatch gens only took 80 seconds by base

    I should have clarified i was refering to the base gens i did word it a bit weirldy

    But you are right!