Survivors will get other nerfs in the future(4 SWF)

Piruluk Member Posts: 995

Now we are at the transition phase, survivors still trying to play in SoloQ or in Duo, after a month will be realised thats no longer viable way to play.

What will happen is that some will switch to killer, others will be forced to play in SWF. Another thing that even killer mains like to play survivor sometimes and they are always extremely competitive types so most of them only playing in SWF.

Morning till early evenings will have very long killer queues, due being very hard to organize SWF before evening, and barely anyone will want to suffer as solo.

However at evenings everyone will switch to play in 4 stack SWF, and few unaware killers will suffer greatly by these SWFs so another nerf the survivors movement will be born, and truth to be told at 4 SWF still survivors are the power role.

I don't expect changes to be reverted, since most dbd player only play dbd, and too much invested into game, so survivors would never leave the game
