DS and OTR activated in endgame?

D2night Member Posts: 224

Why wouldn’t these things be deactivated once the door is opened and not “endgame”. The 1st perk I used when the update came out was OTR and the games I played it never came into use the whole game because the killer didn’t hit me or wasn’t near hook at the time (almost all games we all died because killer is OP now) and the only games were I needed it to come into play was 2 games where for some reason I just got 2 really bad killers and I looped them basically the entire match only for them to down me and hook me shortly before/as the last gen was done the killer walks away, a teammate comes to save me, we run away and no doors have been started because this was basically just after the last gen popped and the killer quickly comes to me and downs me and hooks me again.

how would that have been a “free escape”? Even if I had OTR activated he would have hit me and I still would’ve had to loop him/run away from him until an exit was opened or until he lost me. This system doesn’t prevent a free escape it prevents my survival perks from not working so the killer can have a pity kill. And that is the exact reason I haven’t touched OTR at all the last 2 days and I don’t really plan to for a while.

if they were deactivated once exit gates were opened then it would prevent a free escape.
