Anyone else feel like the devs are scared of making strong survivor perks?

Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

I’ve been thinking about this especially since the new patch and it feels like the devs are afraid of making strong survivor perk options.

If we look at killer over the past year we have got Pain resonance, Pentimento, Lethal pursuer, Call of brine and Deadlock as new great options. Out of the three scourge hooks so far only one launched weak being gift of pain but it has now been buffed into a solid position

Now if we look at survivor over the past year we have gotten COH which was completely busted on release and is now a solid option and that’s about it really. Overcome is decent but worse than other exhaustion options and Shadowstep isn’t strong enough to run on its own. Hell they even nerfed parental guidance before release despite it not being incredibly strong in the first place. Perks like overzealous and inner focus are being buffed literally a month and a half after their launch because they released which such trivial numbers. For example how strong would overzealous actually be if the 16% boost happened regardless of a hex totem or not? Encourage side objectives with bonus gen speed that goes away when the killers pressure gens well sounds pretty balanced in my opinion. Boons overall are weak especially in the case of dark theory like when was the last time you saw someone run a boon perk without COH as well?

Looking at the new patch the same problem shows itself. Calm spirit apparently needing a 30% reduction in speed to compensate for its mediocre effect, Pharmacy needing the prerequisite of being injured, Botany having a medkit efficiency debuff and Dark sense having its endgame activation removed. It just feels like the devs want to make a new meta but absolutely refused to make new strong options for survivor players to use meaning we’ll just use the old meta regardless. To me it just feels like the devs are afraid of similar outcry to COH or dead hard when they release a strong perk for survivors. It’s not all negative though with perks like distortion and ITR record but it still feels like they are p,saying it very safe at the moment which feels weird for a meta shake up



  • Audiophile
    Audiophile Member Posts: 319

    More people enjoy playing survivor. They need killers. Do the math.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    It's a hard balancing act. Every strong perk can be run by 4 people in a single game. Hence the DH nerf and all the DS changes through the years.

  • BabyCameron10
    BabyCameron10 Member Posts: 952

    Its great with the new Lucky Break. People should definitely try it more.

  • TinoTheThortino
    TinoTheThortino Member Posts: 35

    I think that's the same for killers.

    The game is prettty hard to be balanced at this point with all the features that they had introduced.

  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    Idk what Ash 4 players you're going with but my solo queue teammates often do fine.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,971

    Good points. They promised some response to camping and tunneling and implemented a mediocre change that rarely works. Camping is still not addressed; base kit BT doesn't help with rescuing - which is mainly an issue with Bubba, but in general, camping is stronger with the CD change. Base kit speed reduction encourages perk variety and eliminates the necessity to run slow-down perks but has only amplified the problem with sometimes more synergized and more substantial slowdown. Killers aren't using other perks, they are stacking slow-down perks.

    AMOGUS Member Posts: 489

    They do something compelling, and people complain. Decisive 1.0, Decisive 2.0, Mettle of Man, Luck Break + Iron Will combo, etc.

    This community specifically does not like dealing with things that have effects. That's the actual truth, it's not the devs in this case.

  • AndyKuky
    AndyKuky Member Posts: 84

    I mean… none of the killer perks you listed are exactly meta or anything. They’re all decent perks you can throw in certain builds with certain killers or throw onto any killer if you want to play a certain style. Just like all the recent survivor perks.

    Personally I think CoH is very strong. And Overcome is a top tier exhaustion perk. I run Overcome with Lucky Break and it’s amazing how easy it is to lose killers. And now they even buffed Lucky Break.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    Eh, I feel like it's just harder to balance for 4 survivors, because if one survivor brings a strong perk, it works well, but if 4 bring it, it's probably gonna end up being overwhelming

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182
    edited July 2022

    CoH, the most recent survivor meta perk has gone through 4 nerfs(2 on PTB and 2 live) and is still an amazing perk. I think devs are doing ok with making strong survivor perks

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Pain resonance, no way out and deadlock are all definitely meta options imo just not used as often since people enjoyed the old meta more (And BBQ for BP)

    COH is still pretty strong but overcome is just an alright perk, it has more weaknesses than strengths imo and pails in comparison to sprint burst

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    This has been an issue before this patch. Anyway I’m happy killers got the buffs I just wish survivors got some cool new strong options as well and more consistently good perks every chapter release

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Which was the last super strong survivor perk though? It was dead hard released in July 2017

    Off the top of my head killers have got pain resonance, hex undying, no way out, Corrupt intervention and pop goes the weasel in that same time frame.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Considering Bottany Knowledge, one of few getting a buff, in this killer sided patch needed a huge downside proves they are extremely scared to give survivors anything good.

    And that's only one example in a huge sea of evidence.

  • Arkmenhah
    Arkmenhah Member Posts: 68

    Thing is, up to this patch, it didn't matter what cool strong option would get released for survivors, nothing they could ever release would come close to the game breaking potential DH had, so we would still only ever see the exact same 5-6 perks in every survivor in every single match. Maybe from this point on they'll release new stuff, if the tears of the E widows don't drown the devs into going back and un-nerfing it.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    I agree that the 5-6 meta perks needed adjustment but that shouldn’t have stopped them from making other strong options. Again buffing 2/3 of haddies perks only a month and a half after launch perfectly shows this

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    I would argue that has more to do with the fact that they already released some of the best survivor perks in the game based on the games framework and nothing could compete unless you openly embrace power creep. For example, how can you make a sound based perk better than old Iron will? When OTR released people(rightfully so) asked, "why would I ever run this when I could just run Iron will and not worry about a timer or condition?"

  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443

    No. I feel like it's more so that the few strong perks survivors had were really strong, why would you give them more. Now I think they can maybe start adding stronger perks for survivors but back then it was kinda obvious that wasn't a good idea.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Survivors' perk should be strong, but limited use like DS, its like their resources rather than something permanent. Something like

    • Selfcare is 24sec with 72sec use (for 3 heal). After that they cant use it anymore.
    • Botany can be the same with 33% speed buff that only work for 50sec or something

    You get my idea.

  • duygu
    duygu Member Posts: 333

    maybe you dont use the perks very well or you don't think theyre strong because they're not extremely useful every single match like dead hard was

    repressed alliance, second wind, deliverance, inner healing, off the record buff, overcome, smash hit, soul guard, camaradeire, fast track. yeah these perks are not very recent but they are not very old either (maybe except for deliverance) and still very relevant. these are all non-meta perks that can counter the meta, yet nobody uses them because it's too 'niche', even though slugging, tunneling, camping, and 3 genning are extremely frequent as they are all part of the optimal way to play killer. they can still quite literally change the outcome of a match when used correctly

  • Bri213
    Bri213 Member Posts: 12

    2 days ago conspicuous actions was not on off the record. Yesterday it was put on the perk because killers complained about it. And like always they got there wish granted. The game is dead. All killer sided thanks to devs

  • Dunkinspunkin
    Dunkinspunkin Member Posts: 191

    If I developed an asymmetrical pvp game I would be extra cautious about empowering the 4 people in a 4v1 too. What is the point someone's trying to make with this very, very obvious design observation?

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,700
  • JudithMorel
    JudithMorel Member Posts: 562

    the devs are killer mains.

  • AndyKuky
    AndyKuky Member Posts: 84

    Deadlock is a good perk if you want slowdown and PR is not bad but just got nerfed. No Way Out is a pure endgame perk and definitely not meta.

    I would put Overcome on the same level as any of those and CoH is definitely still higher than all of them. CoH wrecks so many play styles. I have given up on killers like Wraith or Nemesis because hit and run play styles are pretty much dead thanks to CoH.

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    The point of the game isn't to make survivors powerful. In fact, they are supposed to be weak. But if they work as a team, they have a chance of getting out alive. That's your objective. This isn't supposed to be a competitive game. It's supposed to be survival, and survivors have to do just that. Survive. If you guys want to be all powerful, then play killer. Or a different game that let's you be powerful. No horror game let's the player be in control, and guess what, that's the point of being a survivor. The devs aren't scared. They know their game better than any of us. So let thr mass exodus happen if you all hate this game so much instead of constantly complaining like 3 year olds in the forums. It's exhausting to be around such negativity all the time here.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,130

    Hasn't it been this way for a while... They can't really make balanced perks or at least according to a certain minority in the community where they run something if its good or else its "useless".

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,105

    Stop crying and get good. If you were boosted by your perks, lose some and your MMR will adjust.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,477

    Game was survivor sided for too long until they started to lose so many killer players they had to change things. Let's see if they will lose survivors now instead, or buff solos fast and make both sides happy.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    the problem that i saw everytime a new perk got released was when the perk wasnt dh iw coh level strong it was "useless" and i get where this comes from because why would i run otr when iw gives me 100% silent for ever. now we got the really strong meta perk more in line but many people say every thing is now useless wich is just wrong. they lost power they shoulnd ever had the big problem with this patch is that first survs need to adjust to the changes wich is hard enough on its own because suddenly you cant take that extra round in a loop or you cant vanish after a hit because iw now has some sound left but at the same time they over did the killer buffs and didnt adress facecamping.

    why dont we have an slowdown cap? why did thana needed a buff?

    they overdid it and that makes adjusting to the new meta and the new playstyle for the survivor harder. i would say they did a good job on the surv changes in regard of taking away a bit of power from them to let them have more of a survivor feeling and i actually have already faced survivor that got down in chases because they still tbagged at every pallet and tryed to pull of some yt creator look how hard i can play that killer stuff but with the base changes and the perk nerfs they got down quiet fast and thats a good thing.

    bhvr needs to look at the killer buffs again and tune down some of the perk buffs again and really think about some general caps for everything that can stack

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333
  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333

    Nah, seeing the scratch marks of survs or move 2% faster in the boon totem aura seems op perks. But 15% regression and seeing survs auras for 5 secs (7 with LP) without seeing them for 25 secs (23 with LP) are barely good

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Not really, most perks has been awful for both side anyway.

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    By nature killer is competitive, it's 1 vs 4, and to say that changes are made based solely on forum complains is just stupid, they have the data, the have objectives that the devs want to achieve.

    Yes this patch most likely (judging by the reading ive done) is killer "sided" but the last major patch gave us Boon of healing, so to say every patch since keys and hatch nerf has been killer "sided" is just b.s.

    There will be changes made remember it took them time to make healing boon "balanced" i personally would have left it alone and just made stomping bones a ability rather than a perk.

  • NightmareKT
    NightmareKT Member Posts: 228

    Can you blame them? The speed of Gens before the new patch was so fast. How can killers play without perks like Resonance or Thana or Ruin