BHVR, please fix Decisive Strike

I'd like to start with a positive and say I actually like (for the most part) the new update. I think a lot of the changes (gen speeds, DH, base kit BT) have all changed the game for the better and I'm actually really enjoying the change of dynamics in the game.
However, the nerf to Decisive was beyond excessive and has fundamentally rendered one of the only true anti-tunneling perks in the game (other than OTR), essentially useless. With the killer base kit buffs to attack cool-downs, pallet/wall breaking, etc., killer now has so much advantage and 3 seconds is just a flash in the pan, really. The older, longer stun duration really punished killers for tunelling, and gave the survivor sufficient opportunity to make a decent escape. 3 seconds (more like 2/2.5 if you include the animation) is nothing, especially for killers who are used to cool-down animations between hits/attacks like Nurse and Blight.
Honestly, I agree that pre-update survivor's had way too many advantages against killers and controlled the game, so it's refreshing to see that the killer side finally has some power again. However, tunelling is - no matter how you look at it - unhealthy for the game and DS was the best perk to counter this. I understand the deactivation once the gates are powered as this means survivor's can no longer abuse it at the end of the game, but the nerf to stun duration was far, far too much.
Anyone else have some thoughts on this?
I main killer for the most part, and even I think this perk was hit too hard. The requirements for it the remain active already mean that the survivors take a huge risk by not interacting with hardly anything. Now they don't gain enough distance to get away from most killers, especially faster killers like Nurse and Blight. I was happy with the endgame deactivation, but yeah, the duration should be reverted. It wasn't a problem to begin with.
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There's no such thing as an anti-tunnel perk for survivors. That's the falacy both players and BHVR need to get over.
A killer who gets hit with DS isn't suddenly going to stop tunneling. Due to the sunk cost falacy they now have to catch that survivor.
Actual anti-tunnel perks are Killer perks, like Devour Hope, Make Your Choice and BBQ when it made you hook unique survivors.
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Totally agree with it. No shame about it being deactivated as soon as the exit gates are powered.
but the duration of the stun is for real like 2.25-2.5 Sec. and that’s way too less.
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3 too short, 5 too long. Simple solution meet halfway. 4 second DS stun.
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5 seconds wasn't too long though.
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Of course, if you eat the DS, you may as well just keep hunting the same survivor down. But the whole point is to make the Killer consider not eating it. DS's value comes not from actually proc'ing, but from discouraging the Killer from tunneling in the first place. Since DS has been nerfed, not everybody runs it consistently, so it's safer for Killers to gamble. However, the nerf was so harsh that even if the Killer does lose the gamble, it's possible for them to not be properly punished at all.
While I do think DS was overnerfed, at the same time I think it would be good for it to stay like this for a while. I have the intuition that, once you learn to play with new DS, you can still get some good value out of it. It's just that the value isn't automatic. If even after people have had the chance to practice using it stiill feels like garbage, it should be buffed to 4 seconds.
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Yes I know just thought meeting halfway was saucy 😏
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Thats just positive incentive vs negative incentive. And what you fail to consider is killers are free to just stack 4 slowdown perks and camp/tunnel which in most cases is far more effective than what they would have gotten from perks like devour and bbq meanwhile if survivors have strong anti tunnel perks like 5 second stuns, killers usually play around them.
Since the patch i never once considered whether or not a survivor had ds, when before i might have left them on the ground to possibly be picked up. Not even tunneling btw, sometimes you just come across the same survivor.
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They wont. They already had the chance to revert the stuntime back to 5s and they didnt. For no reasons. Why should they change their mind now? The situation didnt change.
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It's possible they have decided to force a smart use of DS, meaning choosing where to go down instead of mindlessly going down and using the perk.
(But yes, not being a particularly good survivor myself, 5s would not be a luxury)
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Behaviour is busy crafting new Kate wigs.
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Or designing a new skin for their beloved Blight.
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5s was not too long. No one complained about the stun time of DS. They complained about it not deactivating when someone does something that should deactivate it forcing you to slug them and end game.
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Oh come on, now. You know Feng's Panda hat is way more important.
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I agree that some perks discourage tunneling (Grim Embrace, Dying light (at least tunneling the obsession), Furtive Chase).
But I feel like there are some perks that indirectly encourage it (like Remember Me! encourages tunneling out the obsession, since they aren't affected by Remember Me!). Perhaps these perks need slight adjustments.
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Very well put. Hell, you could even remove the skill check from it so that console players could be more likely to run it. With the EGC deactivation it's one of the best designed and healthiest perks in the game.
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I see where you're coming from, but I respectfully disagree.
DS is an anti-tunnel in its very essence since it only activates if a survivor is downed within 1 minute of being unhooked; 99% of the time that's because the killer has actively gone out of their way to down the recently unhooked survivor. Only certain contexts would unfairly proc DS against killers, like when survivors force it and throw themselves at the killer, etc.
I generally agree that a killer who tunnels will still tunnel regardless of DS, however, as other players in this thread have said, (old) DS disincentivized tunneling and many good killers would actively avoid it/play around it because they knew the stun and subsequent chase meant more time for other survivors on gens. Most importantly, even if the killer still decides to tunnel through DS it at least gave the survivor an adequate chance to escape. I would therefore argue that DS was by every measure an anti-tunnel perk.
Also, killer perks as 'anti-tunnel' perks are a fallacy. For example, many killers with good mobility (Demo, Hag, Freddy) can easily get their Devour stacks whilst tunneling. I can't even count how many times I've been downed off-hook by a Devour Hag who's placed all her traps around the hook (same with Demo and his portals). At the end of the day, if a killer is so hell-bent on tunneling, they will find a way to do so. My main argument all along was that DS (pre-nerf) at least punished killers for tunneling and gave the survivor a better chance.
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I've never been a fan of DS, as I don't believe as a survivor I should be forced to use certain perks just to counter toxic killers - by this I refer to what most reasonable people (IMHO) accept to be toxic - namely hard tunnelling and hard camping from the start of the match.
I'm a killer main, but I don't tunnel or camp unless I feel the necessity to do so based on the situation (toxic survivors or at 1 or 0 gens remaining) so it honestly never really affected my killer plays, and people who call it an anti-tunnel perk are fooling themselves as the few times it did find a use against me, I caught them shortly after anyway.
In all honesty, BHVR need to implement an actual penalty to hard tunnelling / hard camping killers, otherwise there simply is not "downside" to what it undeniably a very strong tactic (I'll happily admit this - even though it is still toxic IMHO).
Personally, (although this will never happen lol), I'd be ok if DS applied a massive penalty to killers. A 10s stun (with a 1s reduction in duration as gens are completed), or rest of the match your vision is impaired, or something similar. The game needs a way to get killers away from using unskilled and toxic plays (which, again, are so damn effective that most games, killers will use them).
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Decisive Strike is absolutely useless now, and a waste of a perk slot.