Why continue playing the match if there is no chance of escape?

Imagine this or a similarly unfortunate situation: You are a survivor player, 1 person was already sacrificed, others have 1-2 hooks and still 4 gens are remaining.
Why continue playing the match if there is no chance of escape? Basically all your remaining chance is the hatch, but it is not a good solution, because in theory then just all survivors should hide and hope the others get found, which doesn't sound like a fun game.
As a killer player you can get into a similar situation, but you can usually still achieve at least partial success: getting 1-2 sacrifices. Also it can often happen that a survivor makes a stupid mistake which turns the whole match.
What do you think?
My ideas:
- The game should have some mechanics which help the losing side so that they feel like there is still some hope. I am not sure what this should be, could be e.g. increasing gen repair speeds. But this is hard to design and BHVR could never come up with a solution that works.
- Add a resign vote button.
- Come up with some achievable partial goals for survivors which give some feel of accomplishment even if they don't escape.
The hatch can be your goal, you decide on what counts as a "win" plenty of times killers haven't got a chance, 2 gens done no hooks. My goal is normally to break all the doors and take the loss.