Actual Survivor and Killer Lobbies

acharliet Member Posts: 155

As survivor main I switched to play Killers for couple reasons and still it is sometimes more worth waiting for killer game instead of couple bad solo-q games.

Killers - stacking slowndown perks, survivors often DC, suicide on first/second hook, killers often camping and tunneling.

I was bored playing killers, games are easier tho and i wanted to try couple survivor games Solo-Q:

1st game: nurse with range adon- first survivor DC

2nd game: Oni - I was hard tunneled - I didnt have DS and OTR

3rd game: Spirit - 4 slowdown perks - my teamate tunneled out of game a bit fast

Since I have 4k hours in this game, always loved playing survivors I did take 3 hours break and turned on game again. My question is theres lot of killer players now and not many survivors i guess ? Why I got to my lobby survivors - teamates with less of 80 hours - bill and jake - 3rd survivor console claudete basic skin - killer was nurse, couldnt get me in first chase but my teamates was downed like a bit fast tho. Why I cant have teamates my level pls ?


  • Nirgendwohin
    Nirgendwohin Member Posts: 1,251

    Made the same experiences but the killer hours don't match mine either. I often play with one similarly good survivor with two novices and a killer with green perks in SoloQ.

    On the eu servers there seems to be too few survivors for too many killers.