Survivors throwing a fit over this patch prevents any good data to come from it
I'll preface with a few things. One camping was not addressed at all. Two there is still bs in the game to deal with like some broken nurse and blight builds/add ons. Three Soloq was left behind big time in this patch.
With that out of the way I want to talk about how many people are throwing tantrums and then claiming the game is this or that. Soloq is miserable right now. Not because of the killer buffs but because people are refusing to humor it. Every game I play I have someone rage quitting. Usually I would say that they can just rage until they dont play anymore then we can get some good games. However them playing like they are is going to blow the data way out of proportion.
I think this patch was a step in the right direction. After 2 or 3 more we might see some good balance brought to the game. My hope is the devs don't see this and automatically revert this patch because people rage quitting artificially bloats kill rates. Think about it. Its not just that one person that is getting killed its the whole team. I'm not talking dcs either. People just one hook themselves if they don't like who they're playing against or what map they're on.
I see it in my killer games too, but that doesn't mean that the buffs were over tuned or anything. I still face swfs or great players who can tie and beat me. Which are good matchs. Which proves that if teams are trying that they can still be competitive. Minus outliers that I prefaced. Thats why I view this patch favorably.
I'm just pointing it out so that if the devs aren't clued in on this maybe they'll take it into consideration when they gather data, and we as a community take this into consideration when playing so that they can gather proper data and not screw over our teams. I just want to see the game get better.
Edit: I love how even when prefacing the post with issues on survivor side. People are still trying to make this a us vs them argument. Those are the people not to listen to. Biased to a fault
Sure, the dcs and suicides are making solo q miserable, but lets not pretend that the killer buffs, including tunneling and camping, didn't add to that as well.
I just don't understand, first you say solo q got worse this patch, "left behind big time", but then you say the game got more balanced. Balanced for who exactly?
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The tunneling and camping has been an issue since before this patch. They are outliers and are being talked about extensively already. Enough that I think the devs will address it eventually. However the amount of rage quits has skyrocketed in my experience.
The game is more balanced then where it was. Soloq is still left behind. Those 2 aren't mutually exclusive. Now killers can compete more with good teams. Bad teams or teams that arnt coordinated enough are still left behind. Where as it was killers rarely can compete with good teams, and bad teams can compete with killers. All of that obviously has many factors including who the kilers are and if either side is using busted stuff.
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You do realize for something to be balanced it means to be fair for all parties involved right? It clearly is not balanced if "solo q was left behind".
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Because me prefaceing the post means nothing right? I already addressed survivor issues that need to be dealt with. It doesnt justify the rage quits.
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Yes I am aware. Hence the word more before balanced. I didnt claim that it was perfectly balanced just more balanced, and it is.
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But again, more balanced for who? Because solo q did get worse, so how is it MORE balanced?
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It got more balanced for killer. Which was needed. Why do think that this isnt part of said balance? Killers need to be able to keep up with good teams. In the previous patch there were many games where this wasnt possible. This patch helps with that to a degree. Solo q should be next. Balancing the game isnt one sided like you seem to think
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I had two matches in a row today where survivors refused to do gens and leave.
In the first one, they did 4.99999 gens. They got the final gen a tap away and then refused to finish it. I never kicked it. I got tired of waiting and killed them all. I usually wait the survivors out, but it had gone way past 10 minutes and I wanted to get into another match so I can actually take advantage of the Double Rift Fragment event.
In the following match, they refused to touch gens at all. 10+ minutes later, not a single gen was done. Like I said, I usually wait that crap out, just put the controller down and go get a snack or something, but my matches are going long enough as is at times, I'm not sitting around for an hour not earning XP.
The past few days have been really stupid. No other way to say it. I've had weird matches before, but never so many in such a short period of time.
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You do realize, though, that he didn't use anything long the lines of "perfectly balanced", "balanced between sloQ and SWF" or "finally balanced".
He used the term "more balanced", ie an ongoing process. 3 steps towards the middle and one step back will not leave you in a balanced state, but it is objectively more balanced then 3 steps earlier.
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You might want to not just let the do gens and leave. As bad as those who rage quit. Just not playing the game properly hurts. Regardless of your opponents intentions.
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Tbh. At least when I look at my games there aren't nearly as many DCs/Throwers as people claim.
I'm doing a little SoloQ experiment, so there are a number of matches I tracked. Over the course of 21 matches there were 3 DCs. One of which was absolutely justified (killer from the other side of the universe; hitting from a mile away. Literally; swung at the one end of the long wall outside main on Haddonfield and I wondered wth he was swinging at since I was almost at the other end of the wall. It was a hit.), one was justified in my opinion but I know there are people who'd disagree (Pig tunneling people with traps off hook&straight to boxes. Sure. You can do that. But it's a v scummy way to play and I find it absolutely reasonable to tap out and move on asap) and one was just a straight up ######### moment (one gen down, killer downed someone, that someone DCd before killer could even pick them up).
In short: I don't share the experience where "survivors throwing" seems to artificially inflate anything.
(If anything what inflates kill rates it's various forms and the mix of camping, tunneling and/or slugging. Not as some kind of last resort because gens have been flying - but from the very first encounter with a survivor at five gens. But I think at least as far as "unreasonably extreme" form of these three tactics are concerned everyone is on the same page. They're valid strategies - within reason. And there's been an awful lot of crossing the line. --- And I'm mentioning this here because over time I've observed that these tactics and suiciding/dcs also go hand in hand.)
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There's one piece of good data, survivors absolutely hate it.
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The killer queues are so bad I can't even do my Blight archives can't bother to queue for 7 minutes then a surv DC beceause he's vsing a Blight smh.
I only played survivor today and man it was so boring and frustrating between all the Legion and Plagues thana they don't even have to try to win literally just run never sleep pills + Susie's mixtapes send yourself to a small map and you already got 4 stacks of Thana at 5 gens it's just braindead and you can't do anything about it while playing SoloQ.
Thanatophobia was already a ######### boring perk but they still decided to buff it with the increased generator time I dont understand BHVR's move on this one.
I just finished playing my last game of the day it was against a Legion on Dead Dawg Saloon he sent us on this map,my guy was running Thana + Jolt and never sleep pills with susie mixtapes he managed to get 4 stacks of Thana at 5 gens everybody used their exhaustion perks I used balanced Landing on the main building he still managed to catch me and hit me while in Frenzy some real BS right there.
The killer buffs were desperately needed for the low tier killers but please can we do something about Legion and Plague Thana they're both braindead easy killers to play with the new Thana buff and 10 seconds on generators each game feels miserable and frustrating...its just painful
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My intentions are: I enjoy memeing. I rarely enjoy killing. I had to kill survivors for the Tome challenges and I didn't feel good doing it. But chasing and using a killer's power is fun, I enjoy that. Plus, I'm mostly playing on the Switch right now, and that's painful as killer. If I cared about killing while I play on the Switch, I would actually cry. That's how bad the performance is. I can have fun messing around and chilling; I can't have fun if I try to get downs and hooks. If BHVR ever optimizes the game or brings the promised cross-progression with PC, then maybe playing killer for real will be enjoyable.
If the game had a casual mode I could queue up there, but there's only the one game mode.
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What good data should even come from this patch? It just happens what was foretold during ptb. They ignored it. Now they have to face their players showing their frustration.
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Yes the experience's are subjective for sure. I've had the opposite both killer and survivor. Lots of rage quits, a lot more then usual. A killer playing scummy or bs in a match doesnt justify rage quitting. It kills the team and ruins the match. If a killer is camping and tunneling that doesnt guarantee a loss. Its when the survivors give up because the killer is doing this which secures the win. Which just feeds more into those tactics. Justifying what they are doing works.
Tunneling and camping should be addressed properly but we wont get any kind of proper data to help address it when people throw.
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Nothing wrong with that. By the way you were talking i thought you were afking or something
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The games I've had where I didn't get teammates just throwing a fit and killing themselves have been decent. Obviously it might be a little too easy to tunnel out survivors atm and survivors still lack any tools to really deal with camping, but at least when survivors give an actual attempt gens will get done and I've been having much better time getting escapes now.
At the very least it seems like I'm either not getting paired with the rage quitters because they've dropped their mmr below mine now or they've actually quit playing. And that has significantly improved soloq for me.
It's still tougher to escape against good killers, but I had a game yesterday against a trapper who had 2 survivors trapped in basement at shack at 4 gens left with traps around shack. Managed to actually pull off a rescue with the help of the other survivor and ended having a 4e against the trapper.
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If they are still playing, it doesn't matter. Survivors NEED to stop playing if they want BHVR to listen.
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The non problem with rage quitting is a lot of solo q players have put money into this game, a lot of money for these devs just to ignore them. And after a while they only kept playing just to rage quit. I've actually heard someone say if behavior doesn't want me to have any fun, I won't allow anyone else to have fun either. And that maybe if enough people get frustrated enough about rage quitting, they'll start quitting themselves and the devs will finally listen to the people that pay their salaries. When you ignore the majority of your player base for too long you're going to have a disaster. They have no one to blame but themselves. People are going to take care of their mental health whether you put a time penalty on them or not. Just that goes to show how much they care about your mental experience.
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I don't see people having a problem with killers letting people escape or giving hatch, because both of those things also mess with data.
You only care about survivors giving up because it ruins your own experience.
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Oh, okay. Yeah, I can see that with how I mentioned XP. No, I am in there playing, just not playing seriously.
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So shut up and play the terrible match. Got it.
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Or... don't, like if you don't want to play the match, don't que up.
Yeah and that's very important lol
like killer giving hatch hurts pretty much no one, but teammates suciding hurts 3 people, which is a big deal.
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I agree with you. Alot of baby dweets out there that whine when they don't get their way rather than adapt to the new update. It's very humorous too when they take the game so seriously that they would get a panic attack if it isn't adjusted to the way they want it to. They scream and cry about it in the forums hoping for change but majority of the time they can't even have a professional /Civil debate/talk with people who disagree with them. Very sad indeed 😂🤙🏻🤷🏻🤷🏻🤷🏻🤷🏻🤷🏻
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It really makes you wonder why they even play the game 🤷🏻
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Just pointing out the OP doesn't care about the data, just about his own experience, which you also also proved my point xD
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I sincerely hope bhvr doesn't listen to anything you post about.
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That's cause there is not many people on the ptb...
If 500K people play the actual game.
Only 2-5 % plays the ptb. How can they get actual statistics from it?
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Thats because its not seen a rampant increase. If all the killers started acting like this I would most likely say something. Look at the comments of TragicSolitude and me if you want to see proof of that. Try not to exaggerate argument by assuming my position on it.
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yup dont ruin the match for the other 4 playing. Thats called good sportsmanship
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Here's one example of someone who would throw a fit when playing surv in the new patch
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He gets it. 😄
Or... Here me out, stop whining and play the game properly. And if you have a problem with that, don't queue up for a match
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I can tell by the way you talk that you are just here to try to deflate any conversation here. You read the post with the sole intention of jabbing at me instead of bringing any meaningful conversation. Dont just dont
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Yikes and here you had me thinking the forums were any better than reddit, you guys can't just drop the us vs them tantrums for a minute can you?.
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Literally no one can, lol
I'd even say reddit is better because I think us vs them is actually banned there?
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It's called reading between the lines, and it looks like I hit the nail on the head.
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Thats interesting. Provide 1% of proof. You have none. Pure conjecture even in the face of evidence pointing to the opposite. You have no interest of furthering the conversation In the original post but dont like what is said. So you'll try to discredit it in anyway you can. Even if you cant back it up.
Probably didn't read it or the other comments I pointed you to. Disingenuous bad actor. Theres a lot of you on here. Go troll somewhere else
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Proof of you not actually caring about the data? You didn't mention killers letting people escape or giving hatch, otherwise you would have mentioned it to help keep the data accurate.
The fact that you got so defensive instead of saying "No you are right killers should 4k if they can", proves to me what you actually care about. Not getting killers nerfed so your games are easier.
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So you didnt read my conversation with Tragicsolitude and me. You are just planting on what you want to fit your narrative.
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This game will experience the same fate as DEATHGARDEN. bookmark this post.
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I've had more merciful killers since the update than I did before it. Some killers seem to feel bad when steamrolling. Just my experience of course. But that would undoubtedly skew results also. I've had more hatch escapes in the last few days than I can recall in a long time.
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I have read the whole thread, I haven't seen you mention what I brought up once. You have just attacked my intentions despite not knowing them.
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I can see some making arguments for the opposite being true. I think that giving the last one hatch hurts nothing. Letting them all go does. I almost never see the odd killer that could have stomped my team and decides to let us all go.
My survivor experience has been mixed lately either its a fight for any number to escape. (as it should be) Or someone rage quits resulting in a 4k usually. Which that rage quit cost 4 deaths. The killers showing mercy granting hatch is 1 escape 3 deaths, and I almost never see that last one with the memeing killer.
I think rage quits are a much worse issue.
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DC'ing is not rare before the patch. Its just the game's flaw that if a single Survivor makes mistake too early in game, the match is already over, no turning back. At least Killers have tools, tunnel, camping, Noed, Rancor...anything that can firm a kill or two.
You can easily see "Come back" vids of Killers, but its rare to ever see one of Survivors.
The progressing of objective on both sides should be similar. Something like both side racing from 0 to 10 score, which one side never have their score too far behind the other side. Currently, in early game, making a mistake early is like the other side has 7 score, there is no turning back. Its why the game is so de-moral on both side.
A match should have a better flow, when both sides have equally chance to constantly gain point and win the game. Not a DH cost 3 Gens, or a mistake cost a down and get camped to death.
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Matches with dcs are not taken into consideration according to the devs. This is more about the people who give up and dont try. Which I see a lot of after the patch dropped.
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My post isnt even about the dcs, but I feel that pain too
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"You have no interest of furthering the conversation In the original post but don't like what is said"
End of quote, repeat line
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Ok I will humor you one last time. Since you wont read what I said to Tragicsolitude Let me summarize it for you. They said that they've seen survivors refuse to do the last gen and leave. So I told them essentially you should be killing them as afking is as bad for data as rage quitting. Which they responded with thats not what they ment. This addresses what you said to the T. You refused to read it so I brought it to you here.
You are not trying conversation. You are trying to win an argument. While refusing to look at the evidence to the contrary of your petty jabs. Thats why I wasnt going to humor you anymore. Because you are wrong about my intentions and dont want me to be anything but what you've pegged me to be. So if thats true you're a troll.
If you want to talk about this subject not throw petty jabs review that comment then see if you're narrative still fits. If it doesnt and you want to have a conversation about that I'll humor it. I will not humor a one sided argument.
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Yeah, and I am talking about killers who purposefully just get 8 hooks and then let survivors go, or killers who only kill 3 survivors and always give hatch. I am not trying to argue with you, I am pointing out that you clearly don't care about the data, you just want survivors to stop giving up, because it ruins your ez fun games.
I have literally never seen what you two were talking about. I have seen survivors hide when there is only 2 or 3 left because they want to be the one to get the hatch. I have never seen a killer afk in that situation though, because that would just be plain silly. You will eventually find one of the hiding survivors.
I am not arguing with you because I know why you made this post and what you hope to gain from it. I was simply pointing out your goal for the rest of the forum to see.