thana plague counterplay + quests not popping

hi all, two matters here. thought i would put it as two instead of making two seperate discussions.

firstly, with these new buffs ive seen a nice mix of killers- myers, trapper, clown, etc. have all been seen by me tonight to which i am glad. there is one, however, i am newly stumped on: a plague using thanataphobia. i was told, and have been playing as such, that you never cleanse against a plague unless you are on death hook in order to prevent the plague from getting her red puke (the damaging one). however, with thanataphobia mixed into this, i dont know what the counterplay is. is it stealth? do we now have to cleanse constantly in order to prevent as much thana slowdown as possible? killers and survivors, please enlighten me.

my second matter is that of quests. im trying to go over all the tomes i havent done yet and get them to iridescent level, the quest in question is from tome 1, and is to use botany knowledge and a medkit to heal other survivors 2 health states in one match. ive done this multiple times but nothing. ive been healing from 0-100% every time. is it because im using other perks? or my addons to the medkit to make it possible now due to the changes to botany knowledge? someone i am with tonight had trouble with an unhooking quest in the current tome as well, so is it a bug with doing quests maybe?

any and all help appreciated


  • Remedicist
    Remedicist Member Posts: 1,096

    Part of dealing with Plague is knowing when to cleanse and where to cleanse. Cleansing in locations where objectives are already finished would normally be a hindrance for Plague because she'd have to walk over to an area with no survivors to activate her power. Additionally, don't cleanse if you're going to immediately touch a gen or survivor that is infected.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    Over cleansing vs Plague can be a valid strategy. It automatically gives her her red puke power but will reset all fountains meaning she won't have any to drink from after her current corrupt purge ends.

    The issue is coordinating that in solo q

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Fun fact: if you pallet stun plague while she's got red puke, makes her lose it

    Strategically cleanse to force her to go to gens already completed, or on the other side of the map than the gen you want done, I've also seen people overcleansing to force her to use it or lose it with red puke

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,109
    edited July 2022

    I always hear people talk about Plague as if she's tournament viable or something. We can't even begin to talk about any slowdown synergy she has or "OP" combos until we address her problems for the killer player.

    Unless you have a perfect connection with her, your puke isn't going to land on survivors around any kind of loop or obstacle about 70% of the time. If you deny her the fountains, she's an M1 killer the rest of the game, meaning she has to respect pallet and windows and attempt to mind game them. She has nothing else until she gets a red fountain. That buys the team more than enough time to push gens through even 3-4 stacks of Thana, because that's not even as much as Pentimento and I've seen teams push gens through that.

    This is not even factoring in exhaustion perks, flashlights, or Off The Record shenanigans.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,212
    edited July 2022

    "You never cleanse against Plague" has always been a fallacy. You cleanse when it's in your favour to cleanse, and four stacks of Thanatophobia make it in your favour.

    Giving her a ranged attack that can injure isn't always a marked benefit to her over having everyone permanently injured and coughing. You're choosing between a Huntress with short-range rapid fire hatchets, or a Permanent Tier 3 Myers who can find you much more easily. Which one do you think you can deal with better? You can't hide from the Myers.

    I've had good results playing Plague as purely an M1 killer, if you tailor your build around it with TR reductions or Obliviousness, or movement speeds increases, then you can absolutely wreck the "never cleanse" survivors.