Anything other than slow down builds are still ill-advised

I love chase builds. It makes you feel like an unstoppable force, but it was nearly impossible to run prior to the update since all generators could be completed within minutes. Since the update went live it has gotten a bit better, but slowdown and regression perks are still necessary for Killers to be somewhat efficient.
I was playing Freddy the other night, and despite shredding through pallets with BS and STBFL coming in clutch , I still couldn't secure more than one kill. I don't like kicking gens, and I feel as though the regression from the kick just isn't rewarding enough (maybe 5% instead of 2.5%?). I don't like having to equip multiple slow down and regression perks like I had to before, but so long as perks like prove thyself and items like tool boxes are used to speed up the process, then those 10 extra seconds don't really add up to much.
This might have been a killer sided patch, but at the end of the day Killers will still need to sweat for the win without using the best regression/slowdown perks to be effective. Granted this is just one person's opinion, but this has been my experience thus far.
Depends on the killer, and you're starting in a hole using Freddy.
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My full aura clown build begs to differ. You can’t lose when you can’t even play him
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I've had a few games where I got wrecked running chase perks, but I've had much greater success with them than I did in the past. Previously, doing something like Brutal Strength/Fire Up/Enduring/Spirit Fury would have been a pure meme build, but now I can pull it out and do fine unless it ends up being a huge map.
That said, CoB stacks so well with Overcharge or Eruption that it's been equally tempting to stack them, and I've done that in a few games too (and generally destroyed.) But I haven't played much killer since the update thanks to the queue times.
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Maps are huge.
4 Survivors. Sometimes coordinated through voice comms.
7 gens, only 5 need to be completed.
M1 Killers are literally a joke. All handicapped. More pallets than an IKEA.
Survivors with second chance perks, boons, spreading hooks offerings, sabotage, heals and offensive weapons (flashbang, ds, head on, etc.)
It´s impossible to put actual pressure on gens only to kill Survivors. Sooner or later you will have to commit to chases, and it´s 12 hooks ahead at 2x hit each hook.
Camping, tunneling and exploiting altruism are the only viable options. It does not pay off to chase that long with gens popping fast and 10s is literally no change to incentive Killers to patrol gens and leave hooks.
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I got a 4k with my chase build Freddy (STBFL, Bamboozle, Brutal, Fire Up) earlier today. It is definitely rough in larger maps though as the loops and pallets may be more spread out, meaning not much need for a chase build, but so are the gens and survivors.
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You don't have to sweat as killer. Not even before this broken patch. Telling you this as trapper player. Just learn to play the character.
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That's been my experience as well. I've been more effective with chase builds than I have before, which is nice, but I heard that the mid chapter update made m1 killers more viable now, so I wanted to test that with Freddy. After playing a handful of matches now, I still feel the need to rely on regression perks.
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I was running Ruin as my slowdown perk on Deathslinger yesterday, and ended up in a kicking match against 2 survivors who were repairing gens right next to each other. I'd walk from one Gen, back to the other chasing them off and kicking. Was pretty funny, knowing that I was probably actually regressing the Gen faster than they were repairing it.
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"Camping, tunneling and exploiting altruism are the only viable options... and 10s is literally no change to incentive Killers to patrol gens and leave hooks."
Yikes. Y'all are hearing it here. Camping and tunneling is the only way killers can win or enjoy a match, despite what the majority of people who play killer would say. You're seriously out here acting like the match is a loss if you don't 4k at 5 gens. Calm down. You sorely overestimate the abilities of survivors as a whole, and degrade the abilities of people who play killer when you think like that.