How is your solo q experience?
The one of mine is great. I have never seen such a phenomenon as 4 Prove Thyselves in a single game. Coupled with rampant hook suicides and disconnections, it makes for maximum efficiency!
I swear to god, playing Baby Blink Nurse with Dull Bracelet and White Nit Comb is not nearly as depressing.
sounds like the average match nowadays
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I haven’t played a lot of matches yet, but it’s been a mixed bag. Matches against any decent Nurse player were miserable and I just gave up. Against other killers, it was fine. Killers who struggled to get hooks would end up camping at the end of the match, which I understand - what else are they supposed to do? Matchmaking is still as garbage as it’s ever been. Getting matched against very good killer one match and then baby killer the next match.
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My games are either a slog where I eventually escape or die. Or over in about 2 minutes.
Seems like most survivors are just looking for a reason to give up every game.
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Mine have been okay. No DCers or people letting go on hook in my games thankfully
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80% misery. 10% toxicity. 10% nice.
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I've had a good amount of fun. Matches have been harder, but it's pushed me to be more altruistic and learn chases better to help others. I used to basically avoid the killer and sit on gens the entire game, but now that this doesn't feel as viable, I've had to involve myself more in the match to succeed. And honestly? It's been more fun this way. I feel like a hero hiding under the killer's nose to pick a teammate up or bodyblocking to save them.
There are certainly things about the update that can be improved, and I have been camped and tunneled from time to time. I don't blame the update (for the most part) for this increase, though; camping and tunneling will be a problem so long as they are the most effective strategy for winning, which has been the case for all of DBD's history. Change this fundamental part of the game, and I think it would help solve this problem.
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eh mine haven't really changed much. still the same really. either we get destroyed by the killer or we destroy the killer. no in between lol
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If I exclude games with DCs or being completely mismatched mmr with players who never touch a gen (not that we can call these games)
Good, but imo solo Q has only ever sucked because of teammates way off your mmr or DCs.
Likes its 2020 and people still cant hold a button on a gen and then moan they die...
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Extremely mixed depending on the time of day. Daytime, especially on the weekends, is good even since the patch. Had a solo escape streak of 5 over the weekend at one point. Teammate usually have at least 1k hrs when I can check. I have ~4k.
Weeknights at peak hours is awful. Teammates seem like complete babies and often don't even have tier 3 perks. Not anywhere near my experience level. Sometimes as low as 100 hrs.